The missing persons: All but forgotten by our saviour, the Chief Justice of Pakistan?
The HRCP has done well to demand that the government sign the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance which was adopted in 2006 but that has yet to come into force after the required number of 20 ratifications. Pakistan has not signed this instrument which lays down specific provisions to protect the rights of people. Among others, it provides for the process of the law being observed and the detained person being allowed to communicate with his family. Signing and ratifying the convention will serve two purposes. First, Pakistan would be making a political statement, with regard to the missing people, that would be appreciated internally, especially in Balochistan where the largest number of enforced disappearances has been reported. Second, it will encourage other states to ratify the convention, enabling the magic figure of 20 to be reached to allow the convention to come into force. (Dawn)

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