Malik Ishaq Deobandi vs Ahmed Ludhianvi Deobandi – by Zain Gardezi


The cat is out of the bag. As Pakistan approaches loser to its general elections date, not only are we going to see some interesting developments in the mainstream parties, but the divisions among the political factions of terrorist organizations which were already indicated earlier are also now becoming more obvious. As takfiri terrorist Ahmad Ludhianvi prepares himself to contest elections and do under the table deals with Jhangvi sympathizer Sharif, Malik Ishaq has sent a message to his supporters to completely boycott the elections until SSP and PMLN get him released from the jail.

The message also insists that the decision of participating and supporting other parties will solely be made by him alone when he is eventually released; an obvious message to SSP workers not to trust in Ludhianvi’s leadership. It is also interesting that the message is sent on a personnel capacity and not from the forum of Anjuman Sipah e Sahaba (ASS), as Ludhianvi is still its president (at least on paper).

These divisions are accepted by pro ASS journalists in their private gatherings as well. A fake liberal MQM tout with soft corner for ASS Ludhiani group has been tweeting from some time now that while Ludhianvi is serious in working for peace, but “the workers are not in his control”. By workers he means Ishaq’s group. He can’t name him openly due to fear of bullet in his head. The divisions among ASS are such that it resulted even in attack on its own chief terrorist of Karachi ie Aurangzeb Farooqi. After the attack Farooqi released more than usually strong statement against shias in order to appease the ‘other group’. But it did not appear to work as the strike and protest appeal of ASS failed miserably and members of ASS belonging to Ishaq’s group did not take part in it.


In such a scenario it would not be surprising that Ludhianvi will be reading nawafil of shukrana that Ishaq is in jail so that he himself is free to do his under the table deals with PMLN. That is the reason Ishaq is reaching out to ASS through messages from jail to make his presence felt to an extent that he is not even bothering to hide his differences with Ludhianvi.

We here at LUBP would like to clarify that while fake liberals and Rana Sana Ullah may try to fool people that Ludhianvi is all for peace and has nothing to do with more violent faction of ASS, we do not differentiate between terrorists. Ludhianvi is the same person who oversaw Gojra massacre and negotiated for safe release of many terrorists like Ishaq. Only difference perhaps is he is more subtle in his approach and is slowly trying to bring his terrorist organization to mainstream so that he has more room for blackmail for the release of even more terrorists.  That is the reason he has been mixing his brand with the Kashmiri jihadi groups (through DPC) as they are more ‘acceptable’ among the masses. However, this approach is backfiring as now people can see all these different set of lashkars are one and the same thing and there is just one source pulling their strings i.e Yeh jo dehshatgardi hai us kay pechay wardi hai.




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  1. Kurmi
  2. Xain Gardezi
  3. Kurmi