Has Tahirul Qadri the required mandate to enforce his agenda? -by Syed Jaffer
The area highlighted in the picture is the ground around Minare Pakistan. Exact area calculated by using the raster image and Auto CAD is 0.4 square kilometer.
Alternatively the area is forty three lac five thousand nine hundred and eighty four square feet i.e. 43,05,984 sq ft. Bare minimum area required by single individual in a jam-packed crowd comes to 4 square feet.
If we consider that every single inch of the ground was populated with people there cannot be more than 10,76,496 persons on the ground at one single instant.
There could never be 100% population in the ground, there are around 20 % small structures flower beds and trees, the participants claimed is highly exaggerated.
If we consider there to be around four hundred thousand ignorant that blindly follow the Canadian clown that makes about maximum 4 constituencies for electioneering.
I feel sorry that anchors on media have been misguiding common people to change the popular opinion. They go into hibernation whenever there is a dictator usurping the power. A few articles in Urdu dailies compares Tahirul Qadri with Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari. Wish these writers had the capability to differentiate the situations the three individuals in question were in while they were in exile. Qadri the Sancho Panza was not forced into exile by any dictator.
With Constitution, to follow, why the print and electronic media is trying to focus that the move by Qadri is of any benefit to the common Pakistani. The crowd that Qadri collected at Minare Pakistan was from all over the country. If ever Qadri contests election I can guarantee that he will not be able to win more than 2 seats. If we consider the strength of all his exposed and hidden alleys they won’t be able to form a workable coalition. Right now I don’t see capability in any
other leader to run a coalition that Zardari has demonstrated.
“Bare minimum area required by single individual in a jam-packed crowd comes to 4 square feet.”
No it is 2ft (width of a person) x 1 ft (average depth of a person) = 2 sq ft.
Where did you learn your math?
Can we ever speak the truth:
There were three main authors of Azad Adlia movement or restoration of Iftikhar Mohammad Choudhury as Chief Justice. United States had warned in clear words that this Chief Justice was not wanted by him. At that point in time, Pakistan was given in a silver plate to USA by ex Gen. Musharraf. New elected government had nothing in their pockets to run the country. So a big drama was staged written, directed and produced by Pres. Zardari, Gen. Kiyani and Nawaz Sharif. To USA it was displayed that Ch. Iftikhar had been re-elevated on the millions people March towards Islamabad. So the flow of dollars to Pakistan didn’t stop.
Forget about what Altaf Hussain is going to announce tomorrow. This long march cannot change a bit. This march for which 50,000 big buses are required will end either half-way or even if it reaches Islamabad. They will remain there for one week after which when the marchers thought they did more than what they were paid, they would start disappearing in this chilling condition.
One more thing, Tehrir Square forms and gets successful in those countries where there are thousands of political workers behind the bar. Where media is under heavy pressure not to speak the truth. You may call Pres. Zardari by any name from Mr.10% to Zordari or Barbadi, he only smiles. In such countries, only an elected government is removed through ballot box.
Nice article Sir