Tahira Abdullah Arrested: A Talibanic Analysis

Tahira Abdullah: Marching for the restoration of CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry along with Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Imran Khan, Aitzaz Ahsan and Nawaz Sharif
Tahira Abdullah: The Pakistani right-wing enjoys a free ride upon the shoulders of the left-wing?
HR activist Tahira Abdullah arrested and released
March 11, 2009
ISLAMABAD: Human rights activist Tahira Abdullah was arrested on Wednesday. Talking to Geo News, Tahira said she had been arrested from her house under 16 MPO for 90 days. However, she was released within hours.
The Taliban supporters are justifiably crying ‘human rights’ over the arrest of Tahira Abdullah. According to a Taliban apologist news paper, The News (Editorial, 12 March 2009):
“In Islamabad and Rawalpindi, the action seems to have been even more vicious, with police goons arresting a prominent human rights activist after bursting violently into her home. Though Tahira Abdullah was released after a few hours – the message is clear: The Zardari administration has laid aside all pretence of following democratic practice or even the mere norms of civilized conduct and has reacted in a manner that would make many bloodthirsty dictators proud.”
The same narrative was repeated by Ansar Abbasi, Hamid Mir and Mosharraf Zaidi. It is so heartening to see that visible and implicit supporters of the Taliban are at least resorting to democracy and human rights to justify their sacrifices in the noble ’cause’ of the restoration of CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry.
To my pro-Taliban brothers and sisters of the right wing, to all those who are shedding crocodile’s tears on Tahira Abdullah’s arrest and her ‘mazloomiat’, you may like to see the true “anti-Islam” and “anti-Pakistan” face of Tahira Abdullah (borrowing the right-wing terminology).
The following are only a few of her long list of crimes:
First crime:
Tahira Abdullah (TA) is a CIA agent because she is against Taliban’s sharia. Watch the following episode of Capital Talk 16 February 2009 (hosted by Maulana Hamid Mir):
Watch carefully between minute 7:00 and 11:00; also at 22:00.
She equates the Swat Peace Agreement of 2009 with the surrender of Dacca in 1971. What a traitor, anti-Islam, anti-Pakistan this woman is.
Second crime:
Tahira says that Taliban “are brutal. They’re killing, beheading people, hanging up dead bodies”.
Third crime:
TA says that the Pakistan Government is complacent in the Taliban’s brutalities.
The targeting of girls’ schools shows an anti-women bias by the militants, who advocate an extreme following of a version of Islamic law, according to Islamabad-based human rights activist Tahira Abdullah. She adds it’s almost as if the Taliban does not want women to exist.” And if they do exist, they need to be within the four walls of their house compound; they need to be veiled,” she said. Abdullah is blunt in her assessment of the situation.” Right now, Swat Valley is under the control of the Taliban,” she said. “They are knocking on the doors of Peshawar, and I have no doubt they will be knocking on the doors of Islamabad if the government continues the complacency they are showing right now.”
Fourth crime:
Tahira Abdullah is against religious schools (madrassas).
In her own words:
“We demanded that the general check and control the madrassas. In these religious schools little boys are indoctrinated with hate propaganda and a jihadi mentality to wage war in Afghanistan and Indian-occupied (sic) Kashmir.
“Since Musharraf had to pass the 17th amendment, he struck a deal with these mullahs. So a question arises in the minds of people like me: Which one is the real Pervez Musharraf? Can the real Musharraf please stand up? He is speaking from both sides of his mouth. He talks about moderation and takes on Islamic terrorism and extremism in front of the world media. After 9/11 he has been talking about joining the coalition against terrorism which has taken up a fight against Osama (bin Laden). At the same time he is cutting a deal with anti-American mullahs and religious parties who are fanning jihadis.
“The saddest part is that from now on the mullah-military nexus, which is anything but liberal, will be funded by the Americans. The Americans are back in full swing in Pakistan. To America, democracy in Pakistan is not a priority. They are serving their self-interest at the expense of Pakistani women’s rights and the rights of the minorities and secular people. But I am sure this game will have to end.
Fifth crime:
TA is a bay-purdah (veil-less) woman who freely intermixes with the na-mehram men. Furthermore, she works for an NGO which is ‘haram’ (forbidden) in the Taliban’s sharia.
Sixth crime:
Tahira Abdullah loves the following un-Islamic song. Barbie Girl. La hol wal….
Possible Punishment in Talibani Sharia?
Since, it is now evident that Tahira Abdullah is a traitor of Islam and Pakistan, any suggestions for a befitting Islamic punishment?
Right-wingers, speak up, NOW!!!!
Some past examples from the Taliban Sharia Court:
Also read:
Pakistan’s left towards rights. Partners in crime?
Grand Trunk Road: Sherry Rehman, and liberal principles
Comments from LUBP old website:
Anonymous said…
Is this article sarcastic? or Mr. Abdullah Nishapuri really feels that way?
13 MARCH 2009 02:28
Abdul said…
Anon: I think this article is serious. This Nishapuri guy is a douchebag who ruined my shrimp cocktail the other day.
13 MARCH 2009 07:19
Raazi said…
Abdul, The following editorial in Daily Times fits nicely with your post.
Al Qaeda and the Long March
Two news stories from the north and south of the country on Wednesday would be greatly upsetting to anyone who doesn’t want a “third force” to benefit from the internecine politics of Pakistan. The NWFP’s senior minister Mr Bashir Bilour was nearly killed by suicide-bombers near Peshawar in a second attempt on his life by the terrorists. From Karachi, the administration has let it be known that the intelligence agencies are clearly anticipating Al Qaeda attacks during the Long March.
If the expectation was that the ANP’s efforts at making peace with the Taliban in Swat would decrease attempts on the lives of its leaders — party chief Asfandyar Wali included — it was a mistake. However, the ANP could not be criticised too much for reaching out to the terrorists of Swat through the sharia of Sufi Muhammad after realising that the army was either ineffective or was uninterested in dealing with terrorism in the province seriously. Earlier, peace deals had been made in the tribal areas without much strategic planning, allowing the warlords there to consolidate their positions.
Mr Bilour’s party is in power through the popular vote. The people of the NWFP decided against Al Qaeda and the clerics when they voted in 2008. But the dice is loaded against it in the rest of the country. There is news that the old strategy of giving safe havens to the Afghan Taliban in Quetta is still in place and it is being noticed by the foreign powers engaged in fighting terrorism at the global level. The ANP tried to defuse the situation in Karachi too by protecting the Pashtuns living there against charges of being a part of Karachi’s “Talibanisation”.
To no avail, it now appears. The police authorities have warned that a new tide of internal migration is changing the nature of the Pashtun communities in Karachi. A number of encounters in the city have disclosed the presence of terrorists there. And now the intelligence agencies warn that Al Qaeda may strike through the Pashtuns during the Long March. Needless to say, it would be tragic if the PMLN and the lawyers should expect to be “helped” by Al Qaeda in forcing the PPP government to back off and make concessions.
13 MARCH 2009 08:06
Anonymous said…
I’ve high respect for “Daily Times” and its editor Najam Sethi, however, this editorial is written in bad shape.
There is no doubt that security situation in Pakistan is bad and worrisome, but it is WRONG to imply (or justify) the invoking of Article 144 due to the referred incidents, as opposed to fundamental civilian rights of assembly and protest, and government’s responsibility to curb these incidents. (It is also a blasphemy to entitle the editorial piece as “Al Qaeda and the Long March”.)
I sincerely hope this editorial of “Daily Times” reflects (independent) views of its editors, and not of its promoter/owner, Governor Taseer, (and there is no conflict of interest between the two.)
13 MARCH 2009 08:31
Raazi said…
Anonymous, here is a link between Al Qaeda and the Long March, taken from recent chat at a pro-Nawaz blog. Sorry for the foul language which is indeed fanaticmulla’s not mine:
fanaticmulla said: 13 March 2009 7:48am
You know that which language this Dalla Asfandyar understand, the language which Mulla Fazal speaks i.e Language of guns..Asfandyar is the biggest Dalla In NWFP ..NWFP police can only arrest unarmed peaceful political workers and when it comes to real militants then this DALLA asfandyar hide in his Kameen Gah and police`s pants are wet..
Asfandyar you are DALLA and Baigharat
Till now about 400 people have been arrested in NWFP..mainly from PTI and PML (N) ….
Chief Ki Bahali Tak
Dharna Ho Ga, Dharna Ho Ga
Dallon Ki Barbadi Tak
Dharna Ho Ga, Dharna Ho ga
Asfandyar Dalla is establishing so called qazi courts for justice in Swat, because Mulla fazal FM has guns and when it comes to peaceful workers , he is showing that Dalla PAn
13 MARCH 2009 08:44
Anonymous said…
Very interesting post, Raazi!
‘Long March’ is being supported by people of different walks of life and ideologies, of different colors and shades, and arguably for different reasons and motivation as well.
However, the CORE reason for Long March is restoration of CJ Iftikhar Chaudhury (and all other judges as of 2 November 2007), and hope that this step will steer Pakistani judiciary towards their full independence, with judgments without favor or fear.
Should we have an independent judiciary in Pakistan, one whose decisions and opinions are credible, trusted, respected and abide by citizenry, mentioned people like Mr Asfandyar Wali or Fazulur Rehman will not be able to call their shots, and will not be above or below the rule of law. This is the vision, however idealistic it may be, behind the Long March.
“Al Qaeda and the Long March” “link”: In its editorial, “Daily Times” had argued that lawyers movement (and political entities supporting their cause like PMLN) will be “helped” by Al Qaeda to force “PPP government to back off and make concessions”. This statement is dangerous and wrong: Long March wish to make the case for CJ’s restoration/independence of judiciary with peaceful means, and any violence (by whosoever) could damage its message, not help in any way.
And to suggest any “link” between between Al Qaeda and the Long March — by means of violence helping Long March to change PPP government’s position — is akin to “link” Al Qaeda with PPP on 27 December 2007, and the latter’s subsequent victory on 18 February 2008 polls.
13 MARCH 2009 10:40
Shaheryar Ali said…
i was really saddened at the arrest of Tahira Abdullah. First because right wing was successful in dividing us and bringing our own against us and secondly that Left has learned nothing from PNA and their fatal mistake of 77
13 MARCH 2009 18:00
Abdul said…
Sherry, It seems that TA has over-reacted to the whole incident, providing ‘useful ammunition’ to Taliban sympathizers. Gullible partners of the right-wing?
13 MARCH 2009 18:28
Shaheryar Ali said…
every thing is alright, what is worrying me is, party falling apart. If Sherry Rehman is gone after Reza Rabbani, its too big a blow for party to handle. Already marginalized left wing of party is vanishing and its very sad. Party without left wing base will not be able to defend itself against establishment
14 MARCH 2009 11:21
Anonymous said…
@Shaheryar Ali
You’re right. The whole nation shares your concern, and I feel even those who do not vote for PPP.
Earlier the Party realizes the better, that it cannot survive if it continues to buy arguments of Mr Zardari, and his few trusted lieutenants.
Any impartial and dispassionate observer will mention that policies pursued by Mr Zardari are hardly any different from those of General Musharraf. The issue of restoration of CJ Iftikhar Chaudhury and ALL other judges pre-3 November 2007, together with other issues here and there, clearly demonstrates that Mr Zardari has made PPP, “the new establishment”, as opposed to PML-N, PTI, and JI being most anti-establishment as of the day.
In a way, it is a “make or break” moment for the Party. For its sake of survival, it has to restore ALL judges to pre- 3 November 2007 position. And, it has to support Long March too.
14 MARCH 2009 13:17
Abdul said…
@Sherry, I guess I understand and share your concern. The situation in the country as well as within the Party is far from perfect. Indeed, they have made some tactical mistakes; but I am more concerned about the bigger picture. The Party cannot indefinitely and unnecessarily fight the establishment for whatever it is worth and whatever it means. In the end, they need to be in government to serve their voters. Beggars are not choosers, any way.
14 MARCH 2009 14:16
Abdul said…
@Anonymous, would you mind reading the instructions before posting your comments please. Thank you.
14 MARCH 2009 14:17
Shaheryar Ali said…
I need to clarify certain points because i dont want to be party in creating the confusion which i accuse corporate media of doing
1) My criticism of PPP now and previously have been principled based on the central Left ideology of the party as stated in the “foundation documents” of PPP written by none other than Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and JA Rahim. Party is in crisis bcz its not following its ideology. I have nothing to do with the criticism on Party from Right and Urban middles classes n corporate media. i consider it reactionary and reject it.
2. There is no comparison between President Asif Ali Zardari and General Musharaff. Zardari sb is a genuinely elected constitutional president of Pakistan. The powers he hold, which are source of criticism are with him thanks to thugs of Jamate Islami and Fazul-ur-Rehman who passed 17th amendment and the Sharifs who ran away from the country leaving all politics in hands of his own cabinet men the PML-Q. Thanks also too the shamefully political and corrupt judge Iftikhar Chaudhry who declared 17th amendment legal and constitutional. I dont see it fair that Zardari sb is being blamed to be “center of power” when those who made this happen are being made heroes.
2) Democracy means that PML-N should put a resolution in the parliament to restore judges, if parliament does so , every one should agree, if they loose, Iftikhar and co should play golf.
In presence of an elected parliament no justification remains of any contract/deal etc. Constitution of Pakistan and Parliament are supreme.
14 MARCH 2009 23:22
Abdul said…
@Sherry, thanks for this. Your note inspired me today to write a post about President Zardari. I have noticed that the right wing has very cleverly devised the “PPP good, Zardari bad” song, and unfortunately some left-wingers have joined the chorus. Let’s hope that they will soon see to their mistake before it gets too late.
15 MARCH 2009 11:20
Shaheryar Ali said…
There should be a note to Zardari sb as well , the Mr Co-chairman where are you? speak to the people. Call people to support you. Its people’s party , it should go to masses. when PPl come to street these motoway thugs will run away. But u should do some thing for the ppl,
Roti , Kapra or Makan? Manag raha he hur insan
15 MARCH 2009 14:02
Abdul said…
Sherry, I agree. I think calling people to support him may be counter-productive at this stage (falling exactly in the trap of CT/BT brothers). I guess AZ will address the nation after a few days after this drama is over.
15 MARCH 2009 18:33
Shaheryar Ali said…
A sad day for democracy in Pakistan. Mr Kamran Khan last night in height of his emotions declared
“Pakistanis should know and be proud that their Army and their ISI has brought this day, Justice Iftikhar is to be restored”
Peoples Party should now start preparation for another shaheed,and for other crisis
16 MARCH 2009 07:36
Abdul said…
Sherry, did you have a chance to read the “deal or no deal” post on this blog? what do you reckon?
16 MARCH 2009 10:57
Abdul said…
Also, this editorial in today’s The News:
It is true that there is still some sense of confusion. People ask why activists who stand for liberal values have aligned themselves with forces of the right, including the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). The fact that Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is not an uncontroversial character has been brought up. The lawyers and the PML-N have been accused of working with the establishment to destabilise a PPP government. This chaos of thoughts is an outcome of our particular political situation. We have seen the way in which past democratic governments have been maligned and brought down. Benazir Bhutto was a victim of such doings. Suspicion is rooted deep within our psyche. It is difficult to dispel it.
But the fact that parties no longer follow ideological lines; that the ANP and the PPP have backed Sharia in Swat and aligned themselves with the ultra-right JUI of Maulana Fazlur Rehman are also matters to be considered. Principle must in such circumstances prevail above the question of ideological affiliation or party loyalty. The issue is not that of an individual’s character or standing. Basing decisions on such factors can create only more disarray. Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry had been wrongly removed from office. His restoration is, for this reason alone, the right thing to do. There can be no ambiguity about that. The refusal of the chief justice to compromise has paid off.
17 MARCH 2009 06:11
ia nadeem gehla
Tahira Abdullah of #FCS in JI Rally – Raymond Davis be charged for spying
This rally should be called as “The Lawyer’s Movement: A Reunion” (AI)