Pakistan’s Chief Justice humiliated in London, Rome, Karachi and Lahore – by Mohsin Sheharyar

An angry Shia Muslim protester called Iftikhar Chaudhry a terrorist who is enabling Shia genocide in Pakistan
Related Posts: Pakistan’s Chief Justice receives a dubious award in London, lauds his fictitious role in restoring human rights
#IftikharMental: Pakistan social media abuzz with insult for country’s top judge
As a Reporter from Pakistan Analysis Team, I had to rush to Double Tree Hotel in Central London having heard the news that a Group of youth is going to protest over the presence of Mr Iftikhar Ch, the Chief Justice of Pakistan for receiving “International Jurists Award”
I had reported previously that the so called “International Council of Jurists” is just an Indian Legal Company and this award is nothing more than a “Self Satisfaction” for the Controversial Chief Justice.
Receiving Dubious Award:
ot-So-International Jurist Award for CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry – by Mohsin Shaharyar:
As I reached the hotel, my first thought was that “I am on a wrong address”. The reason being that the Award Giving Ceremony had been turned into a “Wrestling Cage” with a number of youth shouting the following slogans:
Down with Thief Justice
One, two, three, four, Shia Killings No More
Iftikhar Ch Terr…
All the participants were stunned as every thing happened was beyond their expectations.
Although the dubious “award” was given and received with a half heart, literally the ceremony was over before it started!
I had a chance to have an interview with Mr Chakarwati, a Senior Member of International Council of Jurists and a very Senior Law Practitioner.
Mr Chakarwati amazingly said that:
“In my opinion, Iftikhar Ch does not deserve this award and it must be taken back from him”
I then conducted a few more interviews with some of the angry youth (the protesters against Shia genocide in Pakistan who were protesting against release of Jihadi-sectarian terrorists by CJ Chaudhry)
“Why are you being disrespectful of the Chief Justice of Pakistan”? I asked them
“Chief Justice”? asked a guy named Ali Hussain Naqvi
“He jumps at a Suo Motto Action on a frustrated lady’s slap but closes his eyes firmly on pools of innocent blood of Shia Muslims being shed on daily basis in Parachinar, Gilgit, Karachi, Quetta, DIK and now Lahore as well”
Look Sir! A teenager showed me a piece of newspaper
“He is ordering compensation for the Lal Masjid terrorists who gathered Rocket Launchers, Hand Grenades, killed 11 SGS Commandos and a Lt Colonel as well and are now blowing up Mosques and Markets all over the country. But he never ordered any compensation for innocent Doctors, Engineers, Ulamas, Professors and women and children as well who are brutally killed by Lal Masjid’s “Mujahideen”, the terrorists of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (aka Sipha-e-Sahaba) and Taliban.
A clean shaved guy stepped forward and said:
“He is acting as a Pharaoh, a Lawyer gets his licence cancelled in punishment for saying just one poetic verse against Mr Ch, while a judge quotes a 6 page long poem against the elected Prime Minister and feels happy over it. Is it Justice?”
I was getting late for one of my appointments and as I wanted to quit, one of the guys held my hand:
“Our anger is that Media does not listen to us.”
You would NEVER see this protest against the “Injustice” on Jang, Geo, ARY, or any other channel.
We would be too unhappy if Pakistan Analysis too ignored us”
I won’t Sir! I smiled
“And finally we want to bring to the Media a Very Important Message”, they collectively asked
“What’s that?” I asked
“We had already protested against Mr Prime Minister on his arrival and our next target is PMLN who has become a “Sister” of Terrorist Group Sipah e Sahaba (ASWJ). And we shall take hard on “Taliban Khan” as well.
OK guys, let me go now before my Parking Ticket time expires, I murmured
Bye bye, see you again
Thank God, I reached home Safe and Sound from this “Award Taking Ceremony”
Mohsin Sheharyar is the Reporter of Pakistan Analysis in London
He is a Blogger as well and can be contacted at
Update: 25 August 2012: Pictures from anti-Shia genocide protest in Italy
Source: facebook
Update: Agar Ary News – Faisal Raza Abidi – 24th August 2012- Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is Pakistani version of Mullah Omar
Have you ever seen 300,000 people insulting a (biased) chief justice of their country?
Shame on LUBP for mudslinging against most honourable man in Pakistan.
Rule of law best way to counter terrorism: CJ
May 29, 2012
LONDON – Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has said that respect for law and rule of law are the available solutions to counter terrorism and the judiciary can act as deterrent against anyone who breaks the law in order to create anarchy and chaos.
“Equality before law and equal protection of law are the principles which subject all people to the same laws of justice,” the chief justice said in his inaugural speech at the International Jurists Conference in London.
He stressed that the courts must treat every person equally notwithstanding his caste, colour and status while fulfilling the responsibility of administration of justice. “The judiciary by adopting an attitude of zero tolerance towards crime and criminal; in accordance with legal procedures, can no doubt bring the society towards peace and prosperity,” he added.
Highlighting the role of the judicial system, the chief justice said it had a special role to play in securing the basic human and fundamental rights to citizens in a given society and in protecting their life and liberty.
Judiciary, he said, acted as an ultimate protector and upholders of rights of citizens and civil liberties, adding that the 1973 Constitution had made specific provisions for the protection of fundamental rights.
He said the Supreme Court of Pakistan acted as a final arbiter and protector of constitutional norms by virtue of constitutional mandate. “The apex court, by taking its constitutional responsibility of adhering to the principles of justice and fair play, tried its utmost to redress the grievances in matters of public importance and involving violation of fundamental rights.”
“The Supreme Court under its inherent powers of judicial review has set out precedents of constitutional importance that have led to the improvement of criminal and civil justice system in Pakistan,” he added.
Defending an autonomous and independent judicial system, Chief Justice Chaudhry termed it as a sine quo non for a functional democracy and said it was central for social harmony and good governance in any given democratic society. “Independence of judiciary from extraneous and internal influences is essential for the nourishment of good governance in all institutions of the State,” he observed.
“Rule of law bears a substantial impact on the economic development of transitional states and its establishment rests on a strong constitutional and legal framework.”
“The supremacy of the constitution, strengthening of state institutions and independence of judiciary are some of the main factors that lead towards the formation of an integrated and impartial legal and judicial structure built on the well-established norms of justice,” the chief justice highlighted.
Highlighting the system in Pakistan, he told the conference that the principle of trichotomy of power beautifully woven in the constitutional scheme of Pakistan distributed and harmonized the powers among the three organs of the state.
“Jurisdictional domain of each of these organs has been manifestly set out by the Constitution itself. Every organ is independent within its domain and enjoys unfettered powers subject to specified constitutional constraints.”
He said adherence to the constitutional principle of trichotomy of powers facilitated the establishment of rule of law, which was an essential trait of any democratic setup, adding that the trichotomy of powers was a tool to diffuse powers of all the three organs as absolute power was likely to be misused or abused.
He said unfettered and unrestrained investing of powers in one of the organs of the state is a recipe for authoritarianism and mismanagement. “It merely retards the growth and adversely affects the functioning of the other two organs.”
The chief justice said anarchy and chaos were the natural outcome of arbitrary exercise of powers by the state institutions; thus, the system of checks and balances run parallel to the system of distribution of power.
Talking about the menace of terrorism, he said it had to be eradicated with the means that should be more humane and in conformity with established human rights and judicial norms.
He said the recognition of human rights was the foundation of tranquillity, justice, societal freedom and peace in the world. “Protection of these rights is indispensible for the existence of humanity.
He told the conference that Pakistan enacted and enforced special anti-terrorism laws to counter terrorism and terrorist activities.
Ex-Indian Defence Minister (Samajwadi Party chief) Mulayam Singh Yadav and Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry have been awarded the prestigious International Jurists Award 2012.
Yadav, former defence minister and ex-chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, was selected for the award for his unflinching “contribution to the advancement of the bar and the bench.”
Yadav was, however, not present to receive the award. Justice Chaudhry received the award from Lord Phillips, President of the Supreme Court of the UK.
Shortly before Justice Chaudhry received the award, two persons barged into the auditorium at the Hotel Court House raising slogans against killings of Shias in Pakistan.
“I accept this award with profound gratitutde on behalf of the Judiciary of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan who had struggled for the independence of Judiciary.” Justice Chaudhry said, in a brief statement.
“The protest indicated that the freedom of speech is live and well.” Lord Phillips, referring to the protest demonstration said, while presenting the award.
In his address, Adish C Aggarwala, senior advocate and President of the International Council of Jurists, called upon Jurists from all over the world to stand united and make a “sincere effort to bring about reforms and accountability in the system of administration of justice.
According to Hindustan Times: “Shortly before Justice Chaudhry received the award, two persons barged into the auditorium at the Hotel Court House raising slogans against killings of Shias in Pakistan.”
Credit goes to the unsung heroes at LUBP for raising this awareness in Pakistan and also internationally.
Let Jinnah Institute, The Friday Times, Jang Group and other fake liberals hide and misrepresent Shia genocide by Pakistan’s military establishment and their proxies. Keep doing your work, folks. You are being heard and have an impact!
Look at this Chief Justice Iftikhar! – by Faisal Raza Abidi
An Open letter to Chief Justice of Pakistan
Iftikhar Chaudhry
Chief Justice
Supreme Court of Pakistan
Constitution Avenue
Dear Mr. Chaudhry
First of all please accept my heart felt apology to address you as “Chief Justice” as your actions totally negate your designation and the world ”Chief injustice” is most befitting for you.
I know, you are too busy acting as “Leader of the Opposition” showing am ”Tsunami of Sue Motto Actions” with every possible effort to destabilize the Government and the State. To the surprise and shock for every Pakistani, you have recently taken action against a Bye Election women Candidate who slapped a Lady Presiding Officer. Let me show you a picture of the country, virtually turned into a “Jungle” under your supreme system of “Justice” of which you have firmly closed your eyes, refusing to see any thing.
*17 February: Parachinar Tragedy*
43 Shias were killed in Bomb Blast and subsequent firing by the security agencies. Eye witness account reveals that the bomb was detonated remotely
after it was placed on an empty cart in the Kurrami Bazaar by a person who disappeared in the same hotel where security forces were hosting reportedly
“Internally Displaced People.” This brutality did not stop and further the said officers called in Tanks to run over the people, killing at least 1 and injuring many.
Tall Parachinar Road has been forcefully closed by Taliban Terrorists for the last 4 years. Children are dying without food and medicine Parachinar has become the biggest Catastrophe in Pakistan.
* 28 February : Kohistan Tragedy*
4 Buses heading Gilgit from Rawalpindi were stopped by armed men in Army Uniform. 117 passengers were taken off the Buses, their Identity checked, 18 of them “scrutinized” for being Shia, lined up and killed.
The assailants completed their “Mission” and fled on foot without any fear for being chased. All this brutal action took place in an area, which is under high surveillance of Pak Army and is so considered to be a safe area. No attempt was made for their arrest subsequently.
*What does these 2 incidents imply?*
All the International and even the National Media answers these questions
**63 persons are killed just in 12 days**
As a Protest,the armed Soldiers of NLI Regment on the kargil boarder left
the boarder and have come down from the mountains..
*19 September Mastung Tragedy:*
In Mastung, Balochistan, 28 persons from Hazara Shia Community were disembarked from the bus and massacred while going to Iran to visit holy sites. The incident took place very close to FC Check Post
*4 October Quetta Tragedy:*
Another similar incident, killing 13 persons. This incident took place in the outskirts of Quetta city where nobody can travel without identifying themselves at the check posts.
*From Karachi to Quetta, Shias and Brailvis are being ruthlessly massacred by the Arab, Afghan, Sudani, Somali,Uzbek and Chechen “Jihadis”.*
Shia Mosques, Sunni Shrines, Milad ul Nabi (Pbuh) and Muharram processions are being attacked brutally.
How many Sue Motto Actions you have taken to stop this innocent Blood being shed on the roads of Pakistan?*
Mr Chaudhry!
This is just not the case.
We further know your attachment with the banned terrorist gangs like Sipah e Sahaba and Lashkar e Jhangvi
It’s YOU who released terrorists like Ghulam Rasool, Akram Lahori, Malik Ishaq and many others who acknowledged to kill 100s of innocent people, on
grounds of* “Insufficient Evidence”* including Ishaq who managed to kill 8 witnesses against him from within Jail.
Again for the second time, YOUR Kangroo Court has released Ishaq of any involvement in Sectarianism as you” lack evidence “(even a Blind but not Deaf can hear Ludhanvi, Ishaq and other SSP thugs chanting Kufar and Sectarian slogans, setting the country on fire all over the country)
You DO NOT have any “Evidence” that it is upon the Army and the secret agencies to defend the country and formation of any Gang of ” Armed Jihadis” in form of DPC is against the Constitution of Pakistan.
*However, you DO have “Sufficient Evidence” against the Prime Minister in Memo Case and against the Elected Member Parliament in “Slapping Case”. I would say, you yourself are a “Slap” and a “Spot” on the name of Justice.*
I would never appeal to you to fear Allah, because if you would have any such sentiments, it was not possible for you to remain dumb, deaf and blind on Shia Genocide occurring in the country. The only thing I want to say is that your so coward, dishonest and biased behavior have parted lot shame to me as a Pakistan. You have insulted the word “Justice”, turning the court into your “Kangaroo Court”
*It would be written in the history of Pakistan that when the banned Sectarian Gangs were massacring the people all over the country, a Kangaroo Justice was fully parting with the terrorists and in desire of cheap fame was issuing Sue Motto Actions and Notices on an incident of Slap.*
Mr “Kangaroo!
Your well wisher
Mail this letter to CJ [email protected]
Jeetay Raho Shehryar
Well done, LUBP, for highlighting the Shia genocide. If we were to leave it to Raza Rumi, Hamid Mir, Najam Sethi and Ansar Abbasi, we’d still be calling it sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shias.
CJ got a kalang ka teeka finally! Good work, LUBP.
What a MARVELOUS JOB done by “Cheetahs” Mashallah
“We had already protested against Mr Prime Minister on his arrival and our next target is PMLN who has become a “Sister” of Terrorist Group Sipah e Sahaba (ASWJ). And we shall take hard on “Taliban Khan” as well”
Well said
So called Chief “Justice” is the biggest problem for Pakistan now.
A man who quotes “Poems” instead of quoting Law deserves to be beaten by shoes in open public
Shame on Iftikhar Ch
Allah save Pakistan from this monster, Inshallah
Inshallah, he will be treated worst then beaten by shoes,
The Transgender Cheap justice provided justice to his family but remain calm on terrorism in whole country.
Mr, Chief Justice of Pakistan must look into the tragedy of mass killings in Pakistan. In my view, it is the top most urgent problem that should be resolved. We have been burning in this problem for the last 30 years and silence of establishment, law enforcement agencies and courts are all responsible for continuing terror killings. Shia Muslims have been victim of this killings counting the losses of citizens to thousands. Murderers must be stopped to kill more human resource of Pakistan.
The honor behind the word “Cheif Justice of Pakistan” is losing its worth due to its attachment with Mr. Iftikhar ch..
BADTARD CJ of Pakistan
The most biased Chief Justice in the history of Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Shame on one eyed justice of this Dajaal.
Chief justice sirf Waheeda Shah jese Cases Solve kerne k liye bana ha baqi is me himat nhi ke ye SSP jundullah or baqi terrorist organization ke khilaf Action ley
Is ki Misal Qazi Shuray jesi ha jis ne Yazid je kehne per Imam Hussain as ko Kufa ke High court se Nauzubillah Baghi or Wajib ul Qatal qarar dia tha
ye yazidio yani Zalimeen ka Qazi ha Not Mazlomeen
Honourable Chief Justice is on a top position of country’s Justice system and complaining to him has one +ve fold that is people of Pakistan especially Shia Muslims see him as authority to lead towards Justice. Shia Muslims are not like those who right away rejected the whole system of Pakistan publicly including the Judiciary. Being a CJ he must have an eye on all matters whereever Justice is not being delivered.
No doubt Shia Muslims are being targeted in an organized fashion. This organized way of killing is a sufficient reason to take suo motu i.e. “why a particular Muslim sect is being targeted?” By giving some judgement on the cited matter he can guide the legislators to do something to save all sects, forever inside Pakistan. Honourable CJ is one who can create History on this Cancer to Pakistan, Once forever. He must have to….
Pakistan Supreme Court: no new law to prevent forced conversions
A petition by the Pakistan Hindu Council has been dismissed by Supreme Court. The Hindu organization had highlighted the kidnapping of Hindus in Pakistan, especially recent cases of Hindu girls being forced to convert to Islam and to marry Muslim men.
UpAsia reports Chief Justice Chaudhry as saying, “This bench is a great supporter of minorities because they are the subject of the Constitution but sometimes we are helpless when cases of conversion do surface.”
blind cheap justice!!!!!!
CJ just a kathputli of PMLN… and PMLN is a tarriest jehadi party supporters.. Allah insabka bera garaq karega
Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry is pride,,,, you all people shia or whateva,,, keep barking,,,,,lol
Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry is pride of Pakistan,,,, you all people shia or whateva,,, keep barking,,,,,lol
dont you have eyes? dont you have heart? i wish you may face situation what is being faced by oppressed people… then you will feel the pain….. you dont know how to speak.. you are just deaf and dumb ….
cheap justice not chief justice, he support a terriost party PML N in pakistan shame on u cheap justice
(1)I am of the view that the bench of the apex court doesn’t have the right to suggest that Karachi’s constituencies should be delimited to avoid political polarization and this is an open affront of the public mandate given to the MQM and; a conspiracy to steal this mandate. Therefore, I partially agree with you that with the recent SC decisions, it appears that the next election is being set up in KARACHI to be election that is all about MQM vs TALIBAN SYMPATHIZERS whether they are Punjabis, Pathans or direct Talibans.
(2) Majority of Shia community including section of enlighten and moderates in Pakistan have now started or compelled to believe thus being aggrieved with SC behavior that SC is bias against Shia and anti Mohajir community. They have came to the conclusion on the following grounds.
A: CJ did not pay any heed on the killings of thousands of Shia community. (Gilgit-Deer-Quetta-Rawalpindi-DI.Khan-Karachi, (Data Darbar adjcent to Gaam-e-Shah Imambargah Lahore). Though he had taken suo moto action on a case of illegal possession of liquor from a film-cum-TV star, Atiqua Odio and she was arrested red handed at Islamabad Airport.
B: There are so many decisions which actually went in favour of Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan. For an example, Yesterday, Lahore High Court has given a decision that Kalabagh dam must be constructed and ECC decisions must be implemented. With this LHC order, I under stand that this will benefit to Nawaz PMLN.
C: CJP has ordered to release some 900 taliban prisoners as Gen.(R) Pasha briefed National Assembly after incidence of 2/3rd May.
D: CJP did not take suo moto action when some 400 Taliban prisoners managed to escape from Bannu (KPK) Jail with the help of their companions who arrived there in a convoy consisting of some 50 vehicles. This was done without any gun shot fire from the jail authorities. NO inquiry as yet.
They quotes many more examples..Thus, they believes that CJ was inducted in the judiciary in order to protect the interests of Taliban and Taliban’s sympathizers.
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