Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is just a facade to protect Sipah Sahaba ASWJ
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) is a fictitious entity created by Pakistani establishment (army, intelligence agencies, and their mouthpieces in right-wing-dominated Urdu media and fake liberals dominated English media) in order to place the blame of Shia genocide, systematic attacks on Sunni Barelvi shrines, massacres of Ahmadis and Christians on an imaginary group which does not exist in reality.
In fact, both Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have no presence at all in Pakistan’s settled areas and urban centres, e.g. Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar etc.
In realiy, the actual group responsible for massacres of Shia, Sunni Barelvi, Ahmadi, Christian etc is none else but the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) which is currently allowed by Pakistan army and government to operates as the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) under the leadership of Ahmed Ludhianvi and Malik Ishaq in Punjab, Aurangzeb Farooqi in Karachi, Ramzan Mengal in Balochistan, Qazi Nisar in Gilgit Baltistan and Hakeem Ibrahim Qasmi in Peshawar. These are the terrorist responsible for massacres in Quetta’s Alamdar Town, Karachi’s Abbas Town, Lahore’s Josph Colony and Peshawar’s various Sunni shrines and Barelvi mosques.
As a matter of ISI-ASWJ’s policy, any ASWJ Takfiri Deobandi terrorist who is caught red-handed by the people or the police is disclaimed and disowned by the ASWJ and is described as an LeJ operative. In other words, all Takfiri Deobandi terrorists are ASWJ members as long as they are not nabbed by the police.
Therefore, we must not be distracted by misleading propaganda by apologists and affiliates of Pakistani establishment in right-wing dominated Urdu media and fake liberals dominated English media. The LeJ and TTP are imaginary, fictitious entities, used to deflect attention from real killers of Shias, Sunnis, Ahmadis and Christians.
The attention of activists and the target killed communities must remain focused on the ASWJ (aka SSP, LeJ, TTP, JeM etc) led by Ahmed Ludhianvi Deobandi and his various deputies and affiliates.
Fully agreed
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Today so-called independent media is supporting right-wing political and social thoughts, and giving disproportionate coverage to various fundamentalist and rightest political groups. Pakistani media has made it practically difficult for liberal and progressive section of the society to present their side of pinions on the subject of sensitive and a highly political nature. And Geo is leading the tally with most number of right wing programs and anchors, it’s top-rated talk shows are highly biased and imbalanced one, as they promote right wing or conservative ideology. This sort of unfair treatment of news made Geo unacceptable for liberal and progressive section of society plus Pakistan Peoples Party’s sympathizers. In a bid to remove the tag of ‘right-winger’ and restore the credibility, confidence and trust of its TV with new liberal narrative, Jang group has hired Najam Sethi, a journalist, having liberal credentials, just to change outer skin and try to present itself as a liberal progressive news organization. But it becomes another failed attempt to revive the democratic image due to internal censorship by the management. louboutin shoes
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