Morality or political winning: Which one is more significant? – by Nadeem Khan

A member of Parliament is disqualified if:

“.. he is found guilty of a corrupt or illegal practice under any law for the time being in force; ”

“.. he has been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction on a charge of corrupt practice, moral turpitude or misuse of power or authority under any law for the time being in force;”

The stance taken by Nawaz Sharif and his close crony Justice Khawaja Sharif of Lahore High Court is commendable. It seems that both of them are devoted to the salvation of democracy, moral equilibrium in the social system and supremacy of law and justice to convert Pakistan into a ‘morally upright’ welfare state.

Selected junk of the judiciary and politics are overtly saving the elected junk of the country.

Khawaja Sharif’s intentional delay in passing decisions on the year long list of PML-N ministers due to their fraudulent degree cases or any other case that is referred to him against PML-N is being put willfully in the waiting list. The scenario is again and again being highlighted in media, specially and exclusively by Mubashir Luqman very strongly, in his programs ‘Point Blank’ with various conclusive and irrefutable evidences against the disqualified huge lot of PML-N. But we will see all the above junk shortly in the assemblies with all their past glories.

On the other front, Prime Minister’s recent visit to Jamshed Dasti’s area of candidature and his appreciating remarks for Dasti and his political efforts, as well as providing him the opportunity, again, to be elected from the same area.

Thousands of participants listening to yesterday’s famous sermon of prime minister must now follow the trait of their great moral leader, Mr. Dasti, as his act is being praised by all in the hierarchy of the party, in the name of democracy. Prime Minister’s previous actions were already very laudable, as he is famously generous enough to provide job opportunities to all the rejected, thrown outs, indicted and corrupt masses as ‘Special Advisors’ in his regime.    

In all the forms, the morality is ignored and it has become pertinent, now, to pass 19 or 20 amendment in the constitution, to debar the ‘morality clauses’ all together. Such an amendment, surely be supported by all the current political parties and may be passed, unanimously, with more than 2/3rd majority. The reason is understandably simple, as many people ‘rightly’ comment that even if a corrupt candidate is duly elected or selected by people of Pakistan, then he has the right to rule on them and must not be disqualified by any other law, as the ‘people’s mandate’ has more weight and importance rather than the mere morality.  

I love my country and its constitution, as at one place it disqualifies some body from holding a position due to corrupt practices and at the same time provide immunity against law as well. When the immunity is not available for ‘other specifics’, we have our supreme political leaders and supreme judiciary to provide them the relief. The matter is simple, if you are illiterate, it’s OK for the people but at least ‘DON’T LIE’. If lies are OK with all, then let the system roll on like this, as we are in the making of a new resplendent history.



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