Why all non-Takfiri Pakistanis should boycott elections

Not a word of condemnation from PML-N. Shahbaz Sharif did condemn, but it was not the cold-blooded murder spree of 103 Shias of Quetta, but the bomb blast in Swat which killed 12 men. Not a word from Imran Khan or any of his PTI spokesmen and spokeswomen. The PPP did equally good: President Zardari asked the police to send him a report of details of the twin Quetta bombings. What is common between these three parties: They want elections to be held on time so that the status quo can continue to exist. Imran Khan wants a piece of pie too by becoming part of the ruling elite which at present consists of the PPP and PML-N.

There are two other institutions which want elections to be held on time: the Army and the Supreme Court. It is widely believed that the proposed national elections will not bring new ideas or new legislators. The PPP and PML-N will continue to rule as they are ruling at present while Imran Khan’s PTI will bag a few seats and will make a formal entry into the ruling elite of Pakistan. The greatest beneficiary of the status quo is the Army because the present political leaders will continue to sanction it billions of rupees with every holding it accountably. Similarly, these leaders will continue to play second fiddle to the generals and their phenomenal corruption will never be uncovered. But if new leaders are elected by the people, they might turn out to be pro-people. They might cut back on the Army budget and put money into education and health. Such leaders will not tolerate a judiciary which has no respect for law and justice. Thus, these two corrupt institutions and PPP/PML-N/PTI politicians want elections to be held on time.

All the above names institutions and parties have overseen the destruction of the Shias, Christians,  Ahmadis, and Hindus as communities. They have overseen the slow but sure destruction of the Brelvi institutions of the tombs of saints too. Thus, all these communities should boycott the forthcoming elections. This will be their only opportunity to show solidarity and proclaim that they do not believe in a system which threatens their very existence.




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