How much Punjab knows about Balochistan?

Editors note: We are presenting this video as an example of how the dominant narrative views the rest of Pakistan; in this instance, it is specifically Balochistan.  In the ethically prejudicial discourse of our urban chattering elites, the Sindhis are “lazy fifth-columnists” and the Pushtuns are “noble Talibanesque savages”.   The struggle by the Baloch which is as old as the history of Pakistan, is misrepresented as a “RAW fomented” exercise and the Balochis themselves are viewed as a group who are subservient to Sardars – in complete contradiction to the fact that the Bizenjos and Marris who lead the movemet for Baloch rights are not Sardars and that Bugti was killed as soon as he went against the Pakistani establishment.

(hardly) surprising video report by BBC Urdu:



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