Government should seriously consider repeal of blasphemy laws

The situation of Christians in Pakistan is often victims of violence. As especially in these days, Ms Bibi Asia and her family is suffering. Asia Bibi is a Pakistani Christian woman. She was arrested by police on June 19th of 2009 and charged Blasphemy. She is still in Jail. Asia Bibi was working on a Farm with some local women. The owner of Farm was Muslim named Muhammad Adrees. The Muslims women who were working there in Farm share about Muhammad with Asia Bibi. Asia Bibi responded by telling the Muslims about Jesus. Asia Bibi told that our Jesus was on cross for our sins and He is alive. After hearing this Muslims women become angry and start to beat Asia Bibi. Then some men took her and locked her in one room. After police arrested her and charged her Blasphemy law 295 C.

295C Blasphemy laws are not changeable in Pakistan. Even if you try to change or protest against this law. So it will be not surprising if you receive threaten from Muslims organization. We should be prepare for threaten if we go against this law. We see in our past who struggles to change this law. They suffer terrible consequences, as we see the murder of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer and Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti. In Pakistan all minorities become affected by this law but especially Christians. We see in past like Gojra that how innocent people were killed in day light and some burnt live. Many churches have been attacked and villages are burnt. All worlds condemned for the murder of Shahbaz Bhatti. Even after the murder of Shahbaz Bhatti still Christians persecution are going on. Since that four Christians have been murdered and two churches have attacked. I don’t think so that its going to finish soon. It looks like that it will continue of persecution of Christians. I think that Government should realize now that what is right as many Christians people are killed because of this law. They should finish this law now instead of waiting for more people killed.

These all circumstances as Christians of Pakistan make us disappointed and asking for losing hope and just suffer from this law and continue to give sacrifice more and more Christians people. But we are still looking to our God who will do miracle for us and we have Hope in Him that He will protect us. Shahbaz Bhatti and Salman Taseer gave their lives for Pakistani Christians that they could have peaceful future in Pakistan and we will continue with the same courage and dedication.

It’s my appeal to Pakistani authorities that please do something to change this law and also my request for Asia Bibi that she may be restored to complete freedom and I also appeal that in Pakistan every Christians should be have all human rights and fundamental rights. I pray for all Christians of Pakistan who are suffering from same situation that their human rights and fundamental right may be fully respected.



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  1. Saad