The bi-partisan wooing of killers – by A Z

PTI spokeswoman Dr Shireen Mazari said TTP’s decision would ‘fulfill America’s designs’. PHOTO: SANA/FILE
While the Taliban have withdrawn have the offer of peace talks in protest against the killing of one of them. We are still falling over one another to woo them despite some 50,000 of us being killed by the Taliban. This is an intriguing dimension of sovereignty.
There is always an almost reverential cross-party welcome for every bid to persuade Taliban to stop killing and start negotiating.
Yet again, the talk is of last chances.
But how many more last chances should you give the unyielding men of terror? How many more concessions should they be allowed to extract at the point of a gun from a democratic Pakistan?
The new Prime Minister must begin by demanding a total renunciation of violence and at least a start to the handover of weapons by the Taliban. As we know, that treacherous peace, so sincerely sought by the previous governments, did not last. Not a week ever.
The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s decision to withdraw its offer for peace talks with the incoming government will not alter PML-N and PTI’s position, the two leading parties that have advocated peace negotiations with the militants.
This is the view of Raja Zafarul Haq, chairman of PML-N. Haq said, “Ups and downs are part of such an exercise. We will continue our efforts for a politically negotiated settlement to the conflict.” He admitted though that talks were only possible if both sides were willing.
However, PTI spokeswoman Dr Shireen Mazari said TTP’s decision would ‘fulfill America’s designs’.