Supreme League of Pakistan (Chaudhry wing) – by HB Mallah


The government of civilians released an under house-arrest employee of the government and restored him to his position of chief justice. That restoration through an executive order is credited to the pressure exerted by the Mulla-Media-Military Alliance and Civil Society syndicate.

Aitzaz Ahsan during a 22 hours long march announced on behalf of Chief of Chaudhris that SC’s bench will be functional in Swat and also said that “Ab Riyasat Hogee Maan kay jaisee” or “The state will now be like a mother”. Soon after his restoration, the Chief of Chaudhris announced rapid eradication of corruption from all courts in Pakistan.

During the last two years of his judicial activism, we see no establishment of a Supreme Court bench in Swat, the state is not like the mother as promised while no judge in Pakistan has been charged for corrupt practices. We can safely assume that there is no corruption in judiciary of Pakistan however, PPP’s politicians and government officials are corrupt to the core!

Lets us admire the Chief of Chaudhris views on Hijras of Pakistan but can you imagine that there is no woman employee in the district court of my district? Let us check other courts and see how much he has emancipated women.

There was an allegation that PML (N) had sponsored Lawyers movement and paid billions of rupees to possibly pave their way into power. May be they did or may be not but it is for the first time in history of Pakistan that opposition parties are saying that our judiciary is independent.

Whether the promises are met or not, one thing is for sure: the Mulla-Media-Military Alliance and Civil Society syndicate have achieved their goal and changed the worthy status of Supreme Court of Pakistan into Supreme League Of Pakistan (SLOP-Ch) and easily switched honorable state of Chief Justice of Pakistan into Chief of Chaudhris of Punjab.

When Shahee Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto after her dismissal in 1996 mentioned the term of Larkana kee Wazir-e-Azam aur Lahore ka Wazir-e-Azam, she was termed as fanning ethnicity and provincialism, but how true she was. Lahore ka Wazir-e-Azam is able to get away with everything and will continue to do so under the able patronage of SLOP-Ch.



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  10. HB Mallah
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  26. nasir
  27. Imran Khan (the Mr. 100% supporter of Taliban)
  28. HB Mallah