Injustices in Pakistan: Startling Disclosures of Federal Employment Figures – by Aziz Narejo
Sindhis and Baloch have been complaining about injustices to them since the inception of Pakistan. Be it the distribution of resources, apportionment in budget, provincial autonomy, water rights, share in economic development, expenditure in social sectors, education, health and infrastructure development, their involvement in the decision making process or their share in the military, the most powerful institution in the country, they are ignored everywhere. Their cries are never heard or even noticed at the highest levels.
It is even more unfortunate that the so-called human rights advocates, champions of the civil society, the ‘democratic forces’ and others proclaiming to be on the side of fairness in society also always ignore the voices from Sindh and Balochistan. After losing all the hope for any positive change, Baloch have finally decided to part ways with Pakistan. If it continues, Sindhis may have to make a decision too.
Just look at the figures disclosed by a large NGO, SGA in Islamabad today about the employment in federal government departments and federally controlled corporations and semi-government organizations. It may not be startling for Sindhis and Baloch but it should be an eye-opener for fair-minded people in Pakistan who should seriously consider how to respond to these injustices in just one sector of the society. These figures don’t include employment in military and their budget.
(Source of the figures: daily Kawish, 7 Feb. 2011)
Injustices in the federal government employment sector:
Number of federal employees in 2009-2010: 447,155
Sindh rural share 50,976 (11.4%); they get 22,452; which is 28,524 less than their share
Sindh urban share 33,537 (7-5%); they get 40,006; which is 6,469 more than their share
Punjab share 223,578 (50%); they get 206,202; which is 17,376 less than their share
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa share 51,423 (11.5%); they get 124,668; which is 73,245 more than their share
Balochistan share 26,829 (6%); they get 19,092; which is 7,737 less than their share
AJK share 8,943 (2%); they get 4,922; which is 4,021 less than their share
Gilgit-Baltistan, FATA share 17,886 (4%); they get 29,812; which is 11,926 more than their share
Corporations, semi-govt. organizations:
Number of employees: 338,702
Punjab share 169,351 (50%); they get 184,653; which is 15,302 more than their share
Sindh rural share 38,612 (11.4); they get 31,819; which is 6,793 less than its share
Sindh urban share 25,403 (7.5%); they get 46,383; which is 20,980 more than their share
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa share 38,951 (7.5%); get 51,194; which is 12,243 more than their share
Balochistan share 20,322 (6%); they get 14,557; which is 5,765 less than their share
In total:
Sindh rural has 35,317 less employees
Sindh urban has 27,449 more employees
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has 85,488 more employees
Balochistan has 13,492 less employees
Open your eyes before it is too late! Will you?
Courtesy: Indus Herald