We condemn attack on Sunni Barelvi mosque in Peshawar by Takfiri Deobandi militants of ASWJ
posted by SK | March 9, 2013 | In Original ArticlesWe condemn attack on Sunni Barelvi mosque in Peshawar by Takfiri Deobandi militants of ASWJ-LeJ and Taliban.
A bomb exploded in a Sunni Barelvi mosque in Peshawar, killing at least 6 people and wounding more than 25 others.
Pakistani media has shamelessly hidden the fact that Sunni Barelvi Muslims were killed in Peshawar mosque by Deobandi militants of ASWJ.
The Peshawar bombing occurred in Meena Bazaar, a shopping area, as worshippers were finishing afternoon prayers. Among the dead was the chief cleric of the mosque, which belongs to the Barelvi sect of Islam, practiced by most Pakistani Sunni Muslims.
Senior police officer Imtiaz Khan says the bomb was planted in a bookshelf inside the mosque. Khan says the remote-controlled bomb was detonated when noon prayers started in the mosque. Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province, has been the site of several terrorist attacks by Deobandi militants (ASWJ, Taliban) in recent months. In recent months, a number of Shia Muslims, anti-Taliban secular politicians and moderate Sunni Muslims have been target killed in Peshawar and other parts of Pakistan.
پشاور: طالبان/سپاہ صحابہ/لشکر جھنگوی کے دہشت گردوں کا اہل سُنت کی مسجد پر حملہ
Source: Karbala-e-Quetta
Part of ‘Purification Campaign’ by state backed Wahabi-Salafi-Deodandi Munkareen-Zindqa.
Killing believers in mosques, Imamabargahs, temples, churches is a characteristic act of a hypocrite (Munafiq). Isn’t it historically true?. (Recall Shahadat of Imam Ali (AS)). Quran has a whole Chapter describing characteristics of hypocrites (Munafiqeen) —– the Surah AlMunafiqoon.
The incident started yesterday when a young Muslim man accused a Christian man of committing blasphemy by making offensive comments about the prophet, according to Multan Khan, a senior police officer in Lahore.
A large crowd from a nearby mosque went to the Christian man’s home last night, and Khan said police took him into custody to try to pacify the crowd. Fearing for their safety, hundreds of Christian families fled the area overnight.
Khan said the mob returned today and began ransacking Christian homes and setting them ablaze. He said no one in the Christian community was hurt, but several policemen were injured when they were hit with stones as they tried to keep the crowd from storming the area.
But Akram Gill, a local bishop in the Lahore Christian community said the incident had more to do with personal enmity between two men — one Christian and one Muslim — than blasphemy. He said the men got into a brawl after drinking late one night, and in the morning the Muslim man made up the blasphemy story as payback.
He said the Christian community handed over to police the accused man, identified by police and Gill as Sawan Masih, when police came to the neighborhood to investigate. Then the Christians all locked up their houses and went to relatives in other areas. He said the mob this morning was armed with hammers and steel rods and broke into houses, ransacked two churches and burned Bibles and crosses.
“Poor people were living here. They have lost all of their belongings,” he said. “Where can they go now?”
The scene was chaotic. An Associated Press photographer said roughly 50 homes and a small church were set on fire. One man was seen carrying a dog and some puppies from a burning house. Refrigerators, washing and sewing machines, cooking pots, beds and other household goods were ripped from homes, smashed and torched in the streets.
One Christian couple from the neighborhood said they went to their Muslim neighbors’ house on Friday night after people came looking for the Christian man accused of blasphemy. Ishaq Masih said the Muslim neighbors sheltered the couple for the night and then gave them money to leave the area in the morning.
Such accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan can prompt huge crowds to take the law into their own hands. Once an accusation is made it’s extremely difficult to get it reversed, partly because law enforcement officials do not want to be seen as being soft on blasphemers.
Speaking out against the blasphemy laws can put people in danger. Two prominent politicians were assassinated in 2011 for urging reform of the law. The killer of one of the politicians was hailed as a hero, and lawyers at his legal appearances showered him with rose petals.
According to Human Rights Watch, there are at least 16 people on death row for blasphemy and another 20 are serving life sentences.
Last year there was a rare reversal of a blasphemy case. A teenage Christian girl with suspected mental disabilities was accused of burning pages of the Quran. But she was later released after a huge domestic and international outcry about her treatment. A local cleric where she lived was arrested and accused of planting the pages in her bag to incriminate her, a rare example of the accuser facing legal consequences. However, he was later freed on bail.
While Muslims are frequently accused of blasphemy, members of Pakistan’s small Christian community are especially vulnerable to the accusations, said the head of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Zora Yusuf. Only in Christian cases will violent mobs punish the entire community for the perceived crime of one Christian.
She said often these blasphemy cases are personal grudges or disputes masquerading as religious fervor.
“Most of the time there are other motives involved,” she said, such as scaring off Christian residents to grab their property.
Also on Saturday, four people were killed and 25 were wounded when a bomb exploded inside a mosque of the Sunni Barelvi sect in the northwestern city of Peshawar. The bomb was planted in a bookshelf inside the mosque and was detonated by remote control when noon prayers started, said senior police officer Imtiaz Khan.