Planned hype against President Zardari – by Dr Masooda Bano
The crisis mode created around President Zardari’s speech has an air of planned maneuvering around it. Zardari is not without his weaknesses but the air of tension being created after his speech on the second anniversary of Benazir Bhutto’s death is highly exaggerated.
Planned hype
Dissenting note
Friday, January 08, 2010
Dr Masooda Bano
The crisis mode created around President Zardari’s speech has an air of planned maneuvering around it. Zardari is not without his weaknesses but the air of tension being created after his speech on the second anniversary of Benazir Bhutto’s death is highly exaggerated. Commentators are arguing that he is putting the country at risk by entering into a confrontation with the US and other institutions of the state. They are not holding back from making all kind of personal comments about him too. However, what is becoming more clear in the process are two critical issues. One, it is not just the governments but a large number of the Pakistani commentators who are quite comfortable with the existing alliances and do not want them disturbed. Two, there is a systematic effort at disrupting the democratic process once again. Both issues have serious implications.
There is nothing in Zardari’s speech that is not part of the popular belief. If he hinted towards the role of US in weakening institutions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and argued that Pakistan won’t be allowed to reach that stage while talking about the forces within the state, which are out to destabilise the democratic process, the question is what is so shocking about it. Anyone who engages with the ordinary public on these issues knows that both are popularly argued positions and many within the masses actually want the government to keep a distance from the US. The movement for reinstatement of the judges removed under the Muhsarraf rule was proof of the public demand for a clear delineation of authority and responsibility among the institutions of the state. There are few, apart from those directly benefitting from the military coup, who today would approve of another military intervention in the democratic process.
Yet, when the president has tried to take an open position against undue interventions by the US and military, the so-called Pakistani intelligentsia has started to issue crude commentaries. To require the president of the country to act responsibly and not issue ultimatums that can put the country at an undue risk is one thing, but to start to ridicule the country’s highest office holder for expressing views, which actually are reflective of the mood of many in the public, shows a biased assessment of the situation. The mood being created by these commentaries is to make the president look so irresponsible that another military intervention seems justified since there are little chances of the president being impeached in parliament. PPP’s concerns that there is a planned campaign at the movement against the president and democratic system thus is acquiring greater weight.
The issue is not whether Zardari is clean or corrupt; the issue is whether or not he heads the PPP that won a major public mandate to run the affairs of the state. To make demands on the government and to deliver on basic public needs is a legitimate demand. However, to start a campaign to derail the democratic process by initiating a campaign against Zardari should have no support. This country stands at the brink of disaster because of the repeated military interventions displacing democratic governments. Then, in order to build international legitimacy, they put their obedience at the service of foreign powers. No western government is able to win undue concessions from Indian politicians, yet the military generals ruling Pakistan sell the people to western interests without giving them a trial in the country and allow all kinds of interventions in Pakistan to secure their own rule.
In a country with such an entrenched military and intelligence system, if a civilian president is finally willing to talk against military intervention and the US, the commentators have the responsibility lend support to the civilian institutions rather than creating grounds to justify another military intervention. An independent media that wants to be viewed as part of civil society and has public credibility cannot afford to support a sustained attempt at marginalising a civilian president vis-à-vis the military agencies.
The writer is a research fellow at the Oxford University. Email: mb294@hotmail .com
PPP should have no association with MQM because MQM is a terrorist organization.
MQM is giving us a bad name and people say that PPP and MQM are the same.
I am an active PPP supporter and I feel ashamed when people tell me that our party PPP is hand in glove with the terrorists of MQM.
Muhammad Saleh Zaafir did it again!!![FALSE AND BIASED REPORTING]
Clarification Sunday, January 10, 2010
ISLAMABAD: Reference to Muhammad Saleh Zaafir’s allegation (The News, January 9) that on the occasion of the visit of British foreign secretary to Islamabad Pakistan’s High Commissioner to UK Wajid Shamsul Hasan is not available for consultations to the Foreign Office Islamabad as he is facing criminal cases in Pakistan since NRO repealed. It may be clarified that Wajid Shamsul Hasan’s name was never on the list of NRO beneficiaries. This was even cleared by Afzal Sindhu, then Minister of State for Law and Justice that his name was read erroneously.
Mr Hasan has cleared his position in the Pakistani media including The News and Geo television. Wajid Shamsul Hasan’s name is not there even at the list of NRO beneficiaries available at the website of Geo TV, implicating him time again in the NRO cases amounts to nothing other than a vilification campaign. Apropos presence of envoys at the headquarters during the visits of dignitaries from their host countries, heads of missions usually do not accompany dignitaries of host countries other than the state visits. Pakistan’s president, prime minister and foreign minister have visited Britain frequently in past two years but the British high commissioner in Islamabad did not attend these visits.
VIEW: Obsession with Zardari —Agha Haider Raza\10\story_10-1-2010_pg3_5
Concocting stories and trying to take President Zardari out of office now seem to be more of a personal gain for many journalists. If Zardari has done wrong, then impeach him or refer the matter to the Supreme Court
It has of late become frustrating to read the newspapers in Pakistan. As if the suicide bombings are not bad enough, there is constant Zardari-bashing in the news. I understand the resentment towards him, and to some extent even comprehend why so many individuals constantly write against President Zardari. However, the question that I have is: what good comes out of it? If you can tell me that by having Zardari removed we will see peace in Pakistan, the bombings will cease, inflation will come down, the poor will be looked after and all other social problems will be quelled, I will jump on the anti-Zardari bandwagon too. But until then, zip it!
Let me make it clear, I have no love lost for President Zardari. But the amounts of negative, conspiracy-ridden stories that have been coming out in the media are just ridiculous. Most journalists and anchormen (and women) seem to have taken the well-deserved and hard-earned freedom of media to use it as a platform against Zardari’s presidency. This constitutes another misuse of power, thus equating such journalists with the same corrupt leaders they are trying to bring down. Such journalists need to divert the public’s attention towards factors that would increase peace and stability in Pakistan. Frankly speaking, I do not believe removing the president is the answer to our problems.
The recent ‘independent’ judiciary once seemed to be our messiah, but now it just seems to be a political tool being used by some high-ups to fulfil their agenda. We love talking about how all the alleged corrupt politicians should be removed from office and assumed the rescinding of the NRO would pour billions of rupees back into Pakistan’s treasury. In an ideal world, that would be the best possible solution. But it is time to bounce back to reality. Year 2009 has been a tumultuous period for Pakistan and with the year just ending, we need a lot more than prayers to carry us into a prosperous 2010.
People in Pakistan enjoy claiming that President Zardari relishes dirty politics, but have the opposition parties played a positive role? Yes, Nawaz Sharif does come out after every suicide bombing and expresses his condemnation and condolences (do not forget his eternal cry of trying ex-President General Musharraf for treason!). Is it not dirty of the opposing parties to sit on the sidelines and play a wait and see game while Pakistan endures one of the most turbulent periods in its history? Now is a time to put away our egos and pride as we have lost too many Pakistanis over ideologies and politics.
The bombings need to come to an end. Every time one occurs, messages of grief and sadness erupt from all corners of Pakistan and then nothing seems to be done until the next round of bombings take place and the messages pop up again. Concocting stories and trying to take President Zardari out of office now seem to be more of a personal gain for many journalists. If Zardari has done wrong, then impeach him or refer the matter to the Supreme Court.
Why is it that every move of President Zardari is scrutinised, but our military has not got the same level of scrutiny and media attention? Even though the Pakistani Army is at war with militants in the tribal region and northern areas, not much is reported on that front apart from a small paragraph hidden away in some obscure corner of a newspaper. The opposition seems to have been given a ‘get out of jail’ card on behalf of the media. Why?
The government of Punjab tends to give the impression that it represents more of the federation than Prime Minister Gilani’s cabinet. Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s current tenure has been more about politics than policy. More attention is given to the never ending story of the ‘Sindh card’ than the plight of the millions of Pakistanis trapped in the ongoing military operations.
The current political scenario in Pakistan seems to be more of a Royal Rumble, with the winner being the last man standing. With bombings and deaths occurring at a rate we have never witnessed before, now is surely not the time to be wrestling with each other.
We all have a duty to hold our elected government accountable, but not in the manner in which the current crop of journalists have undertaken. Adding more misery to our plight is not the way to go about this duty. Our media should harness their skills in a manner that brings about a revolution for a greater tomorrow. The media needs to focus on the poor policeman who endures the anger of thousands of motorists every day, the illiterate child who wants to go to school and on the lack of acknowledgement for the Pakistani middle class.
Empowering citizens is usually the primary agenda of an elected government. For whatever reasons, our past and present governments have not been able to uplift the citizens of Pakistan. With two such strong institutions (the judiciary and media) gaining some autonomy and independence, we should not allow individuals to hinder this momentum by focusing on the smaller picture.
Over the past 62 years, we have always focused on short-term gains while setting aside long-term goals. The media needs to tighten its belt and start looking for ways to cleanse the filthy ideology that leads people to become suicide bombers. This agenda should not rest solely on the shoulders of the media, but on the three arms of the state — judiciary, legislature and executive — along with the rest of the population of Pakistan. We all have a crucial role to play in order to save our bleeding country. By marginalising the president of Pakistan, the media is doing no one a favour; it honestly is time to focus on the long-term goals. 2010 here we come!
The writer is a student at DePaul University and can be contacted at [email protected]
Once again Democracy is at stake. Undemocratic forces are once again united to railroad democratic process while those who are in disguise of democracy are mum. There is no other opinion that solution of all the crisis of Pakistan lies in a strong democracy. It seems we are going to repeat the history, PPP was toppled time and again and what were the repercussions? Once again supporters of autocracy and extremists united to stage the same play. It is unfortunate that some democratic forces deliberately or unwillingly supporting non-democratic forces, either for the lust of power of behest of anti-Pakistan elements. It was time to stand unite not to divide. Those who are sincere to this soil must forward and prove. They must support Govt to strengthen democratic institutes because it is the only way for prosperity. If democratic process is interrupted, we would be hundred year back, which is not affordable. It is not time to malign Zardari’s image and leg pulling. It is time to defeat unleashed un-democratic powers that are heading to crush democracy. Why we are blaming Zardari, why not those who are constantly working for the disintegration of Pakistan.
GEO TV’s Tickers & Shaheen Sehbai incite MQM-PPP Clash.
Talking to media persons, MQM leader Farooq Sattar said that incidents of Karachi were neither ethnic nor political. He demanded that people involved in acts of target killings should be captured. The two sides agreed that no political or ethnic issues were responsible for the recent incidents of violence in Karachi. It was actually some other elements such as land and drug mafias which were involved in these activities, they said. Federal Minister of MQM Farooq Sattar said the Karachi riots are neither political nor ethnic in nature and that not any worker of MQM or PPP is part of these incidents. REFERENCES: – Peace to be restored in Karachi at all cost: PPP, MQM Updated at: 2315 PST, Sunday, January 10, 2010 PPP, MQM pledge to bring killers to book By Habib Khan Ghori Monday, 11 Jan, 2010 PPP, MQM declare truce in Karachi By Fasahat Mohiuddin Monday, January 11, 2010
Mr Shaheen Sehbai, Group Editor, The News International always “sees” something which is not there and that’s what he did in his yesterday’s “Trash” which he termed a “News Analysis”. This Term of Accursed “Sindh Card” was first used by the same Mr Shaheen Sehbai to attain some unlterior motives. Shaheen Sehbai had tried to incite Sindhi Punjabi Clash after Benazir Bhutto’s Assassination in 2007. REFERENCE: The contours of a changed, unwritten script Situationer By Shaheen Sehbai Wednesday, November 04, 2009 All power players focus on constitutional knock-out By Shaheen Sehbai Friday, October 23, 2009 AND Sindh is angry and Punjab is not helping By Shaheen Sehbai Sunday, January 06, 2008
The final go-ahead of even this first step has been left to Altaf Hussain as very diplomatically, during the heat of nasty exchanges of vitriolic between Sindhi PPP and second tier MQM leaders, it has been said that MQM’s parliamentary party has asked for permission from Altaf Bhai to sit in the opposition. The next stage would be to pull out of the Sindh cabinet, although the MQM knows that the PPP on its own has a simple majority in the Sindh Assembly and would not be in danger of falling as such. But if the MQM walks out, the rural-urban divide will become a major issue and given the temperature, Karachi and Hyderabad could return to the days of endless turmoil, body bag killings, looting and chaos. But the domino effect of the MQM pulling of the coalition with the PPP will be massive, the London Secretariat of the MQM believes. FATA MPs, who have acquired a critical role in the number game, have already shown in the recent past that they could part ways with the PPP, given their own grievances and the wishes of the quarters, which normally have a decisive say in their major political decisions. Mustufa Kamal is seen by Altaf Hussain as his party’s poster boy and the MQM chief promises to produce one Mustufa Kamal for every big city of Pakistan, should the MQM ever get a chance to do so.
There is an underlying feeling in some MQM circles that the superior judiciary, especially the current Supreme Court, may still have some lingering anger about the role of the MQM on May 12, 2007 when Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry was not allowed to enter Karachi. But another view is that the party may have washed its negative image when it stood up against the NRO and practically blocked it from being moved in parliament, a decision which paved the way for the Supreme Court to strike the law as void ab initio. The MQM’s bold stand that it was not afraid of reopening of any or all of its cases in courts and the underlying confidence in the judiciary may have also restored some comfort level between the party and the judges. All in all the MQM is not much worried about the developing situation in Karachi, specially in the aftermath of the Ashura bombing and the calculated loot and plunder supported by elements in the administration. The leaders are confident of the way things are moving, no matter how shrewdly PPP plays the good-cop, bad-cop game. The MQM leadership is going along, fighting its way where needed and playing soft when required. It appears the future is clear in their eyes and they seem to know the roadmap but they are proceeding with caution, but with confidence. REFERENCE: Is it the end of the road for PPP-MQM love-hate affair? By Shaheen Sehbai News analysis Sunday, January 10, 2010 News analysis
In his above article he is praising MQM whereas the same Shaheen Sehbai had tried to incite a Clash between MQM and PAK ARMY when he was in Exile in USA through Columns in South Asia Tribune. Mr Shaheen Sehbai (former correspondent of Daily Dawn; former editor of The News; ex Director News of ARY ONE TV Channel; former director of GEO News Network; and presently Group Editor the News), escaped from Pakistan to save himself from the so-called wrath of the establishment headed by General Musharraf, after the controversy surrounding his story about the murder of Daniel Pearl. It was apparently simply to obtain the Green Card for himself, and his family in the United States. Mr Sehbai then started to run a web based news service, i.e., South Asia Tribune, funded through dubious sources, but he suddenly reappeared and closed his website. During his self-imposed exile in the USA, he used to raise hue and cry against the military establishment that he and his family members’ life was in danger, but the so-called danger suddenly vanished after the whole family getting the Green Cards. He then returned to Pakistan and that too under the same Musharraf regime, and joined ARY TV channel, then GEO, and then the News, where he is presently working.
WASHINGTON, October 17: Dear Readers, this is the final piece on the South Asia Tribune, as this site is now being closed for good. I understand that it may come as a rude shock to many and may create despair and depression for all those who had started to look up to SAT as a beacon of courage and resistance, but this decision has been based on many factors, which I will explain briefly. SAT would be on line for the rest of this month, till the end of October. On November 1, 2005 it will disappear from the Internet. All those who may be interested in keeping a record of any SAT article or report can save it any time before that date. REFERENCE: The Final Word from theSouth Asia Tribune By Shaheen Sehbai WASHINGTON DC, Oct 17, 2005 ISSN: 1684-2057
Is the Army sincere with Altaf Bhai’s MQM? By Abdul Sattar Issue No 19, Nov 25-Dec 1, 2002 ISSN:1684-2075
KARACHI: What is going on in Karachi’s No-Go Areas is a mystery known only to the secret agencies of General Pervez Musharraf. Apparently the Army is trying to appease Altaf Hussain’s MQM by hitting out at the MQM Haqiqi Group but in reality the agencies do not want to hurt their own creation. This has led to a stand off between the new Government of Mir Zafrullah Khan Jamali and Altaf Bhai who withdrew his candidate for a cabinet seat at the last minute. Attacks on Dr. Farooq Sattar while taking over an office in the No Go Area of Landhi further compounded the situation for the administration. What has been going on is like a scene of a suspense thriller. After the vociferous demands of MQM Chief Altaf Hussain regarding elimination of these NGAs, President Musharraf gave a statement in favor of MQM and reportedly ordered abolition of all these areas.
But subsequent statements of his Interior Minister Moinuddin Haider and Information Minister Nisar Memon indicated that Pakistani agencies were still divided over the issue. Both these ministers said there were no NGAs in Karachi and it was a dispute between the two groups of MQM. Their statements gave the first clue that the most powerful agencies of the government were not in favour of abolishing the NGAs. On November 18 Altaf Bhai decided to support the PML(Q) on the assurance that the government would abolish the NGAs. Next day government started the crackdown on the Haqiqi group. Its sector and unit offices were sealed and its leaders including Afaq Ahmed and Amir Khan were besieged in the party head office Baitul Humza. But Altaf Bhai got alerted when both Afaq, Amir and other leaders managed to escape, despite the heavy presence of the Rangers and police. They even held a telephonic press conference. On Nov 20 the activists of Mutahida reached Landhi along with Dr. Farooq Sattar, Nasreen Jalil, Abdul Qadir Lakhani and other leaders of the party and tried to take over the head office of the Haqiqi. They were attacked and the female activists of Haqiqi manhandled Nasreen Jalil. Altaf Bhai’s men managed to occupy only three units of Landhi and six others stayed under the control of Haqiqi who were heavily armed despite the presence of police and law enforcement agencies.
If one compares this operation with that launched against the Altaf Group on June19, 1992, it was clear that the agencies did not want to eliminate the Haqiqi Group. In 1992 when the operation against the Altaf Group started, activists of Haqiqi came along with Pakistan Army and the troops not only allowed Haqiqi activists to torture activists of Altaf Group but some of them were killed right in front of these troops. Those killed included the brother of Haroon Siddiqi, a former Altaf Group MPA who was shot in Unit 83. The army arrested every one. But in the current operation the attitude of the police and Rangers was totally different. When the Rangers besieged Baitul Hamza, Afaq Ahmed and other leaders of the party were inside it. The Rangers did not allow police to get near the Head office of the Haqiqi, thus deliberately delaying the arrest of Afaq. Haqiqi leaders claimed that 300 of its workers had been arrested but not a single prominent leader was named. Most of those arrested were youngsters and students of Matric or 9th class. The Haqiqi Group had close relations with the agencies and an army picket had been established near their head office for a long time, manned by the Rangers. That is why the Rangers were reluctant to arrest leaders of the Group.
Most of the activists of Haqiqi were armed and present at Landhi No 6, 5,3,4 and 5.5 locations but the police did not try to disarm them. The activists of the Mutahida were also armed but not as heavily as that of Haqiqi. They were present at Babar markets and two other units in Landhi. In Malir, Shah Faisal, Lines Area and Liaqautabad the Haqiqi workers were heavily armed and Mutahida was to face a stiff resistance if they tried to penetrate. Police and Rangers were simply watching as silent spectators and doing nothing to disarm the group. Basically the agencies wanted to convey a message to the government that if these areas were opened to Mutahida there would be serious bloodshed and on this pretext they might discontinue the operation against the NGAs. On Nov 22 an activist of the Haqiqi was fired upon in 2 B Sector of Landhi. He died on the same day. Following his death tension gripped Landhi and the office of Mutahida at Korangi No1 was attacked leaving four people injured. This happened in the heavy presence of the Rangers and police.
On Nov 22 female activists of the Haqiqi demonstrated in front of the Governor House in Karachi. They were armed with sticks and injured some police officials and tried to capture an armored carrier vehicle of the police. They remained there for over 100 minutes shouting slogans against the government. Interestingly the police did not turn violent giving yet another signal that the operation against Haqiqi was not going to be severe. On Nov 21 an evening Urdu newspaper in Karachi published a report quoting the agencies in which they feared that a bloodbath may occur as both groups of the MQM were amassing weapons and trying to prepare for pitched battles against each other. The same newspaper published a report about the formation of Mohajir National Front, to be led by ousted Secretary General Dr. Imran Farooq. This was interpreted as a psychological tactic of the agencies. It seems that they want to divide the Altaf Group into as many groups as possible, like the Jeay Sindh.
There are also conflicting views about the crackdown. Some people think that the government wanted the support of Altaf Group for Mr. Jamali and now that he has got through the new regime may not honor the secret deal reached between the establishment and Altaf Bhai. Haqiqi chief Afaq Ahmed’s statement also bolstered this view as he said after the election of the PM, the situation would change. Another view is that the agencies would keep both the groups in the NGAs so that the presence of Rangers and interference of the federal government agencies could be justified. Analysts believe if the government would use the Haqiqi against the Mutahida, Altaf Bhai will not completely cooperate with the PML(Q), thus threatening to bring down Mr. Jamali. Others believe the MQM wants the chief ministership of the Sindh and it seems firm in doing so.
What is going on inside Altaf Bhai’s MQM
Are the ‘No Go Areas’ a Recipe for Disaster in Sindh By Abdus Sattar Agha Issue No 17, Nov 11-17, 2002 ISSN:1684-2075
LONDON: MQM Leader Altaf Hussain’s announcement to wage a war against the establishment has surprised many political observers but the real secret deal under way between the MQM and the Musharraf Government is to accommodate Interior Minister Moinuddin Haider in the Senate on an MQM ticket. Mr Haider recently praised Altaf Hussain as a “very responsible leader” and the sudden attention being paid to the “No Go Areas” (NGAs) in Karachi has given rise to serious speculation that MQM was asking for its pound of flesh before it could consider any concession to the Musharraf regime.
Analysts understand why General Musharraf did not say any thing about the NGAs earlier during the three years of his rule. He was in the army when his fellow generals decided to form the rival group of the MQM and fully supported them. Late COAS General Asif Nawaz had even publicly stated that if there could be 11 Muslim Leagues, why could not there be two MQMs. On 19 June 1992 the army brought the Haqiqi group to the urban areas of Karachi. Many MPAs and MNAs of the Altaf group were forced to change their loyalty and all this happened at a time when the army was present in the city and a crackdown against Altaf group was going on. It means that Musharraf must have been aware of the fact that there were certain NGAs but he did nothing about them. Even during the recent elections these areas were not abolished and Mutahida was denied entry into these areas. So, what has prompted Gen. Musharraf to give a statement in favor of MQM now. Some believe a secret deal has been struck.
Analysts also believe that the MQM may again be used against the PPP if it comes into power. As the influence of the party has been reduced in many parts of Karachi, it is essential that Altaf Hussain’s group is provided a launching base for any powerful agitation against the government. According to another view point, MQM might be inducted into the new Sindh administration and for that it would have demanded entry into these NGAs. Others say the former members of the MQM Coordination Committee did not effectively raise the issue of NGAs which made Mr Altaf Hussain very angry. They mainly focused on ministries and privileges which annoyed Mr Hussain who dissolved the Committee. Yet another view is that Mr Hussain was exasperated over the defeat of the MQM in some areas and thought that he was not given accurate reports regarding the party position of those areas. MQM also no longer raises any popular slogan. It has already used the slogan of a separate province and provincial autonomy which became quite unpopular.
Thus the NGAs are being used as a new slogan, according to this school of thought. Activists of the party were dejected when the party lost seats of national and provincial assemblies from Landhi and it is said that many workers of the party were now sure that Haqiqi could never be expelled from these NGAs so this issue had to be raised to enhance their morale and keep them involved. It is thought the workers of the NGAs are more active in the party than those of other areas and that is why it was important to demand MQM’s entry. Another analysis suggests that the threat to the establishment regarding the abolition of NGAs has been given to divert the attention of the party workers from the internal contradictions and differences of the party because on this issue the workers are more emotional than on any other issue. It is interesting to note that in past MQM has been a part of the government but it did not raise the issue of NGAs as vehemently as it is doing now.
If after Ramadan the NGAs were not abolished then it would be clear that the slogan of its abolishment was raised to divert the attention of the people from the internal contradictions of the party. Mr Hussain has said that his party would abolish the NGAs itself if the establishment did not do so. This indicates that there could be bloodshed in the city and taking this as an excuse the establishment might resort to impose Governor’s Rule in the province where PPP would be in power. It may be mentioned that the first government of Benazir was destabilized by MQM following the operation of the Pakka Qila in Hyderabad. When the second Benazir government dissolved, she was blamed for extra judicial killings, though Nasirullah Babar, the incharge of the crackdown on MQM, had admitted that MI and other agencies helped him conduct the operation. So it is clear that with whose consent the extra judicial killings were carried out. But these killings were cited as one of the reasons for the dissolution of her government. If the MQM really tries to get the NGAs vacated, it may be a difficult task because most of the die-hard MQM activists had either been killed in fake police encounters or jailed. In the last five years the party has also expelled many militants like Kala Shafiq of New Karachi and many others besides suspending workers like Javed Shahpuri of the Liaquatabad. This, however does not mean that the MQM has no die hard activists. There are still many who are ready to obey Altaf Bhai. If the party tries to enter those areas, there will be great bloodshed which might pave the way for the army government to impose extra constitutional rule on the province or even the country on the one hand and start a crackdown against the party on the other.
Altaf Hussain‘s warning to those who were trying to create the forward block in the MQM indicates that there are severe differences within the party and the decision to dissolve the coordination committee has been delayed to see that how many people go with Dr. Imran Farooq. This is also an attempt to stop them from doing so. The dilemma is how to abolish the NGAs as they are protected by the agencies themselves. In the past all attempts to do so have failed. During Liaquat Jatoi’s government the activists of the MQM tried to enter these areas but they were resisted by the rival group while Police and Rangers remained either neutral or supported the rival Haqiqi group. The agencies do not want to abolish the NGAs because they are afraid that if the city is given back to MQM, they will go beyond the control of the agencies. These agencies may also try to play games with the MQM. They may ask Mutahida to let Haqiqi work in other parts of Karachi which would be impossible for MQM to accept. It is believed that during the recent elections this offer was made by the Haqiqi and the government which was turned down by Mutahida
Altaf Hussain has also asked the members of the Coordination Committee to sit at the Khurshid Memorial Hall (named after Mr Hussain’s mother) during his speech. It is thought that this announcement was made so that the loyal workers of Mr Hussain could keep an eye on the activities of his members. The hall has big rooms and is dominated by the APMSO and Labour division of the party who are very loyal to party chief. Altaf’s control on the party is still very firm and sources said that party activists were of the opinion that no body could take the place of the party chief. Earlier Dr Imran Farooq was in direct contact with the sector in charges but now they are all in direct contact with the party chief or his loyalists.
Image of a Trinity College Degree sample and Dr Aamir’s (Below left) Bachelor’s degree
Musharraf’s Blue Eyed Religious Affairs Minister Turns Out to be Dr. Fake By M A Siddiqui WASHINGTON DC, Mar 9, 2005 ISSN: 1684-2057
KARACHI, March 9: He is the most high profile Parliamentarian of Altaf Hussain’s Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and is also projecting himself as Altaf Bhai’s successor, should something happen to the MQM leader in London. He is the blue-eyed boy of General Pervez Musharraf as the General telephones him after hearing his dramatic preachings on the TV. He is the most versatile preacher of Islamic values and morals on home TV screens round the clock. He is a prolific speaker and a successful fund-raiser for charities. He is a junior Minister for Religious Affairs in the huge cabinet of Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. But in addition to all these qualifications, young, dapper and the stylish member of the National Assembly from Karachi, “Dr.” Aamir Liaquat Hussain, is a fake and a fraud.
In a stunning investigation by Karachi Urdu Daily “Ummat” it has been documented and proved that Dr Aamir purchased fake University degrees to contest the 2002 general election, forced the Karachi University officials to authenticate these degrees in a single day and prevented any investigations by the newspaper to dig deep into the unavailable records at the University. The newspaper, however, persisted with the three-month long probe and was able to obtain the copies of the “University” degrees Dr Aamir used to make himself eligible to contest the election for a National Assembly seat on the MQM ticket from Karachi. He won because of the party ticket and when MQM joined the Musharraf coalition, he was made a junior Minister of Religious Affairs in the cabinet. But his fame came from his TV show on GEO TV “Aalim Online” a religious program in which viewers phone in their questions on Islamic issues and he invites two prominent Islamic scholars every week to answer these personal and social questions. He also hosts other religious programs and General Musharraf and his wife Sehba are so fond of his style of preaching and reciting “Hamds and Naats”, specially during the month of Ramazan, that two years ago Sehba Musharraf called him instantly and told him General Musharraf was crying as he listened to his voice on TV. Dr Aamir did not have a graduate degree in 2002 and according to the investigation he approached a web site in Spain, The Trinity College & University, which boasts about providing Bachelors, Masters or even Doctorate degrees, without attending any class or college. “Everything by Email” the web site of the College says right on top with the big slogan: “Get your degree today.”
Dr Aamir bought his “Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies” degree (Serial No: P-2002227 Dated March 17, 1995), got his “Master of Arts in Islamic Studies” degree (No: P-2002341 Dated March 15, 2002) and his “Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Studies” degree (No: P-2002528 Dated April 5, 2002). In what may be a world record worthy of the Guinness Book of Records. He got his Doctorate in just three weeks after his Master’s degree, if the documents are to be believed. (see images above) Daily Ummat contacted the Karachi University authorities to find out how these web site Email degrees were authenticated in a single day, in writing, by the then Registrar of Karachi University, Prof. NM Aqil Burney. The Registrar received the application from Dr Aamir on August 24, 2002, days before filing of his nomination papers for the NA election and authenticated his degrees though this letter No PA/2002 Dated August 24, 2002. Click to View the Registrar’s letter of authentication
Prof. Aqil, however, did leave some elbow room by stating in his letter that the authentication was “provisional” and the final decision would be conveyed to the applicant in due course of time. That decision was neither needed nor taken nor conveyed to anyone as Dr Aamir had used the provisional certificate to get himself elected to the Parliament and the matter was forgotten. When the newspaper contacted Prof Aqil later to ask how he could issue the authentication without referring the documents to the Karachi University’s Equivalence Committee, he admitted that Dr Aamir had come to him with degrees from some Spanish University and since these were not degrees issues by his University, he authenticated them on the spot. His answer was unconvincing to say the least. Prof Aqil kept no record of these degrees and when the newspaper contacted the current Registrar to verify whether any such record was kept, no one could trace the file, as none existed.
When the newspaper contacted the Higher Education Commission in Islamabad, the official authority on the matter, to verify whether the Trinity College & University of Spain, which issued the degrees to Dr Aamir, was a recognized institution by Pakistan, Director General Mohammed Javed Khan informed the newspaper vide a letter Dated February 23, 2005 that the Trinity College was not recognized. The letter confirmed the forgery of Dr Aamir and abetment in the forgery by Prof Aqil to facilitate his candidacy in the election. Daily Ummat also obtained copies of the degrees Dr Aamir presented to the Election Commission and during the investigation found that the Trinity College had placed exactly similar samples on its web site, offered the same day for a price. The investigation leaves Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain, MQM Chief Altaf Hussain and General Pervez Musharraf in an embarrassing political dilemma. Musharraf has been promoting Dr Aamir as the heir apparent of Altaf Hussain himself and the way his curve was rising was creating serious apprehensions within the MQM circles as well.
For Musharraf it would be a triple disaster in just a few weeks as Dr Aamir would be the third cabinet minister who has been caught literally with his pants down in the middle of the road. His supporter, PPP rebel and currently a minister, Faisal Saleh Hayat, has already been asked by the Prime Minister to resign as his bail application was cancelled by the Supreme Court and National Accountability Bureau has to arrest him for unpaid loans. Many other candidates in the 2002 elections were disqualified because they were defaulters of loans but not Faisal. Interestingly just before the Supreme Court decision to cancel his bail, Faisal Saleh Hayat slipped out of the country and is now residing in London, considering his options whether to return to Pakistan and land in a jail or stay away.
Another serious embarrassment for Musharraf has been the Health Minister in the Punjab Cabinet, Dr Tahir Javed who absconded from Nebraska after causing the worst Hepatitis C outbreak in US history and who had forced his insurance company and the State of Nebraska to pay millions of dollars to his victims who sued him. Now the show boy of Musharraf, Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain is in the dock. Scores of seasoned politicians, including former minister Syeda Abida Hussain of Jhang, were either disqualified or did not contest the 2002 polls because they did not have graduate degrees. Now we find that some of those who did, committed a fraud with the law and the people. The biggest embarrassment would, however, be for his GEO TV channel because he hosts a program which is supposed to teach moral values to its viewers. The host has now proved to be an immoral person himself.
Shocking TV interview haunts Dr Aamir Liaquat’s career Daily Times Monitor Daily Times – Site Edition Thursday, May 26, 2005 ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON: President Pervez Musharraf’s favourite Islamic TV preacher, the minister of state for religious affairs, Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain, has finally shot himself, not in the foot but almost in the head, South Asia Tribune reported on Wednesday. “The minister, who was already in trouble over his allegedly fake degrees scandal and his sharp criticism of the Pakistan Army and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and is being replaced by the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), despite all his denials, went on record in a TV interview last week and said Pakistan supported Iraqi insurgent leader Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi and what he was doing to US forces in Iraq,” it reported. “Aamir said this in an interview to ARY’s famous host, Dr Shahid Masood, on the subject of a fatwa (decree) issued by some Pakistani religious scholars recently, on whether suicide bombing was permissible in Islam. Aamir had been called to discuss the fatwa along with senior Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal leader Hafiz Hussain Ahmed,” it said. “The young and inexperienced minister, a loud-mouth who offends listeners, said such ‘truthful’ things about Pakistan’s policy on jihad in Iraq and Kashmir and even so strongly blasted President Musharraf for supporting the US that ARY TV decided not to run the programme on popular talk show Views-on-News,” South Asia Tribune added. Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, who was the other guest on the talk show, was shocked out of his senses when he heard the comments of the minister during the interview. He asked Aamir several times whether he was speaking in his personal capacity or on behalf of the MQM or the Musharraf government. When he was told that he was representing the government’s point of view, Hafiz Hussain Ahmed reportedly could not refrain from making the following remarks: ‘If this is what enlightened moderation of General Musharraf means, who in hell can oppose it. The MMA will fully support the MQM and Musharraf if this is the official policy’,” it said. “The whole show became so ridiculous that ARY decided not to run it, but the tape immediately became a hot potato and was soon in tremendous demand from all interested parties,” South Asia Tribune reported.
Hafiz Hussain Ahmed confirmed the story of the censored TV show to South Asia Tribune. It quoted him as saying that he was shortly going to protest to the ARY TV Channel for not running the interview, as the minister had repeatedly said that it was the official government policy. “The minister agreed with all the points that I raised and all the arguments for jihad that I made and concurred that it was jihad being fought by Muslims in Iraq and the Pakistani government supported it. I was so surprised that I told him on record that if this is the meaning of enlightened moderation of General Musharraf, we (the MMA) are with you and kon kambakht mukhalifat kar sakta hay (which Godforsaken soul can oppose it),” it quoted him as saying. “ARY officials in Dubai and Islamabad refused to say why the interview had not been shown but Hafiz Hussain Ahmed said he would be protesting to the channel and urging them to release the tape as it would open the eyes of the world,” South Asia Tribune reported. “When Hafiz Hussain Ahmed started asking questions about the interview, the secret service got wind of what had happened and immediately demands were made from the ARY administration to let the authorities have a copy of the dreaded tape,” it said. “Surprisingly, the London headquarters of the MQM also got wind of what had happened in the interview and Altaf Hussain, who had already summoned Aamir Liaquat Hussain to London, also started looking for a copy of the tape,” it added.
South Asia Tribune quotes US diplomatic sources in Islamabad as telling it that they had heard about the interview and that they would like to hear the tape and what the minister had said about President Musharraf’s policy about suicide attacks by Zarqawi’s men on US forces. It quoted sources as saying later that Pakistani authorities had informed the US diplomats about the contents of the interview and everyone might soon be watching the tape of the interview. “Whether President Musharraf, Altaf Hussain or the US diplomats have received the cassette and heard Dr Aamir’s comments or not is not yet confirmed, but experts in Islamabad said it is only a matter of time that everyone concerned will hear what this outspoken minister had to say and then the chips would fall where they may,” it added. South Asia Tribune quotes sources close to Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, who heard the minister in awe during the interview, as saying that the minister had become emotional while talking about jihad and suicide bombings and was grilled by the host of the programme, Dr Shahid Masood, who almost trapped him into making statements which no politician in such a high political position would make.
It quotes the sources as saying that Aamir had openly criticised President Musharraf for his pro-US policies and had fully supported the jihadis in Iraq, Palestine and Kashmir, but at the same time he had insisted that suicide bombings in Pakistan were against Islam. “‘Anywhere, if there is one American soldier present, suicide bombing is permissible in Islam,’ Dr Aamir was quoted by these sources as having said on record. ‘There are times when the truth must be told,’ he added in one remark,” South Asia Tribune reported. “The minister was the main sponsor when about 50 Pakistani religious leaders issued the fatwa against suicide bombings in Pakistan, which according to some analysts, was done to please President Musharraf. But in his exuberance the minister was caught on the wrong foot when questioned by ARY and Geo TV Channels about such attacks in Iraq and other places,” it added. South Asia Tribune quoted sources in London as saying that MQM Chief Altaf Hussain had already been told by the army to name a replacement for the minister, as he had become too controversial and out-spoken in his remarks and it was difficult to keep him at the cabinet post.
“The London sources also revealed a shocking story about Dr Aamir’s brother, Imran Liaquat Hussain, who studied in Iran and later declared himself an ‘Ayatollah’ opposed to the clerics of Iran,” it said, adding, “Dr Imran was arrested in Iran and later came to Karachi where he took up a fight with MQM Chief Altaf Hussain and declared him ‘an agent of Iran, and a mafia don’. He also issued a fatwa calling for Altaf Hussain’s death and accused the MQM of Wall Street Journal’s journalist Daniel Pearl’s kidnapping and murder.”
“He claimed that the MQM was getting funds from Iran,” South Asia Tribune said.
“In response to his statements in 2002, Altaf Hussain pressured his father, who was also a senior MQM leader to disown his son and Sheikh Liaquat Hussain did exactly that, saying the statements issued by his ‘Ayatollah’ son were stupid, misleading and provocative and he as his father had nothing to do with these views of his son,” it added. “Imran Liaquat Hussain also has a website where he has numerous press clippings of his war against the MQM and its leader Altaf Hussain. He also supported President Musharraf in the 2002 referendum,” it reported. URL:\26\story_26-5-2005_pg7_45