Geo TV hand in glove with a spy agency in derailing the democratic government
In his popular talk show (Najam Sethi Special 5 December 2009), Najam Sethi suggests that Geo TV is being supported by a spy agency (anti-politicians establishment) in order to derail democracy in Pakistan, e.g. the Swiss case documents’ removal scandal. Here is the relevant clip:
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Lt. Gen. Shahid Aziz – Lieutenant General Shahid Aziz is a retired Pakistan Army general who served as the commander of the IV Corps (Lahore) from December 2003 to October 2005. After retiring from the army, he was appointed Chairman of the National Accountability Bureau, a post he left in May 2007. His illustrious military career has placed him in pivotal posts during critical periods in Pakistan over the last decade. In 1998, he found himself involved in Pakistan’s nuclear tests as Director of Military Operations. During the Kargil conflict of 1999, he served as DG of the ISI’s Analysis Wing. That same year, he was appointed to the role of DG Military Operations where he played a crucial role in the counter-coup that brought President Musharraf to power. After the events of 9/11, he was serving as Chief of General Staff at GHQ when the US deployed its forces to Afghanistan. He finally retired from the army in 2005 after having held the post of Lahore Corps Commander for two years.
Obviously many must have missed the clarification (as I would have if you did not put it here), and obviously Rascals like Ansar Abbasi and many others like him have succeeded in doing propaganda full of lies, but still it is nice to expose them and their true stinking faces. InshaAllah, these people and their partners, who lie and do propaganda to misguide innocent people, would burn in hell forever.
Read what Rascal Ansar Abbasi wrote … read what I wrote about Ansar Abbasi, that this guy is crook and misguide people with twisted reporting, lies and agenda. Now, here is what clarification came from Shahid Azia. Why clarification was needed is obvious, because Ansar Abbasi is rascal and twisted the interview. Purpose of Ansar Abbasi was to misguide innocent readers, and obviously those who trust this Rascal (unwittingly) and had no opportunity to read what Shahid Aziz Actually said, would get misguided.
Things to note from what Lt Gen Shahid Aziz said (against lies what Rascals like Ansar Abbasi propagates) is that: It was policy of president Musharraf that Musharraf vigorously emphasised to all that … no Pakistani would be handed over to Americans, plus Pakistan would try to send all foreigners first their own country (actually, what I know is that Musharraf gave general amnesty to all foreigners if they surrender and want to live in Pakistan. Only those foreigners were attested who did not surrendered, and when arrested their country were approached to take them and when their contrary declined to take them than only they were handed over to Americans). Shahid Aziz also said that when we learned of Pakistanis in Guantanamo Bay, we felt remorse. According to Shahid Aziz, the possibility of these Pakistanis in Guantanamo Bay is that they must have got arrested in Afghanistan.
Lt Gen Shahid Aziz also said that at no point military was unaware of anything that was related to Military and military was involved. He also said that decision to ditch Taliban was made with careful consideration and taking all pros and con into equation, something only those could understand who were in the position at that time. Throughout Lt Gen Shahid Aziz not only defendend President Musharrad decisions but appreciated it showing high regards of the decisions and role or President Musharraf throughout. He also said that Pakistanis should be thankful of President Musharraf that he steered Pakistan out of crises getting us 7 valuable years after 9/11 and made Pakistan stronger strategically today. He further said that Musharraf only cooperated with USA to certain limit, and never cooperated beyond that limit.
Now it is sad and disgusting that a Liar and a Rascal like Ansar Abbasi twisted everything what Shahid Aziz said and did all to misguide innocent Pakistanis so that he can fulfil his agenda of maligning an honest man. From what Shahid Aziz wrote and the reality, one can judge the character of this disgraced person Ansar Abbasi, and people like him in Journalism as well as in other places. Worse is that, many Pakistanis are becoming victim of such propaganda and lies by number of thugs like Abbas Ansari in Journalism and becoming misguided.
GHQ had strongly opposed handing over Pakistanis to US
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ex-CGS says Musharraf allowed US drones despite top commanders’ opposition
By Ansar Abbasi
ISLAMABAD: Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz, who served as the Chief of General Staff (CGS) from Oct 2001 to Dec 2003, revealed that the Army as an institution was in complete dark about what was going on between Washington and Islamabad on the war on terror and the GHQ and top Army commanders had strongly opposed the handing over of Pakistanis to the US, but Musharraf did so on his own.
BBC documentary on Nawaz Sharif