Original sins: Priest arrested for raping girl

" A doctor at the DHQ hospital told me my daughter had an abortion. She said she had suffered terrible internal bleeding and needed surgery," Mother of victim.
Pakistani Christian clergy is one of the most corrupt segment of the society. Our priests and bishops have been involved in all sorts of corruption and illegal activities, and have been practiced fraud, theft, cronyism and other corrupt behaviour in the Diocese.
These morale brigade and sermon expert Bishops have been involved in selling missions property illegally, embezzlement in donations & funds. They supported all governments, irrespective of democratic or illegal from Gen Ayub to Pervaiz Musharaf and got huge benefits and state’s title like Sitara-e-Imtiaz (Star of excellence)from them. They are enjoying all facilities on Diocese’s account and exploiting workers rights in the diocese. Furthermore, there is a vast difference in the standard of living between Bishop and common man.
Since they belong and represent the dominant, elite and rich Christian group, as mostly have double nationalities and businesses in foreign countries and their children studying and living abroad, thus they are not loyal to country as well as people of Pakistan. Even they are cashing discriminatory laws to fill their pockets.
Here is a news report about priest arrested for raping girl, published in the Express Tribune, the report says, local priest has been arrested for allegedly raping a 14-year-old girl and forcing her to have an abortion.
According to police officials, Muneerabad resident Ameena Bibi approached police officials on Tuesday and told them that priest Haroon Masih had raped her 14-year-old daughter Leena for over four months and had forced her to have an abortion. “I thought my daughter was helping him teach children at Sunday school every week after school. She used to say she needed to stay behind late and we didn’t think twice of it,” Ameena Bibi told police.
Leena said that Haroon had raped her several months ago, after church on Sunday. “I helped at the small school at the back of the church and one of his helpers Rashid called me and said he needed to see me,” she told police. Leena said that Haroon offered her a drink laced with drugs and locked her in a small room where he raped her. “He did it nearly every week and he told me that if I told anyone he would have me killed,” she told police officials.
Ameena Bibi said that two weeks ago her daughter had told the priest that she was pregnant. “I didn’t know what to do and he said he would help me. He drugged me and blindfolded me. When I awoke I was still blindfolded but a doctor was performing the abortion,” Leena said. She told police officials that she developed a severe infection after the procedure and nearly died. “A doctor at the DHQ hospital told me that my daughter had recently had an abortion and that she had suffered terrible internal bleeding and needed surgery,” Ammena Bibi said. “I had no idea about what had happened until Leena broke down and told us what had happened,” she added.
“I treated the girl after her abortion. She was suffering from terrible internal bleeding and she could easily have died. We have performed surgery and she is stable now,” said Allied Hospital Obstetrician Dr Fauzia Virk.
Muneerabad police SHO Muhammad Sultan said that police officials had arrested Haroon Masih, Basheer and Rashid after registering a case 376TP.
“We have taken the men into custody and have launched an investigation. Haroon has not spoken a word about the matter but Rashid confessed that he and Basheer helped Haroon. He said that he used to guard the doors to ensure they weren’t caught and that he had drugged Leena,” Sultan said.
Police officials said that they were currently searching for lady doctor Shameem, who had performed the abortion. “Her clinic is empty and we have sealed it off but she has fled the area,” Sultan said.
All names have been changed to protect the identity of the victim
Junaid Qaiser sir, It seems that in article’s intro you are pointing finger towards Bishop John Alexander Malik, who once supported General Zia Ul Haq and recently General Pervaiz Musharaf?
Bishop Malik always slams human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, but never slams human rights violation in his own Diocese, Parachinar, Balochistan, Hazara and in Fata, he is real establishment’s Bishop.
he Rt. Rev. Dr. Alexander John Malik was consecrated and enthroned Bishop of Lahore in 1980, and still looting Dioceses of Pakistan. He is worst dictator Pakistan has ever produced, he is more smart than HOSNI MUBARAK , COLONEL GADDAFI and Saddam Hussain.
See pictures of Establishment’s Bishop:
Well, to be honest, I can’t blame Pakistani Christians for supporting dictators. Firstly, because they have no other choice, if they don’t then it’s a double jeopardy because not only you are Christian but also against the all might and powerfull dictator!
That is impossible as dictators would use Mullahs to declare you heretics and wajib ul qatal etc.
Now about their corruption, it’s no different than any other segement of our society, no matter what or who we are, we all have onething in common and that is corruption. From Karachi to Khyber from Muslim to Christian, from young to old we are all corrupt.
I think its a very important article because these Bishops on one hand are looting and exploiting the poor christians and on the other hand increasing fundamentalism and exclusion in the minorities. They have routed out the progressive elements are are ruling like kings on the medivel Europe. Doicese have become like mini papel states
@Shaheryar Ali You are absloutly right these Bishops are not only looting, exploiting, but also misleading the poor Christians, they are giving lectures on simple life but look at their own life style, they act and behave like Jagirdars.
@Kana Dajjal Instead of condemning a concienceless black sheeps in Christian community, you opted to defend them.Shame.
Practically speaking, there is no difference between Mullah and Bishop both are riding in big 4 wheels Prado, and spreading ignorance and extremism in society.
@Kana Dajjal, your name deserve that type of explanation and clarification, being Dajjal’s advocate U r doing gr8 services.
You do realize the consequence of spreading such allegations against Christian clergy in pakistan, don’t you?
Next thing you know, Mansoora will accupy all churches in Pakistan and kill all christians because they are rapists and corrupt.
Offcourse what those clergymen did was despicable yet the condemnation has to be relative. If Pakistan was a civilised country than I can understant that this would not be given a communal color and bishop would be punished.
@Kana Dajjal, PR officer of Dajjal[Bishop], firstly behave nicely and genteelly like good human being.
And 2ndly Mansoora has never tried to occupy Churches, but it is establish fact and reality that your Bosses[Bishops] have sell all precious properties and churches of Pakistan. Your Bishops supported all dictators who nurtured terrorists organizations.
Terrorists orgs that are killing innocents non Muslims. Have your Ideal Bishop ever condemned Killing of innocent Shias, Ahmed’s Killing, or he ever visited their families? They are only opposing 295-C for foreign donations, have they ever demonstrated for poor Christian, have they ever utilized foreign funding and donations for the poor Christian ppl, they just interested in Big Prados and Dinner with Governor and Photo shots with ministers.
And lastly your masters[Bishops] played a major role in making this country uncivilized and backward with the help of dictators.
KANNA DAJJAL, Firstly go and study and than talk.
@Kanna Dajjal Bhai,
Great to know that corrupt Bishops are using a good amount of money to revive their tarnished image, and they hired PPL like you. Its really interesting and exciting job. BTW how much you charge 4 one comment?
@Kaana Sarkar,
Your Name indicate that you are relative of Zia Ul Haq Kaana
Or you are relative of Lahori Bishop Billa Badmash?
@Kaana Sarkar,
Don’t use abusive and dirty language otherwise I know better
how to handle ppl like you, understand you…
Yak na shud do shud…
Go ahead bring a revolt in Christians community and see how it’s handled by the press and media?
Remember Godhra and countless others?
@Kaana Sarkar,
Ever heard of ‘Shah se zyada Shah ka wafadar”? That is what you are, corrupt Bishops ka Wakil….
Yeah we have been trying to bring change in Pakistani system and especially it’s religious institutes. Off course we are not like you who are protecting status quo and redundant institutions and their corrupt head and Bishops.
Shame Kaana Ji.
Bishops , the way they are leading the community , they are supporting the JI. When they teach them to exclude and stop integration, when they exploit them they make them more vulnarable
The way forward for christains is to say no to fundamentalism, to get education to fight the Islamic fascism side by side with us. we will fight for them they will fight for us. say no to Mullah and Bishops
please investigate Brig Samson Simon Sharaf too. there has been lot of rumours about him in this regard, and one has to remember there is no smoke w/o fire.