APMA’s new alliance with banned Deobandi terrorist outfit ASWJ-SSP

Dr Paul Bhatti sharing the stage with Ahmed Ludhianvi, a perpetrator of sectarian violence and religious hatred in Pakistan.
A relatively unknown minority rights group All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA) has formed a shock alliance with Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat(ASWJ), banned Deobandi terrorist outfit previously working as Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP aka LeJ). The ASWJ-SSP-LeJ group is known to be an urban face of Taliban (TTP). The APMA’s new alliance with the Deobandi takfiri terrorist outfit ASWJ-TTP serves betray the rights agenda, and cash the issue of Interfaith Harmony.
President of APMA Dr Paul Bhatti invited Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Mohammad Yousaf, who belongs to the PMLN and the ASWJ’s Chief Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi as chief guests in a seminar on ‘Islam and Minorities Rights’, which was organised by All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA).
Sardar Muhammad Yousaf is known for sympathies towards Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba where as Ludhyanvi is implicated in massacres of Shias, Sunni Barelvis, Christians and Ahmadis in Pakistan.
Apparently, Dr Paul Bhatti invited these two gentlemen in order to gain some political benefits from the ruling PML-N party and its Saudi sponsors.
Dr Paul Bhatti stopped Dr. Kumar from talking about the pllight of minorities and their rights. According to DAWN’s report:
Dr Kumar, who belongs to PML-N, said although Islam allowed every man and woman to practice his/her religion, still a number of persons were being killed in the name of religion and converted to Islam forcibly.
“This month, in Larkana (Sindh), Mandir and Dharamshala were burnt for the fault of one insane person who might have done blasphemy, but religious scholars failed to condemn it. Minor Hindu and Christian girls are being converted to Islam by force,” he said.
“According to Liaquat-Nehru Pact (signed in New Delhi on April 8, 1950), in Pakistan, a Hindu should be appointed as head of the Evacuee Trust Property Board because most of the properties belonged to Hindu community but the pact has not been implemented,” he said.
Dr Kumar said the minorities should have their own curriculum.
President of APMA Dr Paul Bhatti, however, said that participants had gathered here for inter-faith harmony.
He suggested that being an MNA, Dr Kumar should raise the issues concerning him at the floor of the Parliament House.
The ASWJ is the new name of Sipah-e-Sahaba(SSP). The SSP was banned in 2002 as a terrorist organisation under the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997. It is merely a rebranded version of the SSP. In any event, the ASWJ has also been declared to be a banned organisation.
The ruling Pakistan Muslim League (N) has great sympathy towards the ASWJ, therefore it is unwilling to act against the self-proclaimed killers of Shias, Christians, Ahmadis, and other religious minorities.
The PML-N and the ASWJ had jointly contested a by-election on a Punjab Assembly seat for Jhang in March 2010, and that Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah openly campaigned for a PML-N candidate in 2010 along with Maulana Ahmad Ludhianvi of the ASWJ. Provincial government of Punjab run by Mian Shahbaz Sharif has admitted paying a monthly stipend to the family of Malik Ishaq — the vice-president of the ASWJ, a founder of the LeJ.
The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has repeatedly, proudly and openly claimed responsibility of slaughtering Shia Muslims and Sunni Barelvi Muslims. Recently the LEJ has sent threatening letter to Pakistan Peoples Party Patron-In-Chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and attacked Express News TV anchor and writer Raza Rumi.
In the past the APMA has fooled the Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistani minorities and now it is using the PML-N and ASWJ-TTP as a stepping stone to further its opportunist agenda. The APMA’s leaders and workers have also betrayed the PPP. In 2002, Mushtaq Victor who was elected member of assembly on minorities’ reserved seats by Pakistan Peoples Party on the recommendation of APMA left the PPP and joined the then ruling party PML-Q as a bargain to be a Parliamentary Secretary in Government. http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/headlinenewsd.php?hnewsid=93#sthash.Ny6TuHrj.dpuf
Now the APMA has made a new pact with right-wing terrorists to further its vested interests.
It is really shameful that the so-called minorities rights parties like APMA give legitimacy and promotion to banned terrorists groups by providing them stage and platform.