Nawaz Sharif says Ajmal Kasab from Faridkot, Pakistan

Sharif slams Zardari, says Kasab from Pakistan

Challenging President Asif Ali Zardari’s assertion that there was no proof that the arrested Mumbai attacker hailed from Pakistan’s Punjab province, former premier Nawaz Sharif has said that the suspect’s village was cordoned off and his parents were not allowed to meet anyone.

“I have checked myself. His (Ajmal Amir Iman alias Ajmal Kasab) house and village has been cordoned off by the security agencies. His parents are not allowed to meet anybody. I don’t undertand why it has been done,” Shraif, who hails from Punjab, said in an interview to ‘Geo News’ channel.

“The people and media should be allowed to meet Iman’s parents so that the truth could come out in the open,” he said, adding that “We need some kind of introspection.”

In his interview on Kamran Khan Kay Sath, Nawaz Sharif stated that Pakistan was becoming ‘a failed state’


After India, Sharif slams Zardari, says Kasab from Pak

Islamabad Challenging President Asif Ali Zardari’s assertion that there was no proof that the arrested Mumbai attacker hailed from Pakistan’s Punjab province, former premier Nawaz Sharif has said that the suspect’s village was cordoned off and his parents were not allowed to meet anyone.

“I have checked myself. His (Ajmal Amir Iman alias Ajmal Kasab) house and village has been cordoned off by the security agencies. His parents are not allowed to meet anybody. I don’t undertand why it has been done,” Shraif, who hails from Punjab, said in an interview to ‘Geo News’ channel.

“The people and media should be allowed to meet Iman’s parents so that the truth could come out in the open,” he said, adding that “We need some kind of introspection.”

Zardari, who earlier acknowledged that the perpetrators of the Mumbai carnage could be ‘non-state’ actors from Pakistan, has now said there is still no “real evidence” that the terrorists who attacked Mumbai came from Pakistan.

“Have you seen any evidence to that effect. I have definitely not seen any real evidence to that effect,” Zardari told BBC in an interview earlier this week.

Pakistani security agencies and local officials in Faridkot have launched a cover-up since India made it public that Kasab belonged to the village in Punjab province and his father acknowledged to a Pakistani newspaper that the gunman captured in India was his son.

Sharif also slammed President Zardari’s rule, saying the functioning of the current Pakistan People’s Party-led government is making Pakistan look like a “failed state”. Pakistan presents the picture of a failed and ungovernable state due to the absence of the government’s writ and the country urgently needs a new roadmap to pull it out of the problems it is currently facing, he said.

Kasab has told Indian investigators that he belongs to Faridkot village of Okara district in Pakistan’s Punjab province and that he was trained by the Lashker-e-Taiba to carry out the attacks. Iman’s father Amir Kasab too had admitted that the gunman in pictures beamed by the world media is his son.

Sharif said if Iman was not involved in the Mumbai attacks, why was Faridkot village being cordoned off by security agencies and the media prevented from going there.

If Iman was “involved in any way, despite that his parents should be allowed to speak out and say the boy has been (away from home) for three or four months or one or two years and we are also very worried about him”, Sharif said.

He also asked why people and journalists were being barred from meeting Iman’s parents and other residents of Faridkot.

Pakistani security agencies and local officials in Faridkot have launched an apparent cover-up operation since Indian investigators revealed he belonged to the village.

Iman’s parents have reportedly been shifted from the village and local officials have claimed no youth named Ajmal Kasab had lived in Faridkot.–slams-Zardari/400494/

Ataul Haq Qasmi – Jang – 20 Dec 2008


Some Comments
gditpp Says:

Terrorists can attack Mosques, Janazas and innocent civilians. But they will not kill any Hindu Indian cricketer, funny statement Khan sb.

IMHO ISI should not be the PRIME national intelligence agency. Only a civilian agency should be responsible to take care of national security, headed by a civilian.

When BB, Zardari and the rest of PPP leadership was suffering at the hands of establishment Imran was supporting Musharaf’s in-uniform-referendum and was voting MMA candidate, FazalurRehman for PM. NRO is a issue only because it freed PPP leadership from running from one court room to another and allowed them to focus on Politics. Earlier its opponents had an open field in addition to establishment’s overt as well as covert support while PPP was kept occupied on false charges but when PPP forced establishment to give it a leveled playing field it hurts its opponents and they start crying like Imran was doing today. The opponents of PPP have always been a direct beneficiary of PPP’s persecution at the hands of GHQ.

Shouldn’t the dictum “Every one should be considered INNOCENT until proven otherwise” stated by Imran, apply to Mr. Zardari also. Was he been proven guilty by any court of law in more than two decades of persecution and media trial? Persistent propaganda results in brain washing. GHQ/ISI has been partly successful in maligning the only Federalist Democratic Party in Pakistan at least in the eyes of a section of Urban Central Punjab.

And yes PPP govt like any other govt is committing mistakes. They can be voted out in the next elections. No party or politician is perfect and all should to be discarded like diapers when they outlive their utility but only by the voters, the AWAM and not by the Jarnails.

