Syed Iqbal Haider, Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan’s fake liberals

Syed Iqbal Haider, along with Dr Mubashir Hasan et al, is an important pawn in the establishment’s war on democracy.
The LUBP is honoured to be the first Pakistani blog to dedicate a full post written with an aim to introduce (and expose) the Commander-in-Chief of Pakistani pseudo-liberals, Syed Iqbal Haider.
According to Wikipedia:
Iqbal Haider (born 14 January 1945) is a Senior Advocate of Supreme Court and the Co-Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP). He is also a former Senator, former Federal Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs from November 1993 to December 1994, and Former Attorney General of Pakistan.
Mr Haider’s political career is more in line with his mental and moral state. Not unlike other back-stabbers of the PPP (e.g., Meraj Khalid, Hanif Ramay, Ghulam Mustafa Khar, Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat), Syed Iqbal Haider has managed to connive with the military establishment of Pakistan, on more than one occasions, thus being an active contributory to conspiracies against democracy.
His most recent performance, in service of his masters of the ISI, was the ugly role that he played in the Supreme Court in various politically motivated cases against President Zardari and the PPP (e.g., NRO, 18th amendment etc). Interestingly, Syed Iqbal Haider has not shown much interest in certain other cases (e.g., missing persons case, Asghar Khan’s case) which are pending in the Supreme Court and have potentially damning implications for the ISI.
These days he is frequently seen in Dr Shahid Masood’s and Kamran Khan’s talk shows in the company of Akram Sheikh advocate and Qazi Anwar advocate. Birds of a feather, indeed, flock together.
Most recently he back-stabbed his own benefactor, Asma Jahangir advocate, by campaigning in support of Ahmed Awais, a close relative of ISI’s General Hamid Gul, in the SCBA elections.
Syed Iqbal Haider’s is an opportunist political career which is consistent with a pseudo-liberal (lack of) morality. He joined the PPP only in 1989 when he was appointed an Advisor to the Chief Minister Sindh. Later he served as President of the PPP Karachi and certain other positions. However, because of his personal opportunism and selective morality, he could not continue to support the party while in opposition. Therefore, in 2005 Iqbal Haider resigned from the party in order to earn some fame and dollars through his ‘business’ in human rights.
For a complete introduction, it is pertinent to refer to some comments and posts which I found through a quick google search on the internet.
To my pleasant reassurance, all of these comments are from those persons who I really respect because of their clear political commitment to the people of Pakistan and to democracy.
However, I was hardly surprised to see that not a single pseudo-liberal blogger or media person had written a single post in condemnation of Syed Iqbal Haider’s mischievous role in today’s Pakistan. And why would they? After all, Mr Haider is their CnC.
Here are some worth reading comments / excerpts on Syed Iqbal Haider:
Raza Rumi writes:
Ironically, this time large sections of the electronic media are hyperactive participants in the process, which is most likely going to push the country towards another man-made disaster. It is appalling to note that TV talk shows are focusing on extra-constitutional remedies. For instance, a Mr-Know-It-All anchor, whose acrobatics are well-known, posed a question to his (utterly uninspiring) guests to discuss the merits and demerits of the Bangladesh model and the so-called ‘General Kakar formula’. While the responses of the guests were entirely predictable, the most shocking response came from none other than former minister and Senator Iqbal Haider who has been a dyed-in-wool democrat. He confidently and at times vociferously advocated the “General Kakar formula” which essentially relates to the intervention by the army chief in a situation where a political deadlock emerges. One had always sympathised with this reputed lawyer’s position on the problems with the way his former political party – the PPP – was led and managed but to hear pleas for an extra-constitutional intervention was shocking to say the least.
Senator Haider has also been the co-chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan – an organisation that has always resisted any role of the military in politics. If an experienced politician, a civil society activist, on an independent media channel, is calling for the military to intervene then it can be sadly concluded that whether the government survives or not, democratisation of Pakistan will remain a fanciful notion.
Shaheryar Ali writes:
The chilling fact that Dr Aafia Sidiqui was an ideologically motivated Islamist in contact with Al-Qaidia puts a lot of things in perspective, the people whom she identified with have blood on their hands, and they are responsible for heinous crimes against humanity, suicide bombings which have killed innocent civilians, woman and children. The want to bring a system in which there will no human rights and fascist states will be formed. She agreed to all this and was an active supporter of this monstrous ideology. Despite this Pakistani secularists and human rights activists climbed on the band wagon of Pakistani Right wing. The dispassionate interest of Pakistani human rights activists in this should only have been on making sure that Dr Siddique gets a fair trial. But even people like Senator Iqbal Haider became a party to this Jihadi propaganda by engaging in the emotional circus constructed by the family. Pakistani secularists went out of line and ignored the warning signals which were always there.
Rabia Shakoor writes:
Speaking of Iqbal Haider, he was on live with Talat Husain a few days ago endorsing the Swat peace deal. I think this is a pretty clear indication that this country is finished.
Sarah Khan writes:
There are a number of common features of this despicable group: aloofness from the working class, pride in English proficiency and accent, superiority complex, hegemonic ambitions, intolerance and autocratic ideas, benevolent sympathy for the disempowered, imitation of the west, hypocritical views, aimless lives and fake activism.
Another major problem with the Pakistani pseudo-liberals (mostly from upper and middle class) is that they sit in their lounges, drink coffee or whatever and opine about this that without any appreciation of ground realities. There is a long list of pseudo-liberals in Pakistan, Iqbal Haider is indeed one of them.
Qudsia Siddiqi writes:
Ultimately, these ultranationalist yuppies can never accept a leader who takes his case to the masses like Bacha Khan, ZAB, BB, Bizenjo , Haider Bux Jatoi and GM Syed. On the other hand, they would love to hangout with opportunistic and back stabbing lawyers like Aitzaz and Iqbal Haider and their pit bull, the corrupt, compromised, closet Taliban, establishment boot licker Chaudhary Iftikhar.
As a senator, he used to be a member of the Senate Standing Committees on Defence, Defence Production and Aviation. That’s when he developed some contacts (and negotiated kickbacks) with the military establishment.
طالبانائزیشن کے ذمہ دار امریکہ اور پاکستانی اسٹیبلشمنٹ ہیں،اقبال حیدر
اسلام ٹائمز:ہیومن رائٹس کمیشن آف پاکستان کے شریک چیئرمین سید اقبال حیدر نے طالبانائزیشن کے عمل کا ذمہ دار امریکہ اور پاکستان کی اسٹیبلشمنٹ کو قرار دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ آج اس کی وجہ سے ہم بدترین جنگی دور سے گزر رہے ہیں۔ہمارے جوان اور عوام دہشت گردی کی نذر ہو رہے ہیں
لاہور:اسلام ٹائمز-روزنامہ نوائے وقت کے مطابق سابق وفاقی وزیر قانون اور ہیومن رائٹس کمیشن آف پاکستان کے شریک چیئرمین سید اقبال حیدر نے طالبانائزیشن کے عمل کا ذمہ دار امریکہ اور پاکستان کی اسٹیبلشمنٹ کو قرار دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ آج اس کی وجہ سے ہم بدترین جنگی دور سے گزر رہے ہیں۔ہمارے جوان اور عوام دہشت گردی کی نذر ہو رہے ہیں۔جنرل پرویز مشرف نے 9/11 کے بعد پالیسی دکھاوے کیلئے تبدیل کی۔مذہبی جماعتوں کو کالعدم قرار دیا لیکن تین ہفتوں بعد ہی ان کی لیڈر شپ کو رہا کر دیا۔شوکت عزیز غیروں کے پاس سے آئے تھے،ان ہی کے پاس چلے گئے لیکن انہیں یہ اعزاز حاصل ہوا کہ کہوٹہ کا دورہ کر گئے۔امریکہ ہمیشہ پاکستان کے دشمنوں کا سرپرست اور مددگار رہا، مجھے نہیں معلوم حکمران اسے کیسے دوست سمجھتے ہیں۔عافیہ صدیقی جیسی معصوم عورت کے کیس میں قانون اور انصاف کے تقاضے پورے نہیں کئے گئے۔ 9/11 کے واقعات کے بعد ساری بجلی پاکستان پر گری جبکہ ان واقعات میں ایک بھی افغانی اور پاکستانی ملوث نہیں تھا۔انتہاپسندی اور شدت پسندی کا خاتمہ صرف جمہوریت کی مضبوطی اور فراہمی سے ممکن بن سکتی ہے۔پارلیمنٹ کے اجلاس دن پورے کرنے کیلئے ہوتے ہیں،ایشوز پر بات کرنے اور پاکستان بنانے کیلئے نہیں۔
ایران سے سستی بجلی اس لئے نہیں لیتے کہ کہیں امریکہ ناراض نہ ہو جائے۔آج کی حکومت پیپلز پارٹی کی نہیں،مفاہمانہ حکومت ہے ورنہ صدر زرداری اور وزیراعظم گیلانی کو بے نظیر بھٹو سے زیادہ ووٹ نہ ملتے۔
وہ گزشتہ روز ”وقت نیوز“ کے پروگرام ”اگلا قدم“ میں اظہار خیال کر رہے تھے۔پروگرام کے پروڈیوسر میاں شاہد ندیم اور اسسٹنٹ پروڈیوسر وقار قریشی تھے۔اقبال حیدر نے مزید کہا کہ ہر مسئلہ اور ہر بات میں عدلیہ کو گھسیٹنا درست نہیں۔دلچسپ امر یہ ہے کہ 12 مئی کو عوام پر گولیاں چلانے والے وکلاء کے قتل میں ملوث چیف جسٹس کو سویوموٹو کیلئے خط لکھتے ہیں۔عدل و انصاف کی فراہمی کا عمل پہلے حکومت کی ذمہ داری ہے،پھر عدلیہ کی۔انہوں نے کہا کہ احتساب کے عمل کا اندازہ اس امر سے لگالیں کہ کرپٹ وزراء کابینہ سے استعفے دینے کو تیار نہیں۔
اقبال حیدر نے کہا کہ ملک میں جمہوریت کو نہیں پاکستان کے وجود کو خطرات درپیش ہیں،لیکن ہم ہوش سے کام لینے کو تیار نہیں۔طالبانائزیشن کی جڑیں نہ کاٹی گئیں تو اسے پاکستان پر مسلط ہونے سے نہیں روکا جاسکے گا۔ہمارے حالات یہ ہیں کہ پنجاب میں کھلے طور پر حکمران ضمنی انتخابات میں کالعدم تنظیموں کے ہاتھوں میں ہاتھ ڈالے چلتے پھرتے نظر آتے ہیں۔کوئی پوچھنے والا نہیں۔اقبال حیدر نے مزید کہا کہ بلوچستان میں حالات خطرناک ہیں،پیکیجز سے کام نہیں چلے گا۔بلوچ عوام کو صوبائی خودمختاری دینی ہو گی۔انہیں فیصلوں میں شامل کرنا پڑیگا،انہیں اپنی گیس اور دیگر وسائل کا مالک بنانا ہو گا۔انہوں نے کہا کہ بدقسمتی سے یہاں عوام کو حقائق نہیں بتائے جاتے۔انہوں نے کہا کہ دہشت گردی کے اصل ذمہ دار امریکہ اور مغرب خود ہے۔ہمارے حکمران نااہل تھے جو اس جنگ کا ایندھن بننے کو تیار ہو گئے۔دہشت گردوں کو باجوڑ سے نکال کر سوات میں پھینکنے اور یہاں سے آگے لے جانے سے دہشت گردی ختم نہیں ہو گی۔آج بھی طالبان وہاں لوگوں سے جبری مشقت لیتے نظر آتے ہیں۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ بے نظیر بھٹو کے دور میں طالبان کی حکومت کو تسلیم کرنا ان کا فیصلہ نہ تھا،یہ اختیار انہیں حاصل نہ تھا۔اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے فیصلوں میں ان کی مرضی شامل نہیں ہوتی تھی۔بی بی بے نظیر بھٹو نے کسی حد تک گورننس قائم کی۔ان کے دور میں کہیں خودکش حملے نہیں تھے۔انہوں نے کہا کہ آج بھی کئی علاقوں میں خواتین ووٹ نہیں ڈال سکتیں۔حکومتیں خواتین کے حقوق کی بات کرتی ہیں،یہ سب کچھ کیا ہے۔امریکہ کا ایجنڈا دہشت گردی کا سدباب نہیں۔اسلحہ خود اسکا اپنا استعمال ہوتا ہے۔دہشت گردی کا سدباب پورے جنوبی ایشیا سے ہونا چاہئے۔انہوں نے کہا کہ انسانی حقوق کے حوالہ سے امریکہ کا کردار بھی اچھا نہیں۔ڈاکٹر عافیہ صدیقی کو نیویارک کی عدالت میں حالت غیر میں پیش کیا گیا۔اس بیچاری پر کسی امریکی فوجی پر قاتلانہ حملہ کا الزام تھا۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ اوباما اور ہیلری کے وعدوں پر یقین کرنا سراسر بیوقوفی ہے۔انہوں نے کہا کہ امریکی دباﺅ سے نکلنے کیلئے عوام کو اعتماد میں لیا جائے۔امریکہ اپنے مفادات کا اسیر ملک ہے۔روس سے جنگ کے وقت اولمپک کھیلیں بند کر دی تھیں،لیکن تجارت نہیں۔انہوں نے کہا کہ 17 ویں ترمیم کا خاتمہ ناگزیر ہے۔نہ جانے حکومت نیک کام کرتے ہوئے ڈرتی ہے،نہ جانے نوازشریف نے اتنی مقبولیت حاصل کر کے ترامیم پر یو ٹرن کیوں لے لیا۔انہوں نے کہا کہ پیپلز پارٹی کی حکومت فیصلوں میں خودمختار نہیں۔
Wednesday 31 March 2010
Shaheryar Ali looks like a US citizen and a Jew not a Muslim and Pakistan.
May Allah give him hiddaya..
Iqbal Haider sahab is one of those people who got sidelined from 1999 onwards. Apparently, he sent a bill of services of MBB as her lawyer! Though nothing wrong in it, but just showed the pettiness of the man!
Nowadays as he has no position in the party, he is acting coo-coo!
Here is another pseudo-liberal:
Dr Mubashir Hasan: Establishment’s latest pawn in the ‘war on democracy’
“”Shaheryar Ali looks like a US citizen and a Jew not a Muslim and Pakistan.
May Allah give him hiddaya..””
Could you please elaborate how ???
Ignore my self commendation. This extract is taken from New Pakistan blog:
Good job to Let Us Build Pakistan for exposing this strategy! Sarah Khan blogging for LUBP wrote a rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan that echoes many of the the points made by Peter Bracken.
“The pseudo-liberal is essentially a bigot who parades under the illusion of being a liberal while pursuing a non-liberal agenda. Pseudo-liberals of Pakistan are no less dangerous than terrorists, activists and supporters of the Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jamaat-e-Islami and Hizbut Tahrir. In a way, pseudo-liberals are more harmful because while extremist Islamists are visibly despicable because of their hate ideology, pseudo-liberals are eating Pakistan and its civil society and institutions from inside in the guise of their ostensible commitment to liberal values (while providing unflinching support to institutions of power (army, bureaucracy, feudals and industrialists) of Pakistan).”
Besides, why is it that so many of these Illiberals from the ‘deluded left’ have no end of criticism for drone attacks, but cannot be bothered to ever condemn the attacks on civilians? Yes, there are civilians killed by drone attacks, but these are not the direct targets. Rather, the drones are targeting people like Hakimullah Mehsud.
Taliban suicide bombers, though, are intentionally targeting innocents.
Contrary to what the militants may claim, civilians are a prime target for the Taliban. One of the deadliest attacks in recent months took place in a Mohmand Agency bazaar on Friday, killing dozens of children, women and civilian men.
The local Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which they said was directed against a peace jirga that the suicide bombers failed to penetrate. That is hardly a distinction as the jirga members were civilian too, not members of a military force engaged in combat with the Taliban. No further proof was needed really but this latest assault confirms that the Taliban lie when they say, as they did following the Data Darbar carnage, that they do not target ordinary citizens. We repeat: hitting civilians who do not subscribe to the Taliban ideology now heads the agenda of the hydra-headed insurgency that is quelled in one area only to break out in another.
This is not to support drone attacks, but to make the obvious point that these Illiberals do not really care about civilian deaths as long as they are killed by militants. Certainly if you ask them they will deny this, but if you follow their words in the newspapers and on TV you will find something that speaks a very different message.
Sarah Khan continues her blog post with some telling observation:
“There are a number of common features of this despicable group: aloofness from the working class, pride in English proficiency and accent, superiority complex, hegemonic ambitions, intolerance and autocratic ideas, benevolent sympathy for the disempowered, imitation of the west, hypocritical views, aimless lives and fake activism.”
There has been something bothering me about the ‘fake degrees’ issue and I had not been able to identify it until now, but for all their claim to supporting ‘liberalism’ and ‘democracy’ over the old ways of ‘feudalism’, what you find lurking just under the surface of all their complaints is a new feudalism of their own.
And this is where it becomes quite clear. If you call them pseudo-liberals or ‘deluded Left’ or Illiberals or what have you, the point is the same. There is a growing cabal of people who may have had liberal credentials at one time, but have become so out of touch with the common people that they are now moved all the way around the political spectrum so that they are promoting right wing views.
Just as hot water is not enough to make a cup of tea, so it is not enough to claim the label of ‘liberal’ if what you are speaking is illiberal.
What a deafening silence by the P-L (pseudo-liberal) brigade!
Not a single P-L stepped forward to defend their CnC?
Where have all the cowboys gone?
I am a liberal and appreciate ppp’s liberal policies- But I am an staunch adversary of all type of corruption and an staunch advocate of selection based on merit–
It pains me tremendously that level of corruption is on the rise for the last 40 years in Pakistan- Where are we heading?-
@ Bajang Aamad
I agree. Why don’t you write a critical piece on rampant corruption in Pakistan? We will be happy to publish that.
I have stopped watching Pakistani news channels for a long time so did not know what Iqbal Haider had been saying about PPP and the current Govt. But I always held him as a hypocrite of highest order. Good to know that I was not wrong in my conclusion about him. I concluded this about him based on two observations. First, he left PPP and became “depoliticized”. I have very little faith in such civil society characters. Secondly, during BB’s second govt. when he was the law minister I guess, he hinted at reform in 295-C. The mullahs quite predictably came after him. So, instead of standing his ground, or even just simply backtracking by keeping quite, he went on TV again and again and declared that it is part of his “Iman” that any person insulting the prophet should not live for a minute. He said it again and again. What cowardly behavior. You wouldn’t see such a thing from Asma, ever.
We certainly had differences with Syed Iqbal Haider’s certain policies in recent times and we expressed our differences openly. But he was a very brave and honourable man.His contributions are unforgettable. His struggle against Zia and Islamofascism heroic.
Senitor Haider will truly be missed.
Syed Iqbal Haider, Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan’s fake liberals
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