Tragic incidents and out thoughts – by H.A.Khan
Last 2 to 3 days went very sad and with all sorrows. The post budget reaction of some workers of the different departments and the increment of 10% in salaries didn’t gave much hope as the government had already increased the percentage of tax on the salaries so they will just get the 2 to 3 percentage increment. On the other hand the increase of GST on all basic things have brought more unrest to the masses whom are already facing the worst crisis of load shedding and the blessings of terrorism.
I am always thinking that we are moving to the worst humanitarian crisis as daily we are hearing the news of atrocities and terrorism and still we have paused our thinking by all means. What reason I have felt these days that until and unless our dear ones don’t face any kind of brutality we are just living and enjoying the luxuries of our lives. I wonder that now in our society the Muslims are preparing for the forthcoming month of the Ramadan and its attractions. They are much least bothered that what’s happening around and they are just busy in making plans to make much addition in their Swabs and good deeds.
Three days back a young boy went to buy an ice but didn’t have the amount to buy it and just took a very small piece of the ice in his mouth and the shopkeeper stabbed the cutter in his throat, later that boy died in the hospital, I didn’t hear any kind of voice for this innocent boy as the society is busy in the Ramadan preparations. Yesterday the 16 female medical students of the Bolan medical college were killed along with the DC of the city and later on the terrorists targeted by saying that we will kill Shias only here, I didn’t see any voice of criticism from any religious scholar society didn’t react to this as they are planning for the feasts of their Sheri and Aftari.
3 young kids suicide due to their poor economic conditions but our pious people are planning for their prayers and deciding that they will at least become a good practioner of religion to prove their families a true Muslim. A women and her kids died due to worst crisis of load shedding but my fellow friends are planning for their new brand eid clothes.
I indeed feel ashamed and beg to say sorrow to all the affected people that just in dreaming for a heaven we are making this society a symbol of hell. I know one thing that it will remain not for ever and with a true struggle of the masses the things will change and they will fight for a heaven in this world rather than to wait for the other one.
We are indeed worried about the greatest Ramadan rewards and highest place in the heavens but we have no time for our present and future generations. What a pity!!