Full Ahead, HMS Dhimmi: The Salafi and Deobandi dimension of homegrown terror in the UK – by Paul Weston
When there is so much Muslim-inspired carnage going on all around the world, we in the West have two rather different ways we deal with this disturbing information. The first is the ‘racist’ way. We look at the bombings, beheadings, crucifixions, rapes, murders, and Muslim mayhem in general, and we ask ourselves one simple question – is such behaviour actively associated with the core tenets of Islam? Which of course it is… and of course we are ‘Islamophobic’ for noticing it.
The second way of dealing with it is to emulate the thinking of a certain Andreas Krieg, a Middle East security analyst at King’s College London who was quoted in a recent Daily Mail article headlined: “From Syria to Iraq, Kenya to Malaysia: How new era of Islamic fundamentalism is spreading fear and chaos around the world.”
The article mentions just a few incidents over the last week or so. Quote:
“Footage has emerged showing armed militant children as young as eight watching as an Iraqi prisoner is executed by ISIS, while another shows a captured Iraqi police officer being beheaded. At least five people have died in an attack on Kenya’s coast just days after Al Qaeda-inspired terror group Al Shabaab kills 60 in twin massacres. Islamist militants Boko Haram are feared to have snatched 90 villagers in the same area of Nigeria where they seized nearly 300 Christian schoolgirls two months ago. A human rights group has warned that revenge attacks between Christian and Islamic militia in the Central African Republic risk creating conditions for a genocide reminiscent of Bosnia in the 1990s. Just last night, an explosion in a Nigerian shopping mall killed at least 21 people and injured 17 more as the nation prepared to watch its football team play Argentina in the World Cup.”
The estimable Mr Krieg appears to have PhDs and other such qualifications in abundance, but like so many overeducated people in Britain today, he cannot see the wood for the trees. In a sign of the quite literal insanity gripping the liberal West, he observes the harsh reality of Islam in action, but concludes as follows:
“All the empirical evidence shows that extremism is on the rise. You’re seeing it in all the headlines, then you’re looking at Iraq, you’re looking at Syria, you’re looking at Nigeria. But in all three cases this has nothing to do with Islam. I think people in the West may think it is because they feel alienated by Islam. There is a lot of Islamophobia.”
Closer to home meanwhile, Sky News tells us the possible figure for ‘British’ youths fighting in Iraq is now 1,500, which suggests Britain has at least one credible export market, although not perhaps one we should be proud of. The Times (behind a pay-wall) covers this story, but also goes on to talk about the influence over British Muslims of British mosques, which are becoming increasingly hard-line.
The gist of the article was the growing rise of extremist Salafi mosques in Britain, linked to the growing demographic of Somali immigrants. One hundred mosques are already under Salafi control, with this figure expected to grow to 50% of all mosques within one generation – which really ought to give ‘liberal’ non-Islamophobes a wake-up call.
The Spectator magazine draws on a seven-year study conducted by Innes Bowen, author of Medina in Birmingham, Najaf in Brent: Inside British Islam, which highlights the massive influence wielded over British mosques by the extreme Deobandi school of Islamic jurisprudence. Quote:
“So which Islamic schools of thought run Britain’s mosques today? The influence of Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi movement is often cited. But the Wahhabis – or Salafis as they prefer to be called – control just 6 per cent of mosques. The largest single group – the one which arguably gives Islam in Britain much of its character – is the Deobandi. It controls around 45 per cent of Britain’s mosques and nearly all the UK-based training of Islamic scholars. What most Deobandi scholars have in common is a conservative interpretation of Islamic law: television and music for the purposes of entertainment, for example, are frowned upon if not banned. Women are advised not to emerge from their homes any more than is necessary.
There is a good reason why this interpretation of Islam sounds so similar to that of Afghanistan: the Taleban movement grew out of the Deobandi madrassas of Pakistan. Tony Blair justified to the Muslim world the post-9/11 attacks on Afghanistan on the basis that driving out the Taleban would be an act of liberation: ‘I don’t believe,’ he said, ‘that anybody seriously wants to live under that kind of regime.’ Did he realise that the rules enforced by law in Afghanistan were being adopted, voluntarily, in parts of Leicester, Dewsbury, and Blackburn? Even the Prime Minister seemed not to know about Deobandi Britain.”
The Taleban connection is valid. Not only do we export Jihadis, we export the very worst sort of Jihadis.
Source: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/07/full_ahead_hms_dhimmi.html