Taliban kill another Barelvi Pir in Budaber, Peshawar

The terrorist of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba (an alliance of extremist Deobandis and Wahhabis) slaughtered yet another Pir (of Barelvi sect) in Budaber, Peshawar.

Jihadi terrorists of Deobanid and Wahhabi sects have been in the past supported and funded by Saudi Arabia and ISI:

Here is the link to BBC Urdu dot com article:


Faith healer beheaded

PESHAWAR: The beheaded body of a faith healer, abducted on Friday, was found in the Mattani area of Peshawar on Saturday, police officials said. Pir Rafiullah, resident of Said Gul Abad area in Pabbi town, Nowshera district, was abducted by four armed men on Friday, locals told Daily Times. A police official at the Mattani police station said the body was recovered from Frontier Road near Juma Khur. He said a letter, written in Pushto, was found near the body, warning that those involved in the business of faith healing would meet the same fate. (Daily Times, 18 Jan 2009)

Blast destroys faith healer’s shop

PESHAWAR: A bomb explosion outside the shop of a faith healer on the Circular Road in Peshawar destroyed at least three shops, police officials and eyewitnesses said on Sunday. No casualties were reported in the blast, which occurred in Kotwali police station precincts. The bomb was planted outside the shop of Niaz Ali Shah, a faith healer, City Circle Superintendent of Police Chaudary Ashraf told Daily Times. He said the bomb was placed in a canister and also damaged a rickshaw parked nearby, adding he had no information about any threats issued to the faith healer so far. Eyewitnesses told Daily Times that the powerful blast was heard from a long distance away. It was the second incident in Peshawar in two days in which faith healers have been the targets. On Saturday, the beheaded body of a faith healer, Pir Rafiullah, was recovered from Peshawar’s Mattani area. The healer had been killed after he denounced several warnings against his practices. (Daily Times, 19 Jan 2009)

