Supreme League of Pakistan (Chaudhry wing) – by HB Mallah
The government of civilians released an under house-arrest employee of the government and restored him to his position of chief justice. That restoration through an executive order is credited to the pressure exerted by the Mulla-Media-Military Alliance and Civil Society syndicate.
Aitzaz Ahsan during a 22 hours long march announced on behalf of Chief of Chaudhris that SC’s bench will be functional in Swat and also said that “Ab Riyasat Hogee Maan kay jaisee” or “The state will now be like a mother”. Soon after his restoration, the Chief of Chaudhris announced rapid eradication of corruption from all courts in Pakistan.
During the last two years of his judicial activism, we see no establishment of a Supreme Court bench in Swat, the state is not like the mother as promised while no judge in Pakistan has been charged for corrupt practices. We can safely assume that there is no corruption in judiciary of Pakistan however, PPP’s politicians and government officials are corrupt to the core!
Lets us admire the Chief of Chaudhris views on Hijras of Pakistan but can you imagine that there is no woman employee in the district court of my district? Let us check other courts and see how much he has emancipated women.
There was an allegation that PML (N) had sponsored Lawyers movement and paid billions of rupees to possibly pave their way into power. May be they did or may be not but it is for the first time in history of Pakistan that opposition parties are saying that our judiciary is independent.
Whether the promises are met or not, one thing is for sure: the Mulla-Media-Military Alliance and Civil Society syndicate have achieved their goal and changed the worthy status of Supreme Court of Pakistan into Supreme League Of Pakistan (SLOP-Ch) and easily switched honorable state of Chief Justice of Pakistan into Chief of Chaudhris of Punjab.
When Shahee Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto after her dismissal in 1996 mentioned the term of Larkana kee Wazir-e-Azam aur Lahore ka Wazir-e-Azam, she was termed as fanning ethnicity and provincialism, but how true she was. Lahore ka Wazir-e-Azam is able to get away with everything and will continue to do so under the able patronage of SLOP-Ch.
judciary working on a plan to destroy ppp .its a joint venture between judiciary and PML(N).Its good that pp has decided to come hard on judicary . ppp have to confront them now , tehy gonna hurt ppp anyway so why not confront them and fight them. ppp have been playing very defensive and soft.
AbdulNishapuri Abdul Nishapuri
#Peasants4Democracy protest against judicial dictatorship. CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry (scum of the earth) is epitome of the Teen Jeem Mafia
1 hour ago
AbdulNishapuri Abdul Nishapuri
How is the Dajjal of Pakistan (Iftikhar Chaudhry, darling of #FCS ) different from Dajjal of Afghanistan (Mullah Omar, darling of #Taliban )
AbdulNishapuri Abdul Nishapuri
LOL #dajjal Mullah Omar & #dajjal Iftikhar Chaud RT @Afaq_Sharif aik gaari mai muft petrol dalwaata hai, Aur doosra bike per bhagtaa hai
1 hour ago
AbdulNishapuri Abdul Nishapuri
Aitzaz Ahsan said: “Riasat hogi maan ke jaisi”. Where are u now Aitzaz & co Qazi, Imran & #FCS? Will you save your maan from Iftikhar Chaud?
1 hour ago
AbdulNishapuri Abdul Nishapuri
Will the urban citizens for democracy protest against the judicial dictatorship of the #dajjal of the Supreme Court of Pakistan? #FCS
1 hour ago
AbdulNishapuri Abdul Nishapuri
The Mulla-Media-Military Alliance & Civil Society syndicate have changed the worthy status of SCP into Supreme League of Pakistan (SLOP-Ch)
AbdulNishapuri Abdul Nishapuri
@RiazToori Inshallah #PPP will win again despite opposition by the Teen Jeem mafia and their partners in right wing and #FCS
1 hour ago
Judicial Martial Law
Kana dijaal continues to rule the country.
Mullah, military, Media & Judiciary alliance in full swing
Has anyone noticed, sindh based bureaucrats are in trouble?
Wasim Ahmed, Babar Khattak, Irfan Nadeem etc have been named numerous times by the SC. On the other hand, Lahore based Zafar Qureshi, Tariq Khosa etc are the darlings of the SLOP-Ch
Hahaha! SLOP – Ch Wing. Very funny, but it seems the PPP supporters are getting frustrated. WIll we see confrontation?
Judiciary is another bastion for RW Forces ideological assaults on the political forces and the system they are running. Its a very criminal neglect on part of our so called outspoken heroes of free media etc….
The road to hell — and similar destinations Islamabad diary Friday, January 01, 2010 Ayaz Amir (Jang /The News has removed this article from its website)
Talking of Musharraf’s military rule, what was the role of our present lordships when Triple One Brigade, our highest constitutional authority, reinterpreted the Constitution once again on the long afternoon of Oct 12, 1999? A few judges — Chief Justice Saiduzzaman Siddiqui comes to mind — did not take oath under the Provisional Constitution Order (PCO) issued two months later. But if imperfect memory serves, all of their present lordships, at one time or the other, took oath under the PCO. Not only that, some of them were on the bench which validated Musharraf’s takeover. A few, including My Lord the Chief Justice, were on the bench which validated Musharraf’s takeover for the second time in the Zafar Ali Shah case (2005). Of course, we must let bygones be bygones and deal with the present. But then this principle should be for everyone. We should not be raising monuments to selective memory or selective condemnation. If the PCO of 2007 was such a bad idea, in what category should we place the PCO of 2000? And if in this Turkish bath all are like the emperor without his clothes, the least this should inculcate is a sense of humility.
Writing of history or triumph of amnesia? Friday, August 07, 2009 By Ayaz Amir (Jang /The News has removed this article from its website)
That was the mother of all sins. So how strange and dripping with irony this omission: about that seminal event, which set in train all the sorrows the nation was to reap thereafter, their lordships in their “historic” judgment have nothing to say. For this of course we must understand the problems of the past. For in 2000, a few months after the mother of all sins, when this matter came before the then Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice Irshad Hasan Khan, the nation witnessed another of those electrifying performances which have made “the doctrine of necessity” so famous in our land, the Supreme Court validating Musharraf’s coup and, what’s more, allowing him a grace period of three years to hold elections. In its generosity, it also gave Musharraf the authority to amend the Constitution for purposes of holding elections. So just as the Anwarul Haq Supreme Court gave a clean chit to General Ziaul Haq’s coup of 1977, another Supreme Court signed a papal bull conferring legitimacy on another illegitimate offspring of our political adventures. Now for an inconvenient fact. On the bench headed by Chief Justice Irshad Hasan Khan there sat an up-and-coming jurist, stern of eye and distinguished of look, by the name of Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. Yes, he was among the illustrious upholders of the law and the Constitution who bathed Musharraf and his generals in holy water.
3 – عدلیہ انتظامیہ جھگڑے میں نیا موڑ
رفاقت علی
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، لندن
آخری وقت اشاعت: اتوار, 14 فروری, 2010, 22:17 GMT 03:17 PST
سپریم کورٹ نے خود کئی بار ججز کیس کی دھجیاں بکھیریں اور ایک بار
تو لاہور ہائی کے ایک ایسے جج کو سپریم کورٹ میں تعینات کر دیا جن کا ہائی کورٹ میں ججوں کی سینارٹی لسٹ پر سولہواں نمبر تھا۔ جب سپریم کورٹ میں ججز کیسز کی واضح خلاف ورزی کو چیلنج کیا گیا تو سپریم کورٹ نے حکم صادر کیا کہ وہ کسی جج کو سپریم کورٹ کا جج بنا سکتی ہے۔ ججوں کی تعیناتی کے سلسلے میں سپریم کورٹ نے اپنی ضرورت کےمطابق کئی متضاد فیصلے صارد کر رکھے ہیں اور شاید موجودہ سپریم کورٹ کو بھی ’پی سی او سپریم کورٹ‘ کےایک فیصلے کا بھی سہارا لینا پڑے گا جس کے تحت صدر کے اس اختیار کو مانا گیا تھا کہ وہ ہائی کورٹ کے سینئر جج کو سپریم کورٹ میں تعینات کر سکتا ہے۔
چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان جسٹس افتخار محمد چودھری جسٹس خواجہ شریف کو لاہور ہائی کورٹ کا چیف جسٹس رکھنے پر کیوں بضد ہیں اس کا کسی کو علم نہیں ہے۔ جسٹس خواجہ شریف کو میاں نواز شریف کے دور حکومت میں لاہور ہائی کورٹ کا جج مقرر کیا گیا تھا۔
لاہور ہائی کے سینئر جج جسٹس میاں ثاقب نثار کو بھی نواز شریف دور میں ہائی کورٹ کا جج مقرر کیا گیا۔ جسٹس ثاقب نثار میاں نواز شریف دور کے وزیرِ قانون خالد انور کے جونیئر تھے اور اسی دور حکومت میں انہوں نے سیکرٹری قانون کا قلمدان بھی سنبھالے رکھا۔
My article in 2009 published in The South Asian
December 28, 2009
Free Judiciary and the Power Gamble
Hussain Bux Mallah writes about the recent rulings by the democratically restored judiciary in Pakistan and wonders whether the rulings abet and strengthen the growing non-democratic forces.
[I am writing this because being Sindhi I do not deserve “contempt of court” because me and my nation’s status of inefficiency may be taken as disqualification for contempt of court.]
Recent verdict of Supreme Court of Pakistan on some frozen constitutional petitions has invited people to think over the power gamble and role of the freed judiciary of Pakistan. The Supreme Court had pulled out old and some un-admitted petition for hearing after dismissal of more than 100 PCO and non-PCO judges. Interestingly all criminal and civil cases against politicians, merchants and civilian government official discussed by 17 honourable justices of Pakistan were filed after the end of General Zia’s military government till the start of last Musharraf’s military government.
Pakistan’s supreme judiciary was made dysfunctional by a military government through an executive order extra-constitutionally and all judges were restored by democratic government again by an executive extra-constitutional order but the democratic government, however, had a moral leverage to restore the judiciary of Pakistan. After restoration, the Supreme Court had promised to eradicate corruption from judiciary first and continued functioning as a first ever freed judiciary of Pakistan and released Khatib of Lal Masjid, Maulana Abdul Aziz and Lahore High Court released Jamaatud Dawa’s chief Hafiz Mohammad Saeed by one stroke. Sharif brothers were given relief from disqualification and plane conspiracy cases. The apex court had not accepted pardon a written agreement between the Sharif’s family and military government of Pakistan which was presented by Sindh Advocate General.
Apparently some media anchors bluntly motivated and determined to get rid of first elected Sindhi President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari. No doubt they have lot to say about his corruption and criminality and about his inefficiency to rule an Islamic Republic State of Pakistan. The President of Pakistan General Musharraf had publicly announced Sindhis as an inefficient nation and some reputable anchors of electronic media have outstandingly are following General’s verdict. Amazingly some well educated media anchors have introduced a new political term “Sindh Card” in 21st century’s politics of Pakistan keeping in mind “Jag Punjabi Jag” as Punjab Card, Pakhtunkhwa as NWFP Card and Azad Balochistan as Balochistan Card. It is interesting that all card games are with four colour cards and the liberated print and electronic media are playing all cards well. I have seen people with covering heads with colourful Topis all over Pakistan including Sindh, Southern part of Punjab, all over Balochistan and Pakhtunkhwa except northern Punjab. If some people dislike colourful Topi that means that they do not want to see a colourful Pakistan but want to change it as a dormant and violent and Jihadis’s Pakistan.
I was not shocked to hear a public statement or a verdict of a justice for to hang Musharraf publicly and a justice’s comments that more 80,000 politicians, merchants and civilian government official are dacoits and killers who can not be protected. Before that my understanding was different that an accused is not a criminal until proved I don’t know whether it is true or not. And it was not surprising to me that clerics like Aziz and Saeed were freed to move and operate with legitimate protection of supreme judiciary. I was not shocked to see name of Begum Nusrat Bhutto on top of NAB’s list it is not new to me because it is a legend which is always adopted by loyalists of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Both newly liberated fifth and sixth pillars of Pakistan being Islamists are not free to trial or to convict any deceased leader of and if they were allowed by their doctrine of Islam they must had put the name of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on top of NAB’s list.
The Statement of Benazir Bhutto during a press conference in Dubai that an ethnic Sindhi populist and federalist prime minister was hanged after severe torture and by inhuman ways and an ethnic Punjabi prime minister was excused and allowed by supreme powers to go away in a sacred state. The statement of BB was not new in Pakistan’s politics and surprising but was very common during first partition of Pakistan.
Many intellectuals have asserted that Zardari was capable to handle Pakistan government like Sonia Gandhi but not as an elected president of Pakistan. They may be right but Pakistan Army and the intelligence agencies before and after judicial murder of ZA Bhutto had deliberately invited non-professional politicians on the basis of various ethnicities, sects and castes and opened doors of power for non-political elements. Now the individuals and institutions are striving for power gain but in India the military had never tired to rule their country but they always had limited themselves to their professional work.
Being an inefficient Sindhi I am clear that we have two options Zardari or Zawahiri. All anti democratic forces conspiring against democratic forces and an elected government of Pakistan or not loyal of Pakistan but they are loyal of Zawahiri. I am seeing greater scope for Zawahiri than Zardari but being an inefficient with colourful Topi and surrounded by thousands of colourful shrines in southern Punjab, Balochistan, Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh I still hope for survival of democratic Pakistan. And I also hope that people will resist against any type of conspiracy against democratic government of Pakistan.
Foot in Mouth Award 2010: Justice Ad-hoc Khalil ul Rehman Ramday Thursday, October 14, 2010
What “Ethnic Message” is being conveyed by “Justice Khalilur Rehman Ramday” – Kamal Azfar don’t even know where is Muzzaffar Garh on the Map because Kamal Azfar lives in Clifton [Khalil ur Rehman Ramday without taking his name] Wednesday, October 13, 2010, Zi Qad 04, 1431 A.H By the way many SC Judges also live in Clifton and one is in the bench. Corps Commander Karachi also live in Clifton and Flag Staff House [Pakistan Army] is also in Clifton, by the way during Kashmir Earthquake and recent Flood, people of “Posh Localities” did collect donation for the poor people and “Ramdat” was under PCO serving General Musharraf’s Martial Law.
“Khawaja Sharif CJ LHC” – Justice Sharif’s remarks Dawn Editorial Friday, 02 Jul, 2010 There is valid concern at the report that the Lahore High Court chief justice, Khwaja Sharif, asked the PPP to quit the Punjab government if the party had objections to the appointment of Rana Maqbool as the provincial secretary prosecution. True, we are no longer living in the era when judges shunned public appearances. Judges these days are far more visible and are often seen to use their person and office to further the cause of justice and reform. But even in a judiciary as active as Pakistan’s, for a sitting chief justice to so openly deride one political party in favour of another is no less than shocking. The question of Rana Maqbool’s background is another matter altogether. A much bigger issue at the heart of the controversy, emanating from Justice Sharif’s remarks in Hafizabad on Wednesday, relates to the polarisation in the country and to the fear that this polarisation may have affected the judiciary as well.
Tactless remarks Dawn Editorial Thursday, 18 Mar, 2010 BARELY days after the Punjab chief minister was caught playing to the Taliban gallery, another high official from the province is in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. This time, Lahore High Court Chief Justice Khawaja Mohammad Sharif has sparked outrage for reportedly saying that Hindus were responsible for financing acts of terrorism in Pakistan. The remarks came while the judge was hearing two identical petitions against the possible extradition of Afghan Taliban suspects. It may well have been a slip of the tongue by Mr Sharif, who might have mistakenly said ‘Hindu’ instead of ‘India’ — nevertheless it was a tasteless remark to say the least.
Zulfiqar Mirza has often been criticized for his speech out of context by the Jang Group of newspapers, please read the words of Shaheen Sehbai (Editor The News) and note that it was Jang Group which had used the same words for which Zulfiqar Mirza and Zardari are criticized for exploiting the so-called Sindh Card
Sindh is angry and Punjab is not helping By Shaheen Sehbai Sunday, January 06, 2008
KARACHI: Deeply aggrieved, full of anger and passionately in mourning, Sindhis are baffled and confused at the strange reaction in Punjab, specially the ruling elite which has adopted an aggressively parochial attitude, not just against the PPP but against entire Sindh, after the death of Benazir Bhutto. The accusations that large numbers of Punjabis have been forced to flee Sindh and become refugees in their province may help the PML-Q leaders rebuild their shattered election campaign but it is certainly not helping national unity and the cause of the federation of Pakistan.
A quick tour of the heart broken hinterland of Sindh, starting from Karachi to Jamshoro, Sehwan Sharif, Dadu, Larkana, Naudero, Garhi Khuda Bux, Sukkur, Khairpur, Nowshero Feroze, Moro, Hala, Hyderabad and back to Karachi by road, revealed many facets of the Bhutto murder fallout which cannot be imagined while sitting in cozy drawing rooms before TV sets.
It was quite baffling to note that while we were driving towards Larkana on the Jamshoro-Sehwan route, not one burnt vehicle was seen anywhere from near Karachi until we entered the constituency of Benazir Bhutto in Larkana, over 250 miles away, where we saw a skeleton of a bus. Neither could we see any burnt banks or buildings on this route.
But strikingly on our way back from Sukkur to Hyderabad, the damage was evident but not as widespread as was being reported or projected to be. Some 100 trucks, buses and very small number of cars were still presenting the scene of a battlefield, especially in Moro and some other portions of the National Highway. A few banks on the main road were also visibly damaged.
But the interesting explanation we got by talking to residents and locals was that most of the damage all along the National Highway was in areas and constituencies which were not PPP strongholds and were either represented by Muslim Leagues or other breakaway PPP factions like the Jatois and others. Many gas and petrol stations were still totally undamaged while just in front of them, on the road, cars and buses had been burnt. The protestors were either not interested in burning some property or were cleverly selective in picking their targets.
At one point in front of a huge CNG station, which was intact, several vehicles were burnt but right across the road was a Rangers headquarter and no one seemed to have noticed the violence or done anything to stop it. When we crossed it the Rangers were being guarded by a police picket and van, odd as it may seem.
So when the majority PPP dominated areas were relatively quiet, how would the violence in non-PPP areas be explained. The PPP leadership, rank and file have a ready made explanation that the reaction was orchestrated to blame Sindh and PPP and it was exaggerated to suit the establishment to counter the wave of sympathy for the PPP. It looks somewhat obvious that such an explanation would be given by the PPP but the sudden regression of the pro-establishment section of the Punjab leadership into a parochial mode has lent a lot of credence to the Sindhis’ complaints.
Talking to the deeply disturbed and extremely nervous PPP leadership in Larkana, Naudero and Garhi Khuda Bux, the clear impression that emerges is not good news for the federation. Mr Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal Bhutto made extra efforts in their early appearances before the media to send the message across that the PPP still wanted the federation, as it did when Benazir Bhutto was alive. But this message has been distorted by Punjab.
The creation of a refugee centre in the heart of Lahore was almost hitting the federation below the belt. Some of the Punjabi small businessmen, roadside gas station owners and hotel stops whom we met on our journey were highly critical of this Punjab move. One of them near Hala said he was always a PML voter but would now vote for the PPP as Punjabi leadership, especially close to the establishment, was unfair. He was safe and doing his business without any fear though he admitted that for four days after the Bhutto murder, he did not come out of the house or open his business. His hotel and shops had not been touched by anyone during the riots.
A PPP student wing leader in Larkana was specifically moved by the huge ads in newspapers from the PML which isolated Sindhis and spoke of large-scale migration from Sindh. “What do they want now that they have killed so many of our leaders? Do they want to push us into the sea. This is all rubbish and meant to fan hatred against Sindh for political gains,” he reacted.
The PPP leadership is having a bad time in the sense that they have been pushed to the wall and now fears they have to take on the establishment which they fear would be a disaster for the country.
Senior leaders candidly admit that the death of Benazir Bhutto has landed the party into a crisis but unity in the ranks and swift transition of power from Benazir to Asif Zardari has helped the party leaders and cadres focus on the real issue of winning the elections, helped by the sympathy wave.
One leader said it was challenging for Mr Zardari to get into the shoes of Ms Bhutto but since she had passed on the leadership to him in her will, the party had accepted the decision and quickly converted the street protests and violence into a determined electoral mission to win the elections.
But February 18 was the cut off date for all practical purposes and it was impossible for any PPP leader, including Mr Zardari, to show any soft corner for President Pervez Musharraf or the establishment before the elections.
“We have to decide that if Feb 18 turns out to be a fraud with us and the nation, what we have to do and this is not an easy decision but this decision cannot be put off any more,” said one leader. “And this time President Musharraf will have to accept all our demands without any precondition or bargaining because we have already paid the highest price that could be asked in any bargain.”
Senior PPP leaders do not believe that the establishment would go for the elections even on Feb 18, if the PPP wave continues, which it will. “They are not prepared to hand over power through the ballot box and unless they are in a position to either manipulate the result and contain the PPP or strike a deal on their terms, they would not agree to a poll,” one leader said. “But the PPP is not in a position to offer anything now. If Mr Musharraf wants a deal with the PPP, he will first have to hold a free and fair election without asking for anything in return. This risk he has to take, or otherwise take much bigger risks.”
This PPP sentiment is reflected at all levels of the leadership which is now gearing up to accept the coming challenges. Whatever doubts and suspicions people may have about Mr Zardari, he has now been catapulted into a position where he has very little room for maneouvre or go against the general party sentiment. People want revenge and he has to lead the party into getting one.
“The PPP candidates have been decided by Benazir so those cannot be changed. The PPP leadership all over the country is in place so no particular Zardari men can be inducted. The election is just around and no one can risk intra-party infighting. The mourning has been successfully converted into a fury to take revenge at the ballot boxes so the party has been saved from disarray,” according to a senior leader.
This transition from protests and fury on the streets to revenge through democracy has been remarkably smooth. As we drove hundreds of miles in PPP and non-PPP territory, life had come to almost normal and only the remnants of the burnt out trucks, especially NLC containers and car-carriers, reminded us of the angry reaction. The first hurdle has successfully been crossed by the PPP, headed by Mr Zardari to control the people and turn them into highly motivated and committed workers.
Geo News is tax chor, when Deputy Commissioner, Inland Revenue, FBR, tried to arrest Geo News directors, Geo News Directors took stay order from Sindh High Court to avoid paying taxes. GEO NEWS = TAX CHOR. FBR must put them all behind the bars!
Now, in this election year of 2007, and before this round of ‘free and fair’ elections takes place, before the ISI and its sister agencies once more get into the act, and before the main actors depart from this world, will the reinstated Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, take up the Retired Air Marshal’s petition and see it to its finality. It is of vital importance to the future political scenario as it should incriminate and disqualify many an aspiring public representative hoping to lord it over this nation yet again. And will the stalwarts of the Supreme Court Bar Association please help the retired Air Marshal – he needs legal representation. We never learn from history
By Ardeshir Cowasjee (DAWN)
We never learn from history-8 By Ardeshir Cowasjee
Tuesday,August 21, 2007 (DAWN)
THIS nation attained the age of 60 years on August 14. We remembered our founder and maker, Mohammad Ali Jinnah; we remembered all the intelligent men who have ruled over us; we, who have lived long enough, also remembered that at a relatively young age we managed to lose half the country (143.998 square kilometers of territory to be precise).
Most of all, we all remembered that our governments had all failed to adhere to the first edict of our founder-maker : “…the first duty of a government is to maintain law and order….”.
Eleven years ago, on June 16 1996, former air chief Air Marshal Asghar Khan wrote a letter to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Sajjad Ali Shah, regarding a matter of great national importance – the 1990 countrywide elections and the use of public money to ‘buy’ standing candidates. He requested that the matter be adjudged and action be taken against those found guilty. The good judge took cognizance of the request, converted it into a petition (19 of 1996), and fixed it for hearing on November 3. The respondents were Mirza Mohammad Aslam Beg, former Chief of Army Staff, retired Lt General Asad Durrani, ex-Director-General of Inter Services Intelligence Directorate, and Mr Younis Habib, ex-chief of ex-Mehran Bank Ltd, then confined in Central Jail, Karachi.
CJP Sajjad Ali Shah was followed by CJPs Ajmal Mian, Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui, Irshad Hasan Khan, Bashir Jehangiri, Shaikh Riaz Ahmed, Nazim Hussain Siddiqui and now Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry. But today, eleven long years later, Human Rights Petition 19/96 remains shelved. Each successive Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has found it prudent to leave the petition undecided.
Mehran Bank Scandal Case Pending for last 14 years in the Supreme Court of Pakistan – Asghar Khan: ISI Bribery of Pak Politicians -1/2 Asghar Khan: ISI Bribery of Pak Politicians -2/2
Asghar Khan: ISI Bribery of Pak Politicians
Asghar Khan: ISI’s Role in Pak Politics -1/2
Asghar Khan: ISI’s Role in Pak Politics -2/2
Only MQM has a clear stand on Judiciary
MQM & Jamat-e-Islami in 2007 – Part 1
MQM & Jamat e Islami in 2007 Part 2
MQM & Jamat-e-Islami in 2007 – Part 3
MQM & Jamat-e-Islami in 2007 – Part 4
MQM & Jamat-e-Islami in 2007 – Part 5
Mubashir Lucman abusing Ch Iftikhar and Lawyers on 12 May Incident
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 1
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 2
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 3
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 4
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 5
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 6
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 7
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 8
MQM says CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is Involved in 12 May 2007 Incident – Part – 9
Looks like all die hard supporters of ppp are getting frustrated and getting personal. But if ppp has done anything to help herself?
Although this blog is called critical ppp but i have never seen a comment criticizing the Government as if angels are ruling aur pakistan main doodh k nadiyan beh rahi hain. Lets just accept t
Lets just accept that corruption is endemic in pakistan to the core , Wether its PPP aur anyone else. But you morons cant see beyond your bias.
Who is stopping PPP from developing Larkana or sindh. and i bet the village bhuttos belong to does not have proper school or health facilities who stopped them from building them as if it takes billions to do that? If they do that who will say jiye bhutto?
Pakistan wasnt built for bhuttos, soomros ,bugti’s or sharifs but if we continue to support them blindly they will be our rulers forever and poor man will continue to die of hunger.
saleem ahmed,
jang group have removed or blocked shaheen sehbai’s report from their site.
Abdul Nishapuri
and Ali Arqan
Well done boys. You are the real jialas. Check your bank accounts. I am sending a small token of my esteem.
Mr. 100% join SLOP (Ch. wing) and be business partner of Sharif Brothers. Hope you will get more than Araqam and Nishapuri.