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Iranians face terror threat in Pakistan

KARACHI: The arrest of Jundullah chief Abdolmalek Rigi by the Iranian government has raised the risk of attacks on Iranian nationals and installations including the embassy and consulates in Pakistan, as the militant group might retaliate, Daily Times has learnt through sources privy to the matter. The chief of Jundullah (Soldiers of God), which operates along the Pak-Iran border area, was arrested by the Iranian security forces on February 23. Rigi was Iran’s most wanted fugitive and allegedly masterminded several deadly bombings and killings. He also had links to militant organisations in Pakistan and frequently visited Pakistan, especially Karachi before the arrest. Sources also claimed that Rigi was initially a member of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (now banned in Pakistan). Following his arrest, the National Crises Management Cell (NCMC) has warned the officials concerned about possible terror attacks in Pakistan in the coming days in reaction to Rigi’s arrest in Iran. faraz khan\story_9-3-2010_pg7_35



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