A brainwashed fanatic kills Governor Punjab Salman Taseer
An extremist and religious fanatic (reportedly of the Barelvi sect) killed Governor Punjab Salman Taseer in a brazen attack in Islamabad today.
Governor Punjab had received death threats from the following because of his bold stance on the blasphemy law:
1. Sipah-e-Sahaba
2. Taliban
3. Jamaat-e-Islami
4. PML-N (Rana Sanaullah and Shahbaz Sharif in particular)
5. Other sectarian and religio-political organizations including extremist Barelvis of the Dawat-e-Islami, Sunni Tehreek and the Tehreek-e-Namoos-e-Risalat
May his soul rest in peace. This post will be updated shortly.
Just like the murder of Murtaza Bhutto by the same establishment was a message to the late Benazir in 1996 that the PPP Government’s days were numbered, this may be a similar message to President Zardari that the current PPP government’s days are also numbered.
The outspoken governor of Pakistan’s most politically important province Punjab was shot dead in the capital Islamabad on Tuesday, state television reported.
After the gruesome attacks on Ahmadis, Sunnis and Shias in Pakistan, the late Governor Taseer had stood out in his bold stance against the military establishment sponsored jihadis like Sipah Sahaba (renamed now as Ahle Sunnah wal Jammah). For many months in the last year, efforts were made to align Governor Taseer with the Pro-Taliban views of the Chief Minister Punjab, Shahbaaz Sharif and his Law Minister, Rana Sanullah.
After having failed at this, the establishment was also furious at Governor Taseer’s support of the poor Christain woman, Asiya Bibi. The late governor had appeared in a press conference in support of this victimized Pakistani Christain woman who was being targetted by the usual array of Islamofascists on trumped up blasphemy charges.
The Blasphemy Law is a relic of another military dictator, Zia ul Haq, under whose regime the current Chief Minister Of Punjab’s career was developed. It is natural that Shahbaz Sharif and his PML N will support this law that has no basis in Islam but is a great weapon for the Islamofascists. After a lower court convicted Asiya bibi and the so-called Independant Judiciary made a preemptive stay against the President’s power to pardon this women, it was only a matter of time before the bold Governor Taseer would have to pay for taking a stand against Jihadis.
It cost him his life.
In a post that we continue to update, it would be remiss to ignore the fundemental reason for this horrifying murder. While the Jihadi who killed Governor Taseer was an ordinary foot soldier, it is really our warped middle class bourgeoisie and its continued denial of the threat of Islamofascism. It is our so-called educated middle class that continues to apologize for these Jihadi monsters or worse, obfuscate their crimes with a litany of politically correct literature past its sell by date mixed in with the usual dose of conspiracy theories.
As the cold winter night descends on another martyred opponent of Islamofascism, how much longer will our civil society continue its sickening defense of not just the Jihadis but their protectors in the judiciary and the media.
As Kristalnacht is slowly descending on Pakistan’s religious and sectarian minorities, how many more sacrifices by PPP leaders and ANP representatives will it take to convince our chattering classes that we are in a war where the enemy is clearly defined. We don’t need anymore vague talk and meaningless generalities of “making a more tolerant Pakistan”. Like the late Governor Taseer, we all need to take a stand against the Islamofascists, PERIOD. Crying crocodile tears like our civil society did when BB was killed is only going to make matters worse.
Wake up Pakistan!
Report Continued
Police said earlier Taseer had been shot and wounded near his Islamabad home in the leafy F6 sector and close to Kohsar market, a popular shopping and cafe spot frequented by wealthy Pakistanis and expatriates.
Police official Mohammad Iftikhar says Salman Taseer was gunned down by one of his elite security force protectors. As per emerging reports, the security force protectors had been supplied by the Punjab government of Shahbaz Sharif. The assassin, namely Malik Mumtaz Qadri, is reported to originate from Rawalpindi, the GHQ city of Pakistan.
Five other people were wounded as other security personnel responded to the attack Tuesday in Islamabad.
Brainwashed: Extremist Deobandi mullah offers a reward for anyone who kills Aasia Bibi: Nawaiwaqt joins the jihad.
Here is a most illegal, most violent and most un-Islamic statement by an extremist Deobandi mullah (‘Maulana’ Yousuf Qureshi) of a major mosque in Peshawar. This mullah is notorious for his pro-Taliban and pro-Imran Khan views, is a senior member of the Jamaat-e-(Ghair)Islami, and is also known to have direct links with a local commander of Pakistan Army. This hateful creature is one of the most ‘learned’ students of Mufti Taqi Usmani of Karachi, the spiritual leader of Afghani and Pakistani Taliban. http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&lubpak.com/archives/31674
Evidence of Deobandi-Wahhabi connection: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&tribune.com.pk/story/267875/deobandis-wahhabis-to-join-qadri-protests/
A witness at the scene said Taseer was stepping out of his car at a shopping area when he was shot. “The governor fell down and the man who fired at him threw down his gun and raised both hands,” said the witness, Ali Imran. The shooting left blood stains on a parking area on the edge of the Kohsar shopping centre, which is popular among foreigners in Islamabad.
According to latest reports, Malik Mumtaz maloon (cursed), though of Barelvi sect, was an avid reader of hateful and sectarian literature produced by the Sipah-e-Sahaba and the Sunni Tehreek. Several sectarian books and pamphlets have been recovered from his house.
Related articles:
Extremist Barelvis vomit hate and violence
On PML-N’s opportunistic politics on Aasia bibi
PML-N’s Sipah-e-Sahaba group and its cost to Punjab
Aasia must die: Rana Sanaullah’s open letter to the people of Pakistan
Rana Sanaullah has ties with sectarian terrorists? Shame on you, PML-N
Comments page 1
Comments page 2
Police unable to arrest or interrogate the two mullahs who encouraged Mumtaz Qadri to kill Governor Taseer
Of course, the fake civil society (FCS) will never write against their heroes, the Islamofascist judges, who are granting bail to terrorists and their abettors nor against the GHQ’s Jihad Enterprise which is single major source of the jihadi and sectarian terrorism in Pakistan. In the following news report, Amir Mir reveals how the Punjab Police (under the able leadership of Rana Sanaullah of the Sipah-e-Sahaba alliance fame) and the toothless Joint Investigation Team (constrained by the ISI and MI) are unable to arrest or interrogate the instigators of maloon Mumtaz Qadri who brainwashed him to kill Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer. These are the topics on which Declan Walshes, Mosharraf Zaidis, Cyril Almeidas and Tammy Haqs ‘of’ Pakistan will never write, and we know why.
Agencies probing Taseer murder in a fix
Monday, January 24, 2011
By Amir Mir
LAHORE: Police as well as the Joint Investigation Team set up by the federal government to investigate January 4 assassination of governor Salman Taseer are in a sticky situation how to quiz the two clerics who had allegedly instigated the self-confessed assassin to commit the murder.
The Rawalpindi trial court has already granted them pre-arrest bails besides rejecting the investigators’ plea for their custody. Mumtaz Qadri had admitted in his confessional statement that he was actually provoked for the murder by the fiery speeches of two Rawalpindi-based clerics Mufti Hanif Qureshi Qadri and Imtiaz Hussain Shah.
According to Qadri’s confessional statement, Mufti Hanif Qureshi, the ameer of a Rawalpindi-based religious outfit, Shabab-e-Islami Pakistan and Imtiaz Hussain Shah, the imam of a Rawalpindi-based Amna Masjid, had described Salmaan Taseer a “Yazeedi governor” in their December 31, 2010 speeches at a public meeting in Rawalpindi organised by the Shabab-e-Islami .
The clerics were trying to convince the listeners, while citing certain verses of the Holy Quraan that Taseer was worth killing (Wajibul Qatal) for having committed blasphemy by labeling the blasphemy law a black law. During their speeches, the clerics narrated an event of blasphemy committed by a woman during the rule of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq, the first Caliph of Islam, saying, “The governor of the area where the woman lived awarded punishment to her over the act of blasphemy. As she approached the Caliph, seeking mercy, the latter decided against her and ordered that her teeth to be broken and fingers and tongue be cut for having committed blasphemy”.
As the Rawalpindi-based investigators were flexing their muscles to detain the two clerics for interrogation, Hanif Qureshi and Imtiaz Shah launched a preemptive offensive to counter any move against them.
While resorting to street agitation, the two clerics staged a demonstration in Rawalpindi on January 7, to ‘pay homage’ to the assassin of Taseer. The rally culminated at the Muslim Town residence of Malik Mumtaz Qadri. The participants of the rally were chanting slogans and carrying banners and placards, inscribing pro-Qadri slogans and describing him a “Ghazi”.
Condemning the government for Qadri’s arrest, Hanif Qureshi, who also leads Friday prayers at the Jamia Rizvia Zial Uloom in Rawalpindi, praised the killer for having killed a ‘blasphemer’. He further said: “Ghazi Malik Mumtaz Qadri did this for the love of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be upon Him).
The man who called the Blasphemy Law a black law was bound to meet this end and he should not be called a martyr but a blasphemer. And Mumtaz Qadri should not be called a killer but a “Ghazi” (one who leaves the battle victorious).” Keeping in view the street power shown by Hanif Qureshi and Mumtaz Shah, the investigating agencies became defensive and decided to seek court orders for the arrest of the two clerics instead of detaining them on their own. The investigators were of the view that the arrest of the two fanatic mullahs without seeking court orders could trigger nationwide protests by their followers.
However, on January 17, 2011, an Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) in Rawalpindi refused to issue warrants for the arrest of the two clerics for the purpose of interrogation about their speeches during which they had reportedly justified killing of any blasphemer. Having heard arguments from both the sides, ATC Judge Malik Akram Awan, refused to issue the warrants on grounds of incomplete evidence. Two days later, on January 20, the ATC judge granted pre-arrest bails to Hanif Qureshi and Imtiaz Shah against surety bonds worth Rs200, 000 each. The counsel for the clerics argued before the ATC judge that his clients were not at all involved in motivating Qadri and the FIR also did not mention their names.
Under these circumstances, the Rawalpindi police as well as the Joint Investigation Team are simply unable to question the suspects who have refused to cooperate in investigations of the case. The authorities will have to wait for the expiry of their pre-arrest bails before proceedings against them any further. Source: The News
Mumtaz Qadri being brainwashed in a carefully orchestrated environment
The guard emptied the whole gun on Governor, belonged to the Punjab Police’s elite squad.
Taseer received a fatal bullet in the neck.
I cant stop crying. May Allah rest his soul in peace. Pakistan is no more a place where one can talk sense.
One of the last tweets of Salman Taseer (almost 8 hours before his death):
Mera azm itna bulund hae Parae sholon se dar nahin. Mujhe dar hae tu atish e gul se hae Ye kahin chaman ko jala na dein
A prophecy that proved to be so true!
Let us not waste and misdirect our anger at Mullahs. It is time to hold those responsible who mentor, train and support extremist (jihadi and sectarian) mullahs.
Unless the GHQ and its various spy agencies (ISI and MI) abandon their support for the (good) Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba and other jihadi and sectarian organisations, there will be no peace in Pakistan.
Extremist Deobandi mullah offers a reward for anyone who kills Aasia Bibi: Nawaiwaqt joins the jihad.
Here is a most illegal, most violent and most un-Islamic statement by an extremist Deobandi mullah (‘Maulana’ Yousuf Qureshi) of a major mosque in Peshawar. This mullah is notorious for his pro-Taliban and pro-Imran Khan views, is a senior member of the Jamaat-e-(Ghair)Islami, and is also known to have direct links with a local commander of Pakistan Army. This hateful creature is one of the most ‘learned’ students of Mufti Taqi Usmani of Karachi, the spiritual leader of Afghani and Pakistani Taliban.
When will Pakistan have the courage to throw out the Marshall Law Ordinance of Zia ul Haq against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community? (The mother of all blasphemy laws). All this needs to be cancelled and not just amended. Let Allah be our judge, we need not do His work.
All the mullah parties should have been banned a long time ago. How many more have to die untimely deaths due to these shitaans?
According to ARY News, he was killed by an elite squad policeman namely Malik Mumtaz Qadri originating from Rawalpindi.
Is it a mere coincidence that Rawalpindi is known as a military city of Pakistan, and that the intelligence agencies had provided the security clearance of this man?
Further, is it a coincidence that his killers “chose” to kill him not in Punjab (Lahore, Rawalpindi etc), rather picked Islamabad for this.
Khuda Khair karey!
Who is promoting these mullah goons and terrorist in the media? Who else than the GHQ and their ‘free media’:
In Session – Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi – 24 Dec 2010 – Dunya TV.
Topic (Mozu): Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat – Blasphemy Law,
Sipah-e-Sahaba’s leader with Jasmeen
Tonight with Jasmeen – Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi – 02 Dec 2010 – Samaa TV – 1/3
Sipah-e-Sahab terrorist on Geo TV with Saleem Safi
he attacker, Mumtaz Qadri has been wounded.
In recent days, as the People’s Party has faced the loss of its coalition partners, the 56-year-old Taseer has insisted that the government will survive. But it was his stance against the blasphemy laws that apparently led to his killing.
Interior Minister Rahman Malik told reporters that the suspect in the case had surrendered to police and told them he killed Taseer because “the governor described the blasphemy laws as a black law.”
پاکستان کے صوبہ پنجاب کےگورنر سلمان تاثیر اسلام آباد میں ایک قاتلانہ حملے میں ہلاک ہوگئے ہیں۔
یہ واقعہ اسلام آباد کے سیکٹر ایف سکس کی کوہسار مارکیٹ میں پیش آیا۔
دوسری جانب وفاقی وزیر داخلہ رحمان ملک نے کراچی میں کہا ہے کہ حملہ آور کو گرفتار کر لیا گیا ہے اور گورنر کی سکیورٹی پر تعینات تمام اہلکاروں کو حراست میں لے لیا گیا ہے۔
کلِک سلمان تاثیر: پیپلز پارٹی کے نڈر کارکن
نامہ نگار شہزاد ملک کے مطابق سٹی سرکل کے ایس ڈی پی او احمد اقبال نے بتایا ہے کہ گورنر پنجاب کوہسار مارکیٹ میں واقع ایک ریستوران میں کھانا کھانے کے بعد اپنی گاڑی میں بیٹھ رہے تھے تو ایلیٹ فورس کے ایک اہلکار نے ان پر فائرنگ کر دی۔
پولیس حکام کے مطابق حملہ آور کا نام ممتاز حسین قادری بتایا ہے جو گزشتہ چار ماہ سے زائد عرصے سے گورنر پنجاب کی سکیورٹی پر تعینات تھے۔ فائرنگ کے واقعے کے فوراً بعد پولیس نے ملزم کو حراست میں لے کر نامعلوم مقام پر منتقل کردیا گیا ہے۔
حراست میں لیے گئے ملزم نے اعتراف کیا ہے کہ اس نے یہ حملہ اس لیے کیا کہ گورنر پنجاب نے ناموسِ رسالت قانون کو ایک کالا قانون کہا تھا۔
رحمان ملک
اس حملے میں سلمان تاثیر کو کئی گولیاں لگیں اور انہیں فوری طور پر پولی کلینک ہسپتال منتقل کیا گیا جہاں وہ انتقال کرگئے۔
پولیس حکام کا کہنا ہے کہ حملہ آور ممتاز حسین قادری نے گورنر پنجاب سلمان تاثیر پر سرکاری گن سے فائرنگ کی۔
پولیس نے بتایا کہ گورنر پنجاب کو اس حملے میں چھ گولیاں لگیں۔ پولیس کو جائے وقوعہ سے ایک درجن کے قریب گولیوں کے خول ملے ہیں۔
کوہسار مارکیٹ کے قریب واقع گورنر پنجاب کے گھر پر تعینات ایک سب انسپکٹر نے بی بی سی کو بتایا کہ گورنر پنجاب پیر کو اسلام آباد آئے تھے۔
پولیس ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ حسین قادری کا تعلق نہایت مذہبی گھرانے سے ہے۔
دوسری جانب وفاقی وزیر داخلہ رحمان ملک نے کراچی میں میڈیا سے بات کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ حراست میں لیے گئے ملزم نے اعتراف کیا ہے کہ اس نے یہ حملہ اس لیے کیا کہ گورنر پنجاب نے ناموسِ رسالت قانون کو ایک کالا قانون کہا تھا۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ وہ اس نقطے کی تحقیقات کر رہے ہیں کہ یہ ایک انفرادی عمل ہے یا اس کے پیچھے کوئی ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اس سلسلے میں سکیورٹی پر تعینات تمام اہلکاروں کو حراست میں لے لیا گیا ہے۔
وزیر اعظم پاکستان یوسف رضا گیلانی گورنر پنجاب سلمان تاثیر کے قتل کے بعد تین روزہ سوگ کا اعلان کیا ہے۔
فورس میں جتنے بھی لوگ ہوتے ہیں خاص طور پر جو وی آئی پیز کو دیے جاتے ہیں ان کی پہلے تحقیقات ہوتی ہے اور پولیس کی سپیشل برانچ اس بارے میں رپورٹ دیتی ہے کہ اس کا تعلق کس فرقے سے ہے یا اس کے کیا خیالات ہیں۔‘
رحمان ملک کا کہنا تھا کہ گورنر کی سکیورٹی پنجاب پولیس فراہم کرتی ہے ان سے معلوم کیا جائے گا کہ جو لوگ انہیں تحفظ کے لیے فراہم کیے گئے کیا ان کی جانچ پڑتال ہوئی تھی۔
سلمان تاثیر: پیپلز پارٹی کے نڈر کارکن
سلمان تاثیر حال ہی میں توہینِ رسالت کے قانون پر اپنے بیان کی وجہ سے متنازعہ بن گئے تھے
اسلام آباد میں ایک قاتلانہ حملے میں ہلاک ہونے والے گورنر پنجاب پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے ایک سینیئر کارکن تھے اور بھٹو خاندان کے قریبی ساتھیوں میں سے ایک تھے۔
سلمان تاثیر کو پندرہ مئی 2008 کو پنجاب کا گورنر بنایا گیا تھا۔
سلمان تاثیر نے اپنا سیاسی سفر 1960 کی دہائی میں طالب علمی کے زمانے میں شروع کیا تھا۔ انہوں نے فوجی آمر جنرل ضیاء کے ہاتھوں سابق وزیرِ اعظم ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی حکومت کے خاتمے اور پھر ان کی گرفتاری اور پھانسی کے خلاف احتجاجی مظاہروں میں حصہ بھی لیا تھا۔
1980 میں انہوں نے اپنے مرحوم رہنما ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی سوانح عمری لکھی۔
سنہ انیس سو اٹھاسی میں جب بے نظیر بھٹو پہلی باراقتدار میں آئیں تو سلمان تاثیر پنجاب اسمبلی کے رکن منتخب ہوئے اور صوبے کی نواز شریف حکومت کی اپوزیشن کا کردار ادا کیا۔ بے نظیر حکومت کی برطرفی کے بعد جب نواز شریف نے وفاق کا اقتدار سنبھالا تو سلمان تاثیر حکومت مخالف پیپلز پارٹی کی لانگ مارچ میں پیش پیش رہے اور گرفتار ہوکر جیل گئے۔اس زمانے میں کہا گیا کہ انہیں جیل میں خاص طور پر تشدد کا نشانہ بنایا گیا۔
سنہ انیس سو ترانوے میں سلمان تاثیرنے پاکستان کرکٹ بورڈ میں خزانچی کے فرائض انجام دیے اور بے نظیر بھٹو کی ہدایت پر پیپلز پارٹی کے اخبار مساوات کے مالی امور کے انچارج بھی رہے۔
اکاؤنٹنسی کی اعلی تعلیم سے آراستہ سیاستدان سلمان تاثیر نے ساتھ ساتھ اپنے کاروبار پر بھی خصوصی توجہ دی۔ لاہور میں ان کی آڈٹ فرم اچھی ساکھ رکھتی ہے۔ متمول علاقوں میں ڈیپارٹمنٹل سٹورز کا سلسلہ ’پیس‘، ’ورلڈ کال‘ ٹیلی فون اور کیبل نیٹ ورک، ’ڈیلی ٹائمز‘ روزنامہ ’آج کل‘ اور ٹی وی چینل ’بزنس پلس‘ ایسے تجارتی و صحافتی ادارے ہیں جن کی کامیابی میں بڑا ہاتھ سلمان تاثیرکی انتظامی صلاحیتوں کا کہا جاتا ہے۔
یہ مذہب کا نہیں انسانیت کا معاملہ ہے اور اس میں مذہب کو نہیں لانا چاہتے اور قائداعظم محمد علی جناح کے دیئے گئے اصولوں کی مطابق پاکستان کو ایک روشن خیال اور ترقی پسند ملک بنانا چاہتے ہیں
سلمان تاثیر کا آسیہ بی بی کی موت کی سزا پر ردِعمل
نواز شریف کی وطن واپسی کے بعد بزنس پلس وہ پہلا ٹی وی چینل ہے جس کی ٹیم کی نواز شریف سے ان کے ایک انٹرویو کے معاملے پر بدمزگی ہوئی اور ٹی وی چینل کی ٹیم نے الزام عائد کیا کہ ان کی ٹیپ چھین لی گئی تھی۔نواز شریف کے ترجمان نے ان الزامات کی تردید کی تھی اور ان الزامات کو ایک سازش قرار دیا تھا۔
اس واقعہ کے کچھ عرصے بعد جب مسلم لیگ قاف کی حکومت کا خاتمہ ہوا تو سلمان تاثیر وفاقی نگران کابینہ کے رکن اور ان کے چینل کے ایک میزبان پنجاب کابینہ کے نگران وزیر بنے۔
ایک میڈیا کنگ اور کامیاب کاروباری شخصیت کو طور پر اپنا مقام بنانے والے سلمان تاثیر، پیپلز پارٹی کی بدلتی ہوئی شبیہ اور کاروبار سلطنت کے انداز نو پہ صحیح طور پر پورا اترے اور جلد ہی پارٹی کے نئے سربراہ آصف زرداری کے منظور نظر بن گئے۔ سیاسی حلقوں میں انہیں جوڑ توڑ کا ماہر سمجھاجاتا تھا۔
وہ اپنی معاملہ فہمی اور موقعہ شناسی کی صلاحیتوں کی بدولت پیپلز پارٹی سے اپنی وابستگی برقرار ر کھتے ہوئے صدر پرویز مشرف کے بھی قریب ہوئے، نگران دور میں وفاقی وزیر بنے اور پھرگورنر پنجاب کے عہدے کے لیے اس طرح نامزد ہوئے کہ مسلم لیگ نون کے لیے یہ فیصلہ کرنا مشکل تھا کہ وہ پیپلز پارٹی کی پسند ہیں یا صدر پرویز مشرف کا انتخاب۔
سلمان تاثیر پیپلز پارٹی کے رہنماؤں قاسم ضیاء اور میاں یوسف صلاح الدین کے عزیز اور برصغیر کے نامور انقلابی شاعر فیض احمد فیض کی اہلیہ ایلس فیض کے بھانجے ہیں۔
سلمان تاثیر کے والد ڈاکٹر محمد دین تاثیر اس صدی کی دوسری اور تیسری دہائی کے ایک بڑے شاعر، ادیب اور دانشور تھے۔ فیض احمد فیض کے ہم زلف ایم ڈی تاثیر کواپنی جوانی میں علامہ اقبال جیسے عظیم شاعر کے قدموں میں بیٹھنے کا موقع ملا تھا۔ وہ خوش گو شاعر ہونے کے ساتھ ساتھ انتہائی نکتہ رس نقاد بھی تھے۔ وہ پہلے ہندوستانی تھے جنہوں نے کیمبرج یونیورسٹی سے انگریزی ادب کی اعلیٰ ترین ڈگری حاصل کی۔
سلمان تاثیر پیپلز پارٹی کے سینیئر کارکنان میں سے ایک تھے
حال ہی میں سلمان تاثیر اس وقت خبروں میں آئے جب انہوں نے توہینِ رسالت کے الزام میں موت کی سزا پانے والی عیسائی خاتون آسیہ سے جیل میں ملاقات کے بعد صحافیوں کو بتایا کہ وہ آسیہ کی جانب سے معافی نامہ لے کر صدر آصف علی زرداری کے پاس جا رہے ہیں اور انہیں امید ہے کہ وہ جلد اس پر دستخط کر دیں گے۔
پنجاب کے ضلع ننکانہ صاحب کے ایک گاؤں اٹاں والی کی رہائشی آسیہ کو چند روز قبل ننکانہ صاحب کی مقامی عدالت نے توہین رسالت کے الزام میں موت اور ایک لاکھ روپے کی سزا سنائی تھی۔ ان کے اس اقدام پر پنجاب کی مختلف شہروں میں ان کے خلاف جلوس نکالے گئے اور مذہبی جماعتوں کے اراکین نے مظاہرے بھی کیے۔
جب اس وقت ان سے یہ سوال پوچھا گیا کہ کیا صدر صاحب کی جانب سے معافی ملنے سے مذہبی تصادم کا امکان تو نہیں تو گورنر پنجاب سلمان تاثیر کا کہنا تھا ’نہیں ایسا نہیں ہو گا کیونکہ یہ مذہب کا نہیں انسانیت کا معاملہ ہے اور اس میں مذہب کو نہیں لانا چاہتے اور قائداعظم محمد علی جناح کے دیئے گئے اصولوں کی مطابق پاکستان کو ایک روشن خیال اور ترقی پسند ملک بنانا چاہتے ہیں۔‘
اسی طرح ستمبر 2009 میں لاہور میں ایک تقریب میں صحافیوں سے بات چیت کے دوران جب ان سے سوال کیا گیا کہ سیالکوٹ میں مبینہ طور پر توہین رسالت میں ملوث ایک مسیحی نوجوان کی ہلاکت کے بعد یہ مطالبہ کیا جا رہا ہے کہ توہین رسالت کے قانون کو ختم کیا جائے تو گورنر پنجاب نے جواب دیا تھا کہ وہ سمجھتے ہیں کہ دو سوپچانوے سی کا قانون (توہین رسالت کا قانون) ختم ہونا چاہیے۔
توہین رسالت مقدمہ، طالبان کی دھمکی
گورنر پنجاب سلمان تاثیر نے آسیہ بی بی سے جیل میں ملاقات کے دوران ان سے معافی کی درخواست لے لی تھی
کالعدم تنظیم تحریک طالبان پاکستان نے دھمکی دی ہے کہ اگر توہین رسالت کی مبینہ مرتکب مسیحی خاتون آسیہ بی بی کے معاملے میں بیرونی دباؤ قبول کیا گیا تو ایسے فیصلے کی بھر پور انداز میں مزاحمت کی جائیگی۔
پنجاب کے ضلع ننکانہ میں ایک عدالت نے مسیحی خاتون آسیہ بی بی کو توہین رسالت قانون کے تحت موت کی سزا سنائی تھی۔ آسیہ بی بی نے اس سزا کو لاہور ہائی کورٹ میں چیلنج کر دیا لیکن گورنر پنجاب نے آسیہ بی بی سے جیل میں ملاقات کی تھی اور ان سے معافی کی درخواست لے کر صدر مملکت سے انہیں معافی دلانے کا وعدہ کیا تھا۔
کلِک آسیہ بی بی کی معافی کا امکان
عیسائیوں کے مذہبی پیشوا پوپ بینیڈکٹ نے بھی پاکستان سے کلِک آسیہ بی بی کی رہائی کی اپیل کی تھی۔ پوپ بینیڈکٹ نے اپنے ہفتے وار خطاب میں پاکستان سے کہا تھا کہ پاکستان میں عیسائی برادری کو اکثر تشدد اور امتیازی سلوک کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے۔
تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے نائب امیر اور باجوڑ ایجنسی میں عسکریت پسندوں کے کمانڈر مولوی فقیر محمد نے جمعرات کو کسی نامعلوم مقام سے بی بی سی کو ٹیلی فون کر کے بتایا کہ اگر آسیہ بی بی کے معاملے میں بیرونی دباؤ قبول کیا گیا تو ایسے فیصلے کی مزاحمت کی جائے گی۔
طالبان کمانڈر مولوی فقیر نے کہا کہ پاکستان ایک نظریاتی اسلامی ملک ہے جس کی اپنی مذہبی حدود ہیں اور جس سے کسی بھی صورت روگردانی نہیں کرنی چاہیے۔
گورنر سلمان تاثیر کے خاندان نے جیل میں آسیہ سے ملاقات کی تھی
انہوں نے مزید بتایا کہ مسیحی عورت کے حوالے سے عدالت سے جو فیصلہ ہوا ہے اس پر عمل درآمد کو یقینی بنایا جائے۔ مولوی فقیر محمد کے مطابق پاکستان پہلے ہی سے اندرونی خلفشار اور مسائل کا شکار ہے اور ایسے میں توہین رسالت کی مرتکب خاتون کو سزا نہ دے کر ملک مزید عدم استحکام کا شکار ہوسکتا ہے۔
طالبان کمانڈر کا کہنا تھا کہ اگر آسیہ بی بی کے معاملے میں بیرونی دباؤ قبول کیا گیا تو اس کے خطرناک نتائج برآمد ہوسکتے ہیں اور طالبان بھی ایسے کسی فیصلے کی بھرپور انداز میں مزاحمت کرینگے۔ تاہم انہوں نے یہ واضح نہیں کیا کہ یہ مزاحمت کس قسم کی ہوگی۔
خیال رہے کہ مولوی فقیر محمد نے کافی عرصہ کے بعد ذرائع ابلاغ کے کسی ادارے سے رابطہ کیا ہے۔
I am really shocked and still cannot believe this very terrible news. uff my God, I’m crying over his death as I type this. Today I have commented on “Politicizing blasphemy law: who is behind Namoos e Risalat movement?”, that Governor Salman Taseer has not changed his statements and not even apologized over his stance on blasphemy law.
Salmaan Taseer Shaheed used to follow LUBP. In one of his tweets, he appreciated our post on “Why Nawaz Sharif will not rock the boat” with the following tweet:
.“@gpspakistan: Why Nawaz Sharif doesn’t want to rock the boat – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi http://bit.ly/fU2lcp #pakistan” Very well argued I agree
12:18 PM Jan 2nd via Twitter for iPad
this is a very hopeless situation for liberal voices in Pakistan. may he rest in peace.
تمام مفتی ،علما،جماعتی ،وہابی مولوی جنہوں نے اس قتل کے فتوے دیه ہیں اس جرم اور گناہ میں برابر کے شریک ہیں
منور حسن ،فضل الرحمان ،مفتی منیب اور مفتی رفی عثمانی کے خلاف ایف آئ آر درج کر کے مقدمہ چلایا جائے
We should also have elements of media registered in the fir. Off course they are equally responsible for fanning hatred. Mir shakil and entire jang group is responsible
An intelligence official interrogating the suspect, identified as Mumtaz Qadri, told The Associated Press that the elite force security guard was boasting about the assassination, saying he was proud to have killed a blasphemer.
This is what happens when the State (GHQ/ISI) invests in religious fanaticism.
Specimen of hatred from a facebook page created to praise the assassin:
Taha Ejaz ALLAH Pak ne dekha dia kay woh apne pyaray nabi ke shan me gustaakhi nai bardasth karsakta.
2 minutes ago
Asim Rafiq yeh hai asal jialaa
4 minutes ago
Zakir Ali Hamid likes this.
Urooj Khan Mumtaz qaadri…you r our hero!!!..salam..
5 minutes ago
3 people like this.
Bebo Khan true muslim….
6 minutes ago
Zakir Ali Hamid likes this.
Mohsin Cheema Punjab police ki aazmat ka moun boolta saboot, GHAZI MUMTAAZ HUSSAIN QADRI….!
7 minutes ago
3 people like this.
Adnan A Razzaq abhi 10 minutes pehle mein ne page like kiya to 100 fans b nahi thay aur ab 10 minutes mein he 200 k qareeb… WOW… He is the true hero
11 minutes ago
Emmad Farooque likes this.
Syed Ayaz Shah Qadri tujhay Salam….!
13 minutes ago
2 people like this.
Faizi Raza mumtaz qadri hamara tumko salam ho,, main apni zindagi ki tamam nekiyan tumhe isaal karta hon.
16 minutes ago
8 people like this.
Owais Ejaz Jab tak in jaisay log Pakistan Mai hain Pakistan ko kuch nahi ho sakta,,,,
18 minutes ago
6 people like this.
MaLik AbDul MaNan .. i agree with u………..
17 minutes ago ·
Zahid Khan i aslo Agree with u …..
13 minutes ago ·
Ayesha Younus True!
11 minutes ago ·
Aamir Zeshan ji bilkoil…!
5 minutes ago ·
Farhaj Ahmed True Hero:D
Salute to you
19 minutes ago
2 people like this.
MaLik AbDul MaNan .. hume salute krna chahiye aise aadmi ko
16 minutes ago ·
Farhaj Ahmed han wakaei
16 minutes ago ·
Ayesha Younus Indeed he is!
11 minutes ago · 1 person ·
Ayesha Younus Mumtaz qaadri…you r our hero!!!
21 minutes ago
6 people like this.
Owais Ejaz yes he is… Jab tak in jaisay log Pakistan Mai hain Pakistan ko kuch nahi ho sakta,,,,
19 minutes ago ·
MaLik AbDul MaNan .. hume salute krna chahiye aise aadmi ko
16 minutes ago ·
Gulistan Shah Abdul Latif School (Boys & Girls), Karachi =
Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri tujhay SALAAM!!
24 minutes ago · View Post
Ali Hassan گستاخ رسول کا ساتھی یا سفارشی بھی اتنا ہی گستاخ رسول۔۔۔ گستاخ رسول کو جہنم واصل کرنے پر ممتاز قادری تیری عظمت کو سلام
26 minutes ago
8 people like this.
Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri
Profile Pictures
Mumtaz Qadri tujhay Saalaam!!
By:Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri
See More
28 minutes ago · Share
9 people like this.
Haroon Khan subhan ALLAH kya por noor face he…
23 minutes ago · 2 people ·
Misbah Rehman He is the hero.
14 minutes ago · 2 people ·
Aeisa Karo Gay Tu Kaun Ay Ga ?? =
Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri tujhay SALAAM!
33 minutes ago · View Post
Faisy Ali Laghari MASHALLAH itne jaldi itne sare members 🙂
38 minutes ago
4 people like this.
Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri apney group per bi post kary ys page 🙂
28 minutes ago ·
Daredevill Jeddahboy SHER e ISLAM
38 minutes ago
2 people like this.
MaLik AbDul MaNan .. hume salute krna chahiye aise aadmi ko
15 minutes ago ·
Sharjeel Aslam Ki Muhammad se wafa tuu ne tou hum tere hain,
Ye jahaan cheez hai kya, loh o qalm tere hain.
assi galaan hi kar de reh gaye te Qaadri baazi le gya.
38 minutes ago
5 people like this.
Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri 27 lagi hain confirm
39 minutes ago
Abdul Waheed likes this.
Daredevill Jeddahboy chlni kardya kuttay ko
38 minutes ago ·
Muhammad Ibrahim i heard 26 lagi hain???
19 minutes ago ·
Jawad Mohummed Rafiq :-/
42 minutes ago
Asim Ashfaq Attari likes this.
Jawad Mohummed Rafiq I killed Governor Taseer because of his liberal views and stand against blasphemy laws. The killer Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri – (tweet by Riaz Toori)
42 minutes ago · View Post
Taneem Sami Ok ki report hai dada…!!1
44 minutes ago
3 people like this.
Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri tasser ko 26 sy zaida golia lagi hain
47 minutes ago
3 people like this.
Umair Khan bachne k dur dur tak chance he nae chore 🙂
46 minutes ago ·
Emmad Farooque S H A H Z A D A !!!!!!
40 minutes ago ·
Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri 27 lagi hain confirm
39 minutes ago · 1 person ·
Bilal Qureshi great
38 minutes ago ·
Emmad Farooque O balle Qadri saab.. aap se naraz hu, ek mere hise ki Q ni maari:p
18 minutes ago ·
i strongly condemn mr.salman taseer’s brutal murder.(may his soul rest in peace).i salute his courage,fortitude and determination in the face of intolerence,violence and extremism.this is a horrible loss to our country.today is indeed a very sad day 4 pakistan.
May Allah curse Mumtaz Qadri maloon and also those who brainwashed him and are praising him.
To eradicate Fanaticism and emotional madness, sermons, debates, logic, education and arguments are gone irrelevant.
A Direct Action is needed to fight back this deep rooted disease.
All attempts to promote hatred should be discouraged.
This is not a new phenomenon this has been going on for a century. It started with that illiterate jahil ka bacha Ghazi Ilm-ud-din the so called Shaheed of idiots.
The liberals can’t afford to ignore this white mast bearded elephant in the room.
Salman Taseer’s accusations are borne out by the admission by Punjab’s Law minister that he’s courting Sipah-e-Sahaba for votes.
Pakistan’s heartland Punjab province is an extremist “bomb” ready to explode, the region’s highest official has warned, with the recent targeting of minority groups seen by some as evidence of jihadists’ grip on the area.
The provincial governor accused the regional government, led by former prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s party, of tolerating or even supporting extremists, who are said to operate openly in Punjab free from the military operations waged against Taliban guerrillas in the area bordering Afghanistan.
“The Sharifs are creating a potential bomb here in Punjab,” said Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, who was appointed by the national government. “These [militant] groups are armed and dangerous. There is no way you can accommodate these people. There has to be zero tolerance.”
In recent weeks, a spate of armed robberies and kidnappings of the Ahmedi sect in the city of Faisalabad was traced to members of Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the group previously known as Lashkar-e-Taiba that was blamed for the devastating 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai. Three Ahmedis were also shot dead, thought to be the work of the same group.
Sharif’s opponents accuse his party, the opposition Pakistan Muslim League-N – whose support comes partly from the religious right – of accommodating extremists such as Sipah-e-Sahaba, a banned sectarian group blamed for the deaths of hundreds of Shias.
In Jhang town, a byelection last month saw Sharif’s party openly court Sipah-e-Sahaba supporters. Punjab’s law minister, Rana Sanaullah, was pictured on the campaign trail with the alleged head of the group, Ahmed Ludhianvi.
Experts believe that the Pakistani Taliban is deeply influenced by Sipah-e-Sahaba, with the Taliban’s leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, a former member.
Sheikh Waqas Akram, an opposition member of parliament from Jhang, which is the headquarters of Sipah-e-Sahaba, likened the situation in Punjab to the Swat valley, where official inaction allowed the Taliban to take over in 2008. “There can be 10 Swats in Punjab, if you don’t check them [extremists],” said Akram.
But Sanaullah denied the claims, saying that while banned groups operated in the province there was no “Talibanisation” in Punjab. “Not a single street where you can say there is a no-go area,” he said.
Sanaullah said that groups based in the north-west were behind the terrorist attacks in Punjab, not local organisations, adding that “95% of the people of Sipah-e-Sahaba are not terrorists”. He said: “We must persuade these persons to put aside their guns, to participate in elections. They have the right to vote, so why can’t I ask them [Sipah-e-Sahaba] for votes?”
Over the last year the affluent Ahmedi community in Faisalabad has been rocked by a campaign of violence and intimidation, which intensified in recent weeks. Ahmedi are classified as non-Muslims under Pakistani law, for believing that Muhammad was not the final prophet.
Police arrested four suspects last month. Three days later, on 1 April, three members of an Ahmedi family were shot dead as they returned from work. Their car was sprayed with bullets, in what police believe was a “very professional” hit and possible revenge for the arrests.
“The four people in jail are in Jamaat-ud-Dawa,” said senior Faisalabad police officer Abid Hussain. “They told us that they got a decree from a maulvi (priest) in their group that says that robbing, kidnapping and killing Ahmedis is allowed and would be rewarded in heaven.”
The city’s Ahmedi community have restricted their movements and some have hired bodyguards.
“We are now scared to leave the house, when the door bell rings, we are frightened about who might be there. Outside, we feel always like someone is following us,” said Mohammad Iqbal Ahmed, whose son and nephew were kidnapped in March and returned after the payment of a £20,000 ransom.
Kafir Kafir, Salman Tasir Kafir
Ahmed Ludhianvi of Sipah-e-Sahaba hits back at PPP
Punjab on knife-edge as extremists take hold: Taseer
I feel like crying… I really liked the man and appreciate his courage. May his soul rest in Peace, he surely is a shaheed.
Let not such measures make us loose our faith for the struggle to wipe out extremism for this country, surely a country or an mission is successful when it has a support from people, who are ready to sacrifice themselves for it…
Salman was verily amongst such noble people, we’ll always remember him and my Salam to him….
Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri may have pulled the trigger but let us all hang our head in shame today because Salman Taseer was killed by the intolerance, the hatred, the extremism, the vigilantism, the violence and the jahalat that now defines our society. He was killed by the unchecked air of false sanctimony where custodians of morality have been breathing fire and instigating violence and everyone in Pakistan. Each one of us, including his own party, should be ashamed today for having tolerated the pall of intolerance that has eventually gunned down this man. Today’s Pakistan is defined by Mumtaz Hussain Qadris. They exist all around us. And it is all of us who tolerate them and their intolerance. It is this tolerance of intolerance that kills.
Today, it claimed yet one more victim.
The issue with Adil Najm (Pakistaniat) is that they never identify and condemn jihadi and sectarian killers. Their condemnation remains limited to unknown terrorists, intolerance etc. Such civil society types are a part of the problem not the solution. Not unlike Mahar Bukhaari, Hamid Meer etc
سب غازی سب شہید
محمد حنیف
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی
’سلمان تاثیر نے جو حد پار کی وُہ ہم سب کے اندر موجود ہے‘
سلمان تاثیر کی ہلاکت کو افسوس ناک واقعہ قرار دینے والے ٹی وی اینکر اور تجزیہ نگار جھوٹ بولتے ہیں۔
ان میں سے کئی دبے دبے لفظوں میں کھُل کر یہ کہہ چکے ہیں اور کئی یہ لکھ چکے ہیں کہ سلمان تاثیر ناموسِ رسالت پر بیان دے کر ایسی حد پار کر چکے ہیں جس کے دوسری طرف موت ہے۔
وہ موت قادری کے ہاتھ سے آسکتی ہے، محلے کے کِسی مولوی کے ہاتھوں ہوسکتی ہے،ایک بپھرے ہوے ہجوم کے ہاتھوں ہوسکتی ہے، کِسی جج کے قلم سے لکھی جاسکتی ہے۔ یہ موت گورنر کا حفاظتی حِصار توڑ کر اُس تک پہنچ سکتی ہے۔اور جیسا کہ پہلے ہو چکا ہے جیل کی کسی کوٹھڑی میں بھی آسکتی ہے۔
یہ حد کِسی عالِم دین کے فتوے سے مقرر نہیں ہوئی نہ یہ جنرل ضیاء نے مقرر کی تھی نہ ہی سارا قصور مذہبی جماعتوں کا ہے۔ یہ ایمانی لکیر ہم سب کے دِلوں کی اندر کھنچی ہوئی ہے۔
سلمان تاثیر نے جو حد پار کی وُہ ہم سب کے اندر موجود ہے۔ کبھی کبھی ہم ڈرتے ہیں کہ ہم نے اس حد کے دوسری طرف تو قدم نہیں رکھ دیا؟ ہمیں اپنا ایمان اتنا کمزور لگتا ہے کہ اُس کی سلامتی کے لیے کسی کو قربانی کا بکرا بنانا ضروری ہے۔
ہمیں آخر اپنے ملک میں دو فیصد سے بھی کم غیر مُسلموں سے اتنا خوف کیوں آتا ہے؟ آخر ہمیں اُس مہربان نبّی کی عزت کے نام پر گلے کاٹنے کا اِتنا شوق کیوں ہے جِس نے ایک قتل کو ساری انسانیت کا قتل قرار دیا تھا۔ آخر غازی عِلم دین شہید کو غازی اور شہید کہہ کر اپنے کونسے ڈر کو چھپا رہے ہیں اور اپنے اندر چھپے کس مجاہد کو دلاسا دے رہے ہیں؟
آخر ہم روزہ رکھنے سے لے کر سورج گرہن کے اسباب جانے کے لیے مفتی منیب الرحمٰن کے پاس کیوں بھاگے بھاگے جاتے ہیں؟
آخر ہمیں کس نے یقین دلایا کہ قوم کی بیٹی ڈاکٹر عافیہ کو بچانے کے لیے قوم کی بیٹی آسیہ کا سر تن سے جدا کرنا ضروری ہے؟
اُسی اِسلام آباد شہر میں جہاں سلمان تاثیر کا قتل ہوا صِرف دو ہفتے پہلے ناموسِ رسالت کانفرنس میں کون کون شامل تھا۔ کیا اُس میں وہ لوگ شامل نہیں تھے جن کے پارٹی منشور میں ہر شیعہ، احمدی، ہندو، یہودی کو قتل کرنے کا عندیہ نہیں دیا گیا۔
آخر ہمیں اُس مہربان نبّی کی عزت کے نام پر گلے کاٹنے کا اِتنا شوق کیوں ہے جِس نے ایک قتل کو ساری انسانیت کا قتل قرار دیا تھا۔
کیا ایسے لوگ ہمارے معاشرے میں، میڈیا میں اور سرکاری اداروں میں شامل نہیں ہیں؟ کیا ایسے لوگوں کے ساتھ ہم شادیوں اور مہندیوں میں کھانا نہیں کھاتے؟
سلمان تاثیر نے جو حد پار کی وُہ ہم سب کے اندر موجود ہے۔ کبھی کبھی ہم ڈرتے ہیں کہ ہم نے اس حد کے دوسری طرف تو قدم نہیں رکھ دیا؟ ہمیں اپنا ایمان اتنا کمزور لگتا ہے کہ اُس کی سلامتی کے لیے کسی کو قربانی کا بکرا بنانا ضروری ہے۔
اور اگر ہمارا دِل اِتنا کمزور ہے کہ ہم خود چُھری نہیں چلا سکتے تو چلانے والے کی مدح تو کر سکتے ہیں۔ وہ جو اپنے آپکو لبرل مسلمان سمجھتے ہیں وُہ زیادہ سے زیادہ اپنی ناک پکڑ کر مُنہ دوسری طرف پھیر لیتے ہیں۔ کیا مفکرِ پاکستان علامہ اِقبال نے غازی عِلم دین شہید کے جنازے پر نہیں فرمایا تھا کہ یہ ان پڑھ ہم سے بازی لے گیا؟
look at the beghairatee with which Mohammad Malick is trivializing the situation on Capital Talk. Now they are speculating on who will be governor. It is sad. Geo and its editorial team is also a killer of Salmaan Taseer.
The beyghairats are also claiming that this a reaction because of what the liberals say and do! Sahee baat hay….liberals hee marnay kay liye hayn.
that’s the worst part. i am horrified by the comments of sheikh waqas akram who i stupidly thought was one of the relatively sane members of the opposition.
@Rabia, Ahmed
The answer is provided by Mohammed Hanif in his BBC Urdu article today:
اگر ہمارا دِل اِتنا کمزور ہے کہ ہم خود چُھری نہیں چلا سکتے تو چلانے والے کی مدح تو کر سکتے ہیں۔ وہ جو اپنے آپکو لبرل مسلمان سمجھتے ہیں وُہ زیادہ سے زیادہ اپنی ناک پکڑ کر مُنہ دوسری طرف پھیر لیتے ہیں۔ کیا مفکرِ پاکستان علامہ اِقبال نے غازی عِلم دین شہید کے جنازے پر نہیں فرمایا تھا کہ یہ ان پڑھ ہم سے بازی لے گیا؟
Darpoke insaaan nay nihattay aadmi ko peechay say goliaan maareen!!! Yeh hayn naam nihaaad musalman
Allama Iqbal praised him but Qauid-i-Azam refused to defend Ilm-ud-Din in the Court of law.
What a contradiction?
PPP ka aaik aur “shaheed”
magar ab awam khud he itni pis chukki hai kay is waqay kay baad bhi government kay liyay dil naram nahi ho ga
aglay election say pehlay pehlay BB level ki koi qurbani do PPP walo, phir shayad sympathy vote mil jayay, phir shayad awam dhoka kha jayay
woh to acha hoa kay qatil nay apnay aap ko hawlay-police kar dia warna to PPP nay UN ko bulana tha qatil ka pata laganay kay liyay
“We will see whether it was an individual act or someone had asked him to do it”, Rehman Malik said of the attacker.
(from Dawn newspaper)
abhi kuch chan-been hoi nahi aur LUBP ka mantra shoro: sipa-sahaba hai, ISI walay hain, jamaat nay qatal ki dhamki di thi aur PMLN nay bhi
sipah, taliban wagaira to “extremists” hain he… magar kisi bari qaumi siyasi party nay jaan say marnay ki dhamki de ho to bara-ay-meharbani koi saboot paish karain
بلیک شیپ said:
ابھی ابھی مجھے پاکستان سے ایک ‘فارورڈ میسج‘ آیا ہے۔
قانونِ رسالت(صلی الله علیہ وسلم) کا منکر گورنر پنجاب سلمان تاثیر جہنم واصل الحمدُالله
اب شیری رحمان کی باری ہے انشاءالله
اب میں کیا کہوں سوائے اس کے کہ جزاک الله
اب عوامی طاقت دکھانے کا وقت ہے ،اب لوگ اٹھیں اور ان گھٹیا مولویوں کی ناموس نکالیں ،منصورہ ،مرید کے ،بنوری ٹاون اور دششتگردی کہ دوسرے مراکز یعنی مدارس میں عوام جائیں اور وہاں کے مولویوں اور سیاسی ملاؤں کو ان کی کمین گاہوں سے نکال دیں جب تک یہ قاتلوں کے اڈے بند نہیں ہوتا یہ ہوتا رہے گا
This is the job of the elected representatives in the parliament in a democracy.
Two excerpts on the PML-N Punjab government’s role
The Punjab government is responsible for the provision of security to all VIPs in the province. It is strange that a person with such extremist inclinations as Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri was deployed in the governor’s security detail. The Punjab government cannot absolve itself of part of the blame for this murder. Its call for a judicial inquiry has yet to be responded to by the federal government, which has so far set up an inter-agency investigation team to look into all aspects of the assassination, including whether the assassin acted alone or a deeper conspiracy was at work.
Taseer participated in politics from the PPP’s platform and experienced the tribulations of the martial law of Ziaul Haq during the Movement for Restoration of Democracy in 1983, including a spell of incarceration and torture in the infamous Lahore Fort. He also authored a biography of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1980 titled, Bhutto, A Political Biography. In 1988, he was elected a member of the Punjab Assembly, eventually taking over the slot of the Leader of the Opposition. Due to his trenchant criticism of the PML-N government in Punjab, he was rounded up and tortured by the security forces on the directives of the Sharifs.
He was appointed Governor Punjab on May 15, 2008, much to the chagrin of the PML-N. He had since gained prominence in the political arena and served as the strongman of the PPP in Punjab and therefore a thorn in the side of the PML-N.
Of late the Sharifs responded to Mr Taseer’s political opposition to their way of governance by resorting to means that were both unfair and untenable. Often volleys were fired at his personality, and his family’s lavish and somewhat indulgent—read ‘un-Islamic’— lifestyle. Only last month Mr Taseer was accused of having left the country without informing the Punjab government in breach of the state protocol; a sustained media campaign followed which despite its best efforts failed to prove that Mr Taseer had gone abroad. Earlier photographs of his family partying away in the privacy of their home were placed in the media. Mr Taseer had the courage and the old world grace not to be bogged down or issue a denial in the face of such ungainly criticism that was clearly below the belt.
The Islamists openly called for his dismissal from the office for supporting the case of the Christian convict, for seeking presidential pardon for her, if it should come to that, and for being a vociferous opponent of the so-called Islamic laws that were introduced by Gen Ziaul Haq and which at best have remained highly controversial. A few also threatened to try Mr Taseer for condoning blasphemy against Islam. But he in that ideological sense represented the somewhat traditional liberal stance of the PPP, which the party itself has not truly been very comfortable with of late.
It remains to be seen what actually motivated the killer to open fire on Mr Taseer, inflicting a fatal wound, but it is not far from informed conjecture to say at this point that the motivation could have most likely been religious intolerance which leads to extreme reactions. The trend is rampant nowadays, and has led to wholesale killing of citizens, attacks on Sufi shrines and places of worship of rival Muslim sects, and of the minorities.
This is partly because hypocrisy takes the best of many politicians from across the spectrum. Even non-religious parties like the MQM, the PML-N and the PML-Q, could be seen losing their composure when it comes to issues such as demanding the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui from her American prison, citing little else in her defence besides her bona fides as a Muslim woman convict, but in reality wishing to add to the woes of their political rivals’ government. Similar is the stance taken on American drone attacks, even though everyone knows that Pakistan Army provides or shares the intelligence over which such aerial strikes are carried out against extremist elements.
Back to Mr Taseer’s assassination, it was rather uncanny to overhear a conversation that I did between two security guards outside the building they were deputed to guard, within minutes of the news of Mr Taseer’s death breaking. One guard congratulated the other on the assassination while the other responded by saying that the killer was indeed a very courageous man, God be praised.
This is not the country that makes one feel very safe.
Murder most foul!
Murtaza Razvi
Murder of Punjab governor “loss for Pakistan,” UN chief says
UN Secretary-general Ban Ki- moon on Tuesday condemned the assassination of Pakistani provincial leader Salman Taseer, saying that the death of the Punjab governor “is a loss for Pakistan.”
A statement, released here by Ban’s spokesperson Martin Nesirky, called Taseer, who served as governor of the Punjab province at the time of his death, “a prominent leader whose death is a loss for Pakistan.”
Taseer was shot and killed in Islamabad, capital of Pakistan, on Tuesday afternoon, reportedly by one of his own security officials.
“The secretary-general extends his condolences to the family of Mr. Taseer and to the government and people of Pakistan,” the statement said.
The governor took office in 2008 and was a member of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). He is said to be survived by his wife and six children.
Pakistan to bury assassinated governor
Waqar Hussain
January 5, 2011 – 1:44PM
Pakistan was in mourning and on high alert Wednesday ahead of the funeral of Punjab provincial governor Salman Taseer, following the country’s most high-profile assassination in three years.
The 66-year-old, one of the country’s most moderate voices against radical Islam and the encroaching menace of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, was shot dead by a member of his own security detail outside an upmarket cafe in Islamabad.
Shrouded in a white sheet, his body was flown home overnight from the federal capital to the Punjab seat of government in Lahore for a state funeral ordered by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.
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Authorities have thrown a ring of steel around the funeral venue to guard against possible unrest after dozens of supporters of the main ruling Pakistan People’s Party took to the streets on Tuesday to protest the killing.
“Governor Salman Taseer’s funeral prayer will be offered at the Governor’s House in Lahore on Wednesday,” an official release said.
Gilani, who is facing a fight for political survival, has appealed for calm with memories fresh of widespread riots after the December 2007 assassination of former PPP prime minister Benazir Bhutto.
Investigations into the killing are now focusing on whether the bearded police commando gunman acted alone or as part of a wider conspiracy.
“We will investigate whether it was an individual act or there is some organisation behind it,” Interior Minister Rehman Malik told reporters.
He named the assassin as Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, a government-trained commando assigned to the governor on at least five or six previous occasions.
“He confessed that he killed the governor because he had called the blasphemy law a black law,” Malik said.
Taseer was outspoken against the Taliban and Islamist militants hunkered down in the country’s northwest, who have also made increasing inroads into Punjab in recent years. He also spoke out recently against blasphemy laws.
The United States, which is in a sometimes troubled security alliance with Pakistan in its fight against Islamist insurgents in Afghanistan, said that his killing was a “great loss”.
“He was committed to helping the government and people of Pakistan persevere in their campaign to bring peace and stability to their country,” State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters.
Rights activists say Pakistan’s blasphemy legislation encourages Islamist extremism. The issue shot back to the headlines late last year after a Punjab court sentenced a Christian mother-of-five to death for insulting the Prophet Mohammed.
“Taseer showed himself to be a rare politician, willing to risk his life in espousing an unambiguous position against discrimination and abuse,” said Ali Dayan Hasan, senior South Asia researcher at US-based Human Rights Watch.
Analysts said threats to Taseer’s life and the assassination underscored how deeply religious extremism had penetrated society, just days after businesses closed across Pakistan to protest against any softening of the blasphemy law.
“Religious extremism has penetrated so deep into society that it has gone into the state system,” said political and security analyst Hasan Askari, in reference to the elite commando named as Taseer’s killer.
Fears are also rising for the safety of PPP lawmaker and former information minister Sherry Rehman, who has proposed a private member’s bill in parliament seeking to soften the blasphemy law.
“Religious extremism was fanned during the strike on December 31 against the governor and Sherry Rehman. Now it will haunt them even more,” said Askari.
Government will be paralysed for a three-day period of national mourning, on top of the massive problems facing the PPP-led administration since it lost its majority with the departure of coalition partner the Muttahida Qaumi Movement.
Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif has given the prime minister 72 hours after the mourning period ends to agree to a series of reforms.
Analysts say Gilani will be reluctant to alienate Sharif, worried that his Pakistan Muslim League-N party could call for a vote of no-confidence in the government and so force early elections.
This fanatic is a barelwi
good point ali. In fact it’s time for LUBP to reconsider its stance of calling all religious extremists “deobandi” as this is clearly not the case.
We were all blinded for the last many years by the fanaticism promoted by the deobandis-wahabis-ISI nexus and gave the barelvis a chance being the oppressed. What Mumtaz Qadri did may not be part of a conspiracy but easily the act of one or a few people who are swayed more than sentiments than sanity.
We have to boycott Jang, Geo and other conservative news agencies on an immediate basis.
Please update the blog as killer belongs to Brelvi sect !
“”The Elite Force guard who gunned down Punjab Governor Salman Taseer is said to be associated with ‘Dawat-i-Islami’, a non-political and non-violent religious group with Barelvi leaning…..””
The post now updated, also a new article now posted here:
This is what Shaikh Waqas Akram said on Capital Talk yesterday. I am sickened.
@Ahmed, Rabia, Truth Seeker
I agree. In this specific incident, there seems to be an apparent Barelvi motive (tauheen-e-risalat) and person. The post has been updated.
However, it is still a bit too early to rule out an ‘institutional involvement’ given some issues (as reported in news) about this person’s security clearance.
ممتاز قادری نے ساتھی اہلکاروں کو قتل کے منصوبے سے آگاہ کیا تھا، ذرائع
Updated at 0300 PST
اسلام آباد … سلمان تاثیر کے قتل کے ملزم ملک ممتاز قادری نے دوران تفتیش انکشاف کیا ہے کہ اس نے کچھ ساتھی اہلکاروں کو اپنے منصوبے سے آگاہ کیا تھا۔ جبکہ کچھ عرصہ پہلے اسے سکیورٹی رسک قرار دیکر اسپیشل برانچ سے نکال دیا گیا تھا۔ذرائع کے مطابق ملک ممتاز نے تفتیشی اہلکاروں کو بتایا کہ اس نے اپنے کچھ ساتھی اہلکاروں کو گورنر پنجاب کے قتل کے منصوبے سے آگاہ کرتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ وہ قتل کے بعد ہتھیار ڈال دے گا۔ ذرائع کے مطابق ملک ممتاز نے ساتھی اہلکاروں سے درخواست کی تھی کہ اگر وہ سلمان تاثیر کو قتل کردے تو اس پر فائرنگ نہ کی جائے اور زندہ گرفتار کیا جائے۔ کچھ عرصہ قبل ملک ممتاز کو سکیورٹی رسک قرار دیکر اسپیشل برانچ سے نکال دیا گیا تھا۔
But there are far too many unanswered questions: Did the suspect act alone? Why did the Punjab police assign a religious conservative to protect Mr. Taseer? News reports first said nine bullets were fired into Mr. Taseer, and hospital officials later said he was hit 24 times. Yet other members of the security detail did not shoot to stop Mr. Qadri, who surrendered with his hands up.
¶ Pakistani authorities need to investigate thoroughly and share their full findings with the Pakistani people.
¶ The United States and the international community must make clear their outrage over this killing. So must every Pakistani. The country’s political leaders and the Pakistani media also need to consider whether the way they have shaped the debate on the blasphemy law — some have argued that mentioning reform is blasphemy punishable by death — is further fueling conflict.
¶ Ultimately, only Pakistanis can save their nation, and they must answer the more profound questions: Do they want a country in which Muslims and non-Muslims can peacefully co-exist? Or one in which religious zealots, espousing the most intolerant interpretation of Islam, kill anyone brave enough to defend the defenseless? That would be the true blasphemy.
@Ahmed It is sickening, but believe me every single word that Wasqas Akram said (according to Ummat) is a true reflection of today’s Pakistan.
Shock and Awe continues:
JI sees Taseer’s assassin in ‘seventh heaven’
By Shamim Bano
In a shockingly blunt endorsement of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer’s assassination, Ameer Jamat-e-Islami in Sindh Asadullah Bhutto has declared that the assassin will directly go to the “seventh heaven”.
He said this after a press conference addressed by JI Ameer Munawar Hasan at Idara-e-Noor-e-Haq on Tuesday. The press conference ended abruptly when a JI spokesman Sarfaraz Ahmad broke the news of Taseer’s assassination to Munawar. “Is he alive?” was his first reaction.
“Whoever has killed him is a pious man and will go directly to heaven,” replied Bhutto to a question put forward by this correspondent.
He even went on to say that Taseer would not have got killed if the government had replaced him. “Aasia Bibi will suffer the same fate if the punishment awarded to her by the court for using derogatory remarks against Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (PBUH) is not implemented,” he added.
Earlier, during the press conference, Syed Munawar Hasan said that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) should also clear its position in Sindh after parting ways with the government at the Centre.
He said that Altaf Hussain’s party’s stand would sound vague unless all members of his party resign, including the governor, resign and sit on the opposition benches. He said Altaf had twice contacted him on the phone to discuss the political situation.
He was in favour of the government completing its five-year tenure, but he added the people should be provided with some relief by reducing the inflation rate and addressing unemployment issues.
He informed the media that his party would stage a sit-in in Peshawar on January 23 against the forced disappearances and drone attacks.
Unfortunately, it seems that Taseer himself was not aware of the gravity of the situation.
“Known as a committed secularist in a country where Islam remains both a unifying and a divisive force, Taseer was worried that US drone attacks on the Taliban and al-Qaeda were radicalising young Punjabis.
But in a Financial Times interview in November he insisted – with both pride and defensiveness – that Pakistan would not go the way of Afghanistan. “Pakistan is a vibrant democracy,” he said.
“It has an educated middle class, a civilian government and a free press.”
He dismissed the foot soldiers of Pakistan’s own Taliban insurgency as “brainwashed, illiterate tribes”. ”
Thanks Abdul for updating Blog !
I do agree with you that there seems to be a deep conspiracy as
1- How come a fanatic (whose appearance clearly indicates about his religiosity) got security clearance ????
2- Why didn’t other guards re-act ???
I wanted to share something personal. I met Salmaan Taseer once in 2004 when he came to our company in Karachi to offer pre-IPO shares of Worldcall Broadband Limited. In the board room, where all the senior management of our company were seated, I (as a management trainee) asked him many questions about the business plan and how he saw the threats of increased competition in due course. He responded to all of them calmly. At the end of the meeting when I shook his hands, he said “looks like you were the only one who cared about what you are investing in”.
Sorry for the long copy paste. Here is a specimen of venom from a right wing pro- military establishment, pro-Taliban blog PKKH.
Salman Taseer Killed by his own Guard
Submitted by HQ on January 4, 2011 – 5:53 pm47
ISLAMABAD: Punjab Governor Salman Taseer was attacked and killed in a firing incident in Islamabad’s Kohsar market on Tuesday.
Salahuddin tipu says:
January 4, 2011 at 6:21 pm
Well….this a perfect example of the probable fate of all these corrupt politicians…May Allah change there hearts or replace them with good people….
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Saud Ali says:
January 5, 2011 at 10:00 am
Allah humma Ameen!
Yes, I too condemn the PM’s announcement of a 3 day mourning! And I will be thrilled if we get Honorable Malik Mumtaz Hussain out as a free man!
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Aba Abal QaQa says:
January 4, 2011 at 6:24 pm
If indeed he was a Shatir-e-Rasool then Halaqa for him and his days are doomed until he is resurrected which will be a disaster for him. Brother Mumtaz has taken the right stand and inshauallah Allah will protect him as what he has done is in line with the Shariah Islamia. Does anybody recall the incident of Brother Lal Deen (correct the name if i am wrong) from Lasbella Karachi (apparently used to take the lawyers from Soldier Bazar over to City Court). He was responsible for taking out another Hindu Shaatir who abused R SHA in his book. I remember listening to this event thru my father and later reading about it during my last visit to Pakistan. R SHA came into his dream and gave him bashara of 150 more men who will be shaheed with him too. Subhanallah, the day he was given death sentence riots broke outside city court Karachi and exact 150 people died in that incident.
My father knew him personally and described him as a very simple and a poor man. Now compare Salman Taseer vs These Brothers. After all as the Habibullah said
La Aesha Illal Aeshal Akhira (Indeed the fun and enjoyment is only of the hereafter)
Wassalam Wa Rehmatuallah
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Zecchetti says:
January 4, 2011 at 6:32 pm
Allahu Akbar wa lillaahil Hamd
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Mujahid Ahmad says:
January 4, 2011 at 7:30 pm
Good Riddance!
Now we, as Pakistanis, should collectively pray for rest of The Zardari Gang to come across the same fate, Amin.
May Allah bless Pakistan with Righteous & Truthful Leaders!
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Rufi says:
January 5, 2011 at 3:56 am
Don’t worry, Namaz Janazah is not allowed for the Munfaiqs.
Remember Abullah bin Salool. Muhammad (SAW) wanted to pray on his Janaza but Hazrat Umar disagreed. Then Allah sent this AYat :
And do not pray [the funeral prayer, O Muhammad], over any of them who has died – ever – or stand at his grave. Indeed, they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were defiantly disobedient. (9:84)
It is all the same for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them; never will Allah forgive them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. (63:6)
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AmjiBhai says:
January 4, 2011 at 8:47 pm
Allahu Akbar wa lillaahil Hamd
Sab Aameen kaho…
Ya Allah
Jo B
Rasul-e-Pak aur Unki Jamaat-e-Sahabah aur Quran-e-Pak
Ki shan me gustakhi karay
uspay Sakht Azab Nazil Ho
aur wo aziyat ki maut maray
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Saleem Ahmad says:
January 4, 2011 at 9:53 pm
May Allah reward our brother who sacrificed his freedom and life of this world.
This is a clear message from entire Pakistani nation to the puppet government that there is no room for secularism and anti-Islam laws in Pakistan. Pakistan was made in the name of Islam and sons of Islam will not give up no matter who hard times get.
May Allah hasten the release of our brother and if he is put to martyrdom by the corrupt government under the laws copied from kuffar then we pray Allah to grant him Jannat and forgive his sins.
Tu kab tak bachay ga zardari?
Anay hi wali hai teri bari…………………………………….
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Adnan Arshad Mansoori says:
January 4, 2011 at 9:59 pm
Is there anyone at this Forum — who is agree with me — that the KILLER shall become HERO very soon — Just because of his STANCE/STATED POSITION regarding to KILL brutally to Salman Taseer according to Jiyala & Co. another Shaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee — eeeeeeeeeed.
Baat Hay – Ajeeb Si – Per Tajarbay Ki – Roshni Mein Butla — Raha-
Malik Mumtaz Qadri — Qaum Ka — HERO — Bun-nay —- Ja-Raha-
Adnan Arshad Mansoori Well in Advance – Wazih Tur Per Kaih Raha-
How much you agreed with my ABOVE MENTIONED well in Advance INFORMATION to you all — what is your IQ level to Guide you under the light of Pakistan Social Set Up.
*Barkien = Loud Speaking but in Senseless manner
Marhoom – Bhaut See — Khubioun – Kay Malik — Thay-
*Barkien Marnay Mein — Munfarid Maqam Rakhtay – Thay-
Yeh Bhee Richard Hollbroke Ki Tarah – Wohi Kam Kartay – Thay-
Yani Hamisha – Kharay – Hokar – *Moot-Nay Ko Foqiat Daitay – Thay-
Martay Waqt KALMA Naseeb Hoa Nahee – Peenay Kay Shouqeen – Thay-
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AAmir says:
January 5, 2011 at 12:50 am
Salman Mr T except for amassing wealth for his 5 chldren from and another son from NonMuslim Tavleen Singh was A rich man by Tasser that is Influence Feudalism I dont think Pak People hve ; lost anything they will remember him by Its only enemy of Pakistan who like a debaucherer Paki b/c they are no threat to them THEY WILL REMEMBER FONDLY FOR EVER Pakistan people hve price foodl,ack of electricity to rember than measly ONE who himslf may be responsible for death of thousands under his Taseer
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Jasim says:
January 4, 2011 at 10:06 pm
Brother Qadri, good move.
Defending the honour of our Rasool swas is the most important stance of our life.
This idiot changing the blasphemy law to make other happy and make his duniya popular never though of his AKHIRA!!!
Well he will surely be thinking, WHERE DID THAT BULLET COME FROM!!!
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Akbar says:
January 4, 2011 at 10:14 pm
Alhamdullilah the filthy soldout dog of punjab is dead Burn in Jahanum salman taseer
who is next
Rehman Malik
Altaf Hussain
hussain amricani
nawaz kunjar shareef
fazlu fazlu the harami molana
and last but not least the ANP scumbags in Khayber.
Here comes the revolution
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Alamgir says:
January 4, 2011 at 10:28 pm
I can’t believe the comments here! Murder is praised?! You people are not Muslims!
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Jawad says:
January 5, 2011 at 3:02 am
I second you on that
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Munir Ahmad Butt says:
January 4, 2011 at 11:36 pm
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Mudassar Ali says:
January 5, 2011 at 10:37 am
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Talal says:
January 4, 2011 at 11:53 pm
The blasphemy laws in Pakistan are NOT Islamic, they are man made laws and have no solid basis in the Quran or the Hadith at all! Prophet Muhammad was pelted with stones in Taif, did he retaliate? NO! We need to show a tolerant image of Islam anyway, who on Earth would even think of converting to Islam if we just kill because someone said something to our prophet who died 1400 years ago! Not a single thing happens to the ‘’shaan” of our Prophet because his level is a lot higher than ours! Anything which causes fasaad is wrong.
InshaAllah the killer is destined to hellfire, Ameen. He had no right to take anyone’s life.
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Aba Abal QaQa says:
January 5, 2011 at 1:16 am
Brother Talal
Not Correct what you are saying (Makkah and Medina period were different)? You need to read the fate of the following people from seerah of R SHA
1. Ka’ab ibn Ashraf (the Jewish poet in Medina) who was killed by Mohammed bin Maslama RHA who belonged to the tribe of Ous
2. Then tribe of Kizrij came to the R SHA and took the permisson to assassinate Abu Rafi’. Once again a Shatir Rasool SHA. He saw his fate in Jahannam via Abdullah Ibn Ateeq RHA
3. The blind man who killed his wife for which R SHA said that “he is most seeing one among all of you”. His wife used to curse R SHA and nothing else. Read what the blind man said to R SHA that she was a very caring wife and a very good mother to my kids…..
4. The two slave girls I repeat Slave Girls (remember the law on slaves are stringent in Islam) they were owned by one of the kuffars in Makkah. They used to sing against R SHA and after the conquest of Makkah their names were in the black list. They were taken by Ali RHA and were sent to Jahannam
In brief, from teh standpoint of all the madahibs it is “IJMA” of the ulemas that a Shatir R SHA must be killed regardless whoever they are. IJMA is teh agreement of the learned ones and to act against an IJMA is near to Kufr. Because R SHA said
“My Ummah will never gather on Dalala (arabic word which means strayness or being lost) or misguidance”
Brother Talal, read the wordings of Brother Ali Caan in the very end he beautifully puts it “why they are messing around with stuff which they dont know about”. Islam and the izza of R SHA is not a joke……..after all this deen belongs to only the ones who have the “Ghaira” and they are not jokers like Salman Taseeer and his cronies in the govt.
My humble naseeha to a brother like you would be to read the Seerah and read the book by Ibn Taimiyya title “Fate of a person who abuses R SHA”(closest meaning from Arabic to English)
Wassalam Wa Rehmatuallah
Aba Abal QaQa
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Aba Abal QaQa says:
January 5, 2011 at 1:22 am
Also, the blasphemy law is not man made it is put forward, implemented and shown by R SHA during his time in Medina. It is fixed in all muslim countries and the one who goes against it, chances are his fate will be of the same as Salman Taseer and many more like him in the past and inshauallah in the future.
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Rufi says:
January 5, 2011 at 4:00 am
Mr. Qaqa, Very well described. You are absolutely right.
By the way I hope this is your real name and I am sure you know who Qaqa was?
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Alamgir says:
January 5, 2011 at 1:33 am
This is why Islam has such a bad reputation among the many in the west. They mock us when we say Islam is a religion of peace. They use this act of violence as an example. Not to mention honour killings and suicide bombers. Islam is a religion of peace and should be followed by those who believe in peace.
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Rufi says:
January 5, 2011 at 4:08 am
Mr. Alamgir, PKKH has said it correctly. I am sure you are saying this in ignorance. Don’t fall for the propaganda of west of being humane. Because your Muslim brothers are nothing but collateral damage for them. Please read the brutal history of these westerners you are trying to impress. Crusades, Spain, India, Red Indians, WW1, WW2, Afghanistan, Iraq and so on.
So please try to impress our Allah not people.
Don’t worry, Namaz Janazah is not allowed for the Munfaiqs.
Allah says: It is all the same for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them; never will Allah forgive them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. (63:6)
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PKKH says:
January 5, 2011 at 1:57 am
What you quoted here ‘The blasphemy laws in Pakistan are NOT Islamic’ is exactly what people who designed this assassination wants to agitate. I would urge people not to discuss this matter without knowing the background of anything you’d be destroying your Dunia and Akhira.
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Aba Abal QaQa says:
January 5, 2011 at 3:28 am
PKKH can you please provide some link on Taseeer that you posted in the past.
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LIBRA says:
January 5, 2011 at 7:20 am
Talal tujhe kis baat ka hai malal, lagta hai teri duniya hai khushhal, jaa parh merey Rab ka farman kia farmata Rabb-e-Zuljalal, yeh magarmach ke aanso na nikaal, Haq or batil ko pehchan, utha shamsheer or zalim ko lalkar, naheen jigar tujh mein to apne rab ko pukar.
Naara-e-takbeer Allah-u-akbar….!
jo bara qudrat wala hai beshak har tareef ushi ke liey hai wohi rehnumai karta hai imaan walon ki or pher deta hai dil unke jo us ke farman se mukar jaatey hain. beshak woh sakht pakar kerne wala hai unqareeb or jo uska farman baja laey beshak woh kamyab huey.
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ali caan says:
January 4, 2011 at 11:57 pm
I sincerely want to feel sad for for S Taseers death but there is no inch of remorse in me, but i worry his death would bring out the many over zealous, extreme secular liberals who will use him as a martyr for there cause. Apert from this his politics have been seriously damaging for the country, his support for policies bringing about economic depression and last time i checked he apostated left Islam, can anyone verify this for me please? And if he did how very ironic the very law he wanted to expunge is the very reason that brought about his death (i dont know about anyone else but i certainly call that divine justice!). And as for his killer when are the secularists and political elite going to realise to not to play with the emotions of the people, Pakistan is emotionally deeply religiuos especially in regards to the Prophet SAW and anything associated with the Prophet SAW should be taken with the utmost of care, respect and sensitiveness (Nothing what the Best Of Creation deserves) and if you dont then incidences like these will occur. And as for the blasphemy laws there is a very popular saying “if it aint broken, dont fix it!”. WHY! are these people messing with things that they know nothing about and ultimately bring about there own destruction?!
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Rufi says:
January 4, 2011 at 11:59 pm
A picture is worth a thousand words.
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Junaid says:
January 5, 2011 at 12:15 am
shame on you PKKH
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Ahmedi (Pakistani: Stationed Kabul) says:
January 5, 2011 at 12:35 am
It’s a sad news and the way its been carried out makes it more impropriety. let Allah decide his fate, its a murder and sadly comments here reciprocate something else. The murderer should be hanged or dealt with proper lawful procedures. This Law has been previously misused to kill innocents here i am not at all saying the deceased in this case was/is innocent but let Allah decide on this.
To me this Law and this constitution is no sacred piece of paper we have the charter of life in Holy Quran we don’t need any other constitution made by humans with their materialistic and political motives driving laws into tangled constitutional reforms.
There should be a debate on this and people need to be realistic and tolerant as this is what Islam stands for Peace, Tolerance and Humanity. A person killing other kills whole Humanity.
May ALLAH bless us all with righteous sense of things and keep us firm or Just. May the deceased be forgiven by ALLAH as we all have to return to ALLAH.
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mujahid says:
January 5, 2011 at 1:04 am
salman taseer did not feel sorry for drone victim’s so why should people feel sorry for him. He lived a luxury life,travelled in bullet proof cars but when death comes theirs no escape!
May allah guide zardari and rehman maliks bodygaurds to do the same thing with them! These people dont care about the poor and dont care about the drone victims, I dont understand people who feel sorry for them when they get killed!
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Ali Shah says:
January 5, 2011 at 1:11 am
Wah my muslim brothers Wah! No doubt our muslim ummat has been lead astray. Personally, i admit i need to do more research on this blasphemy law, but from a humanity, nature and common sense point of view, adn from my understanding, these laws are man-made and not part of Islam. And you muslim brothers are praising a murderer! SUbhanAllah. No doubt when Mahdi and Isa a.s will come again, they will start cleaning this planet and with the Muslims like us.
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Rufi says:
January 5, 2011 at 4:13 am
Mr. Ali: Please read the comments left by Aba Abal QaQa says:
January 5, 2011 at 1:16 am
It explains exactly what your duty as a Muslim is.
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malik says:
January 5, 2011 at 2:43 am
Unfortunate to see against my expectations people here is cheering the death of a person who stood up for an innocent person who was forced into prison by people who follow no rule no law and no humanity.
Undoubtedly this is a tragic event which should not have happened.
Without giving any argument, these mulvis and mullahs are a trouble for our community, our country and for this world, these are rotten part of humanity which needs to be surgically taken out. They have actually nothing to do with Islam – i m pretty sure and i have a strong feeling these people are problem for everybody …. in their words they are biggest fitna, we need to join hand to ignite jihad against them and clean the world from these bastards
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Alamgir says:
January 5, 2011 at 2:54 am
these people you mention are enemies of Islam and Pakistan. Just ask the Indian agent Maulana Maudoodi! because of him, Pakistanis became even more divided along religious lines. Thank You India!
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Aba Abal QaQa says:
January 5, 2011 at 3:26 am
Malik needs to polish his education on Islam. As a student of knowledge my humble request to these brothers who wants to investigate Blasphemy law to go back to learning deen of Allah. As a student of knowledge I can tell what sort of twisted Islam they are talking about. Well you know what? Welcome to the real world now. As Sayyid Qutoob writes in his book that
“Allah will never bring the khillafah on earth through his righteous people until the two groups including momineen and munafiqeen + kaafirs are separated. Once it is established then Allah will bring in the Khilafah An Nubuwwa.”
We are currently going through the phase of shuffling so decide which camp do you belong to. Aasia bibi confirms before the jury in her village that she did abuse R SHA. As a rule of thumb our sister Aafia Siddiqui US never talks about her let alone our own cronies in the govt so why US was so concerned about Aasia Bibi the Mal’oun. Understand the WEST likes to check the water from time to time and I truly believe that they have failed this time again inshauallah.
To these so called liberal brothers one more thing……the history has shown that whenever R SHA is cursed the victory for muslims is near. Read Read brothers and read once again. Ibn Taimiyya says in his book (mentioned above) that ” some reliable people have told us that muslims in teh past when surrounds a fortress or a city and months would pass by but victory does not seem near. As soon as they start cursing R SHA the fortresses or cities would fall into the hands of the muslim.” From this I believe that victory is near now……………inshauallah and thse munafiqeen would not last there for long beinzillahi Ta;’ala
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Saud Ali says:
January 5, 2011 at 10:38 am
When someone uses the word ‘Mullah’ and ‘Maulvi’ in a disgusted manner, I smell a qadiani… Brother Aba Abal QaQa has rightfully explained the law, pointed out the fate of the criminal as directed by Rasool Allah (pbuh). If any of you still feel remorse for this bastard then the 3 remaining stray bullets from that burst are meant for you. Never be critical when the subject is Hurmat-e-Rasool! NEVER!
Hurmat-e-Rasool mai moat bhi qubul hai!
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hamza says:
January 5, 2011 at 2:50 am
Governor had commited no crime under Pakistans Law
Governor was only asking forgivness of that women
Even allah forgives sins
the hyprocisy of PKHH calling the governor a bad muslim. are u all perfect ?
He was innocent
the person who killed him is a murderer, he broke the oath he took his job.
Pakistan has a total GDP of a shameful 160 billion there will be no progress in this country.
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January 5, 2011 at 2:53 am
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The Purifier says:
January 5, 2011 at 3:18 am
Salam Brothers,
Guys dont argue with people like alamgir, ali shah, ahmedi, malik. Having look at their comments and views, they seems to be qaidiyani or some illegitimate child of an indian concubine.
Especially malik calling for jihad against muslims. This is strange, He should first do jihad with his wife, sister or mother who might be in some one else bed.
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vaneeza says:
January 5, 2011 at 3:29 am
you looking GUSTAKH E RASOOL PBUH…salman taseer is shaheed…u r nasl-yazeed….ab sub ko maro jo salman taseer ko shaheed bol rahay han media nd all political partys sab gustakh-e-rasool PBUH hoi…sharabi malik mumtaz teri zindgi per lanat tery dono jahan kharab hoay wo to haqeeqi dunia man pohnch gaya tera ab anjaam abratnaak hay …
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Jahanian Shah says:
January 5, 2011 at 4:30 am
@ HQ: It is just shameful the way you have strung together the news of Salman Taseer’s murder with a hatchet job from earlier displaying what seems like a bottle containing an alcoholic drink. Do you have no scruples to cast a murder in this light so as to put an ugly twist to his death? And you say he was a Gustakh-e-Rasool, he spoke up against a ‘black law’, a crude tool in the hands of intellectual pygmies, akin to hyenas frothing at the mouth with fanatical fervour baying for the blood of innocents driven like mad dogs at the behest of shepherds who have but only evil in their bosoms!
Woe to you and to PKKH for being a forum where people praise another man’s murder, quick to jump the gun and conclude whatever you deem is right and rightly so. Shameless ignorant chattel, the lot of you and your team. Liars!
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Shoaib says:
January 5, 2011 at 5:18 am
It is wrong to condone murder, this was never the right way. S Taseer and others might very well deserve a death sentence, but we cannot take the law in our own hands, this is just plain wrong, and will lead the country even further on the wrong way. I also agree with brother Tallal further up here.
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neel123 says:
January 5, 2011 at 6:49 am
This guy is the perfect face of barbarian Islam that has hijacked Pakistan. Pakistan needs more men like this guy, which will hasten destruction of the nation ………. !
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Adnan Arshad Mansoori says:
January 5, 2011 at 8:15 am
malik & rest of other minorities of Pakistan at this esteemed forum — While you were completing this write up which is comprised Malik Mumtaz Qadri, Pakistan Based Maulanas & Salman Taseer — were you drunk? — Don’t you know — according to ORTHODOX — Islamic Teachings regarding — Gustakh-e-Rasool Ss (Blasphemy Law) or you’ve been also reading & watching such these Events from — Made in USA glasses.
Kindly duly acknowledge my following words:
How can I myself or yourself & rest of the nation — make English Speaking Ruling Elite understand that I care-about you — if they deliberately always — ready to speak half TRUTH? —”RATHER”— on other hand — A Certified Hadees — “The Most dangerous TRUTH which is SPOKEN – partly.”
Surah Akhlas – Tuk – Sahih Tur Nahee Parh — Saktay-
Islam Ka Asal Dushman Hay Kaun – Kiya Yeh Butla —– Saktay-
Fazlu/Mullah Ko Daitay Ho Gali – Kaun Kiya Nahee Pehchan Saktay-
http://www.pakistankakhudahafiz.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Salman-Taseer-having-Sharaab.jpg — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wpZlvjps2s&playnext=1&list=PL4E8EF8A16D59CD83&index=27
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sohaib says:
January 5, 2011 at 8:16 am
Read all the comments of our liberals who can write english on english newspaper sites. Without even knowing what the blasphemy is and what blasphemy law, they have condemned all mullahs and have expressed danger to our country from these ‘extremists’. little do they know that they who call themselves enlightened moderates are also extremists.
Its this liberal types who have allowed drone attacks on our country. But that is fine because these drones are not falling on these liberals while they wine and dine. Oh Allah! Help save our country from these extremists.
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Adnan Arshad Mansoori says:
January 5, 2011 at 8:19 am
Surah Akhlas – Tuk – Sahih Tur Nahee Parh — Saktay-
Islam Ka Asal Dushman Hay Kaun – Kiya Yeh Butla —– Saktay-
Fazlu/Mullah Ko Daitay Ho Gali – Kaun Kiya Nahee Pehchan Saktay-
In above poetry instead of Fazlu/Mullah this should have been Mumtaz Qadri. i.e. as followed:
Surah Akhlas – Tuk – Sahih Tur Nahee Parh — Saktay-
Islam Ka Asal Dushman Hay Kaun – Kiya Yeh Butla —– Saktay-
Mumtaz Qadri Ko Daitay Ho Gali – Kaun Kiya Nahee Pehchan Saktay-
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Moin Ansari (Rupeesnews) says:
January 5, 2011 at 10:47 am
When first heard the news, I was curious to know what people think about the murderer. Just now BBC Urdu service said many people Tweet supporting the murderer. This explains what forced PPP to say “Benazir Bhutto assassination plot was not hatched at any Brigadier house”. Many people also glorify the killing under various pretext in their comments are abominable.
This gives an idea to world community, to which direction Pakistan heading and also the aim of PKKH blog (probably on American FBI watch list).
via Tarek Fatha at Twitter:
Shocking: 65% of Pakistanis in on-line poll say, killer of Salman Taseer doesn’t deserve “exemplary punishment”
TarekFatah about 2 hours ago
The poll was done by the leading right-wing newspaper, The News. http://www.thenews.com.pk/
Great work done by Brother Qadri. Gustakhay Rasool ki aik hi saza, no arrest, no talk, faisla on the spot. FIRE, FIRE, FIRE…..
Gustakh-e-Rasool ka sath denay walay bhi Gustakh-e-Rasool hi hota hay. Jab koi aap ki MAA ya BAAP ko bora bolay to aap kay upar say nechay tak aag lag jati hay. Same isi tarhan jab koi Nabi-e-Pak ki shaan may gustakhi karaiga to aap ko bhi bura lagna chahiee kionkay Nabi-e-Pak ki zaat MAA, Baap say bhi azzez honi chahiee aik muslim kay nazdeek. Agar muslim hoga to bura lagaiga, agar Emaan hi nahi koi kuch mehsoos nahi hoga. Apnay aap ka Emaan check karain kay Nabi-e-Pak ki gustakhi sun kar aaap ko kuch feel hota hay kay nahi. Bilkul ghair janibdar ho kar soochiee, sirf aur sirf aik musalman honay ki natay. koi qanoon nahi, koi party bazi nahi.
I think Salman Taseer nami jo harami darinda tha, is ki saza abhee khatam naheen honi chahye…is k marnay k baad bhee is ki bhund per itnay missile maray jaain k soorakh bhee koi count na kar sakay…
phir is k baad jahan is ko dabanay k baad bhee 100 khinzeer aur 100 Kuttay is ki qabar per pishab karain…
I think dabanay se pehlay is ki bhund may rani bum rakh k dabain to zyada achha hai jo dabanay k baad under jaa kar phat jaey…
jo hum se ho sakta hai wo hum kar dain…baqi phir inshaALLAH under to farishton k hawalay…wo to jo karaingay…!!!!
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Yai to khud Rasool Allah ka qanoon hay.
Jab Fatah-e-Makkah kay moqay par Nabi-e-Pak nay sab non-muslims ko muaf kardia tha, but jo jo Nabi-e-Pak ka Gustakh aur Baaghi tha,Rasool-e-Akram nay Sahab-e-Karam ko irshad farmaya kay mera Gustakh aur Baaghi agar Khana-e-Kabaa kay GHILAAF may bhi lipat kar chup jai, usay Kabay kay GHILAAF say nikal kar QATAL karo.
Apnay aap aur Pyaray Rasool Allah ki Shan-e-Pak ko pehchanoo musalmanoo…
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lo jee! update ho gia!
pehlay to qatil sipah-sihaba ka tha, aur ISI ka agent tha, aur jamaat aur PMLN nay qatal ki dhamki de thi.
ab daryaft hoa kay woh to barailvi tha!!
LUBP walay yeah kiyun bhool jatay hain kay woh khud bhi pakistani mashray ki paidawar hai, un ke khud ki yeahi aadat hai kay bagair chan-been kay ilzam lagana, apnay say mukhtalif khayalat rakhnay walon ko extremist kehna, intaha darjay ki tang-nazri dikhana … LUBP is just like the rest of Pakistani society; left-extremist, intolerance for point of views different from theirs, & blaming others without any proof.
An example of PPP’s open-mindedness:
Khabar-dar jo Bhutto ya BB kay baray mein kuch galat kaha. Sub kuch “objectionable” hai. PPP kay jialay tabahi phaila dain gay.
Bhutto shaheed aur zinda!
BB shaheed aur zinda!
aur ab Taseer bhi shahedd aur zinda!
Aur Shaan-Rasool mein koi gustakhi ho bhi gai to kia hai? Hum to moderate muslim hain. Hain naaaaa!!! Is hawalay say to koi qanoon he nahi Islam mein. Yeah to sub tang-nazar mullaon nay banaya hai.
Secular political forces jeopardize the security state narratives for its soft stance on India and are considered a danger to the Kashmir Jihad and other dearest projects of the deep state. While the religious and Islamist parties provide ideological support and manpower for those beloved causes, hence are natural allies to the deep state.
Hence people like Mumtaz Hussain Qadri are affected and impressed by the same mindset, the state has sponsored from the very beginning of its creation. Though sometimes it backfires and causing an embarrassment to it but achieves its goal of preventing the society from questioning and opening up.
I think the lunatic Murderer will got what he deserves, and soon those also who incited him
Gustakh-e-Rasool ki Aik Saza ,Sir Tun say juda Sir Tun say Juda
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