Salman Taseer’s assassination: can Pakistan survive as a viable state?
After Salman Taseer murder Pakistani Society seems very much divided. A cold and calculated assassination, not only highlights political turmoil in country but it also raises very fundamental questions related to the viability of state. And it appears the hardline & political interpretation of religion has become the most imminent threat to the viability of state.The repeated [mis]use of religion by right wing political forces and military rulers of country and obsessive hatred of other nations(especially West and America) and religious minorities have brought the state to a situation where sane people fear to reason with the right wingers lest they are regarded as blasphemers themselves. It’s been events over the past 30 years, like the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, the Islamization policies of General Zia ul-Haq during the 1980s, which has really strengthened the Islamist forces and the more puritanical sects.
New York Times in a recent piece saw the assassination of the Governor of Punjab as intensification of the struggle between secular and religious forces in Pakistan, in educated class religious trend going upwards. Against terrorism war American are spending billions of dollar on Pakistan Army but it ignored conservatism in Pakistani Society. It is noticed that flowering on culprit of Salman Taseer’s murderer is looking strange; it includes mostly young men and lawyers. Murder on the name of Namose Risalat is appreciated very much. Now processions against the release of Mumtaz Qadri disappoint governor’s friends and government as well. It is noticed that strong steps against culprit according to law. In views of lawyers Pakistani society is divided, an effect of conservatism even extremisms is present mostly in educated class.
According to The Economist report “There is a small space in which a liberal vision of Pakistan hangs on. It shrank a lot further with the murder on January 4th of a notable progressive politician and critic of religious extremism, Salman Taseer”.
Fazal mahmood writes in his article” Liberal Voice Silenced in Pakistan” that:
THE assassination of Punjab governor and Pakistan Peoples Party leader Salman Taseer has proved to be a turning point for Pakistan.
The country that arguably had been standing on the crossroads between liberal secularism and extremist fundamentalism is now travelling the latter road as the reactions to the killing prove so vividly. Rose petals for the assassin, threats by the mullah against those mourning Taseer’s death, threats of similar murders of liberals if they dared speak out for Taseer clearly show that the liberal voice is so weakened that it is now barely heard.
The very fact that the security guard who pumped 29 bullets into Taseer reloading the weapon at one point while other guards looked on is a Barelvi is indicative of how deep the rot of extremism has set in. The Barelvi’s in Pakistan have largely kept away from violence, and are recognised as a peaceful sect. But now it is as if a dam has burst as Barelvi clerics have come out with strictures as it were, warning all clerics in the country against reading Taseer’s funeral prayers. No one dared and eventually the task had to be performed by a PPP religious scholar.
For the first time in recent memory, it is the extremists who are talking and reacting and threatening, even as the small liberal society of Pakistan huddles into a corner, worried and terrified of the future.
Who will be the next target is the question being asked in every home of Pakistan, in what is almost a confession that there is no political force that can challenge and defeat the extremists.
Salman Taseer’s biggest crime was his liberal approach & western views on law and democracy, he was a progressive, forward looking leader who wished to see his country tread a path of enlightened development. Lamentably, it was those views that clashed with a country that has increasingly identified itself as religious state. And ‘biggest sin’ was that he had opposed to the blasphemy law and had visited the jail to meet with the Christian woman Asiya bibi. Now, the most unfortunate part that the next time a political leader attempts to stand up for a just cause, or a religious minority, the image of Taseer will be foremost in his mind. And that was the point: Violence can be a calculated tool used by organized parties or groups to eliminate politicians, win elections and scare people away from certain positions.
Ms Sara Taseer told the BBC that: Pakistan is a “frightening place” and her father’s death was a message “to every liberal to shut up or be shot”.
The civil society groups are extremely worried about a large section of society “justifying the act of Taseer’s assassin in the name of defending the blasphemy law. The human rights and civil society groups have expressed regret at the reaction to the murder, saying the debate on the blasphemy law has been hijacked by the religious right that threatens anyone daring to bring up the issue with mortal danger. Civil society activists and liberals have been outraged at the way Qadri was feted by lawyers and members of religious groups during his two court appearances.They believe that living in a democratic state entitles us to debate this law or any law passed by parliament in a safe and secure atmosphere.
The Pakistani and international media described the assassination of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer as it was a reflection of the growing “cancer of intolerance” in the society, it exposes the ‘the cancer of religious fanaticism’ and it also highlight Pakistan’s instability.
Pakistan has paid much too heavy a price of war against terrorism, according to the Individualland’s estimation, Throughout the decade the greatest apprehension for the citizens, government and other concerned authorities remained security. During the year 2009, when 11704 people lost their lives among which 2324 were civilians, 991 were security personnel and 8389 were terrorists. During 2010, a total of 7199 people lost their lives among which 1731 were civilians, 444 were security personnel, and 5024 were terrorists. On reviewing these figures, we apparently see a slight decrease in civilian and security personnel figures. However, is this game of statistics only?
A number of rehabilitation centers are working in the most affected districts of the country. However, what has been the impact, if any of these rehabilitation centers? On analyzing the terrorist incidents that took place during the year, we can see that a total of 459 bomb blasts occurred, out of which 48 were reported as suicide attacks. However, in 2009 a total of 500 bomb blasts occurred out of which 76 were reported to be suicide attacks. The marked decrease in the number of bomb blasts and particularly suicide attacks is also evident from these figures. However, the challenge seems far from being addressed and a lot needs to be done to gain total control of the war affected districts.
The greatest threat to Pakistan is right now, is extremism/religious fanaticism. Although the United States invested heavily in the war on terror yet it ignored conservatism in Pakistani Society, it ignored Pakistan’s poor education system and its bias curriculum that often incites intolerance and violence, it overlooked fact that extremists and fanatics have deep influence in the intelligence and security apparatus & in civil administration and it also turned blind eye on this unholy nexus that has well established links with mainstream media to espouse a particular cause.
Pakistan’s survival as a viable state, totally depends on how as a nation we answer the questions related to extremism.
Pakistan single biggest source of problems lies in religion itself. Is god & prophet so weak that it needs us to defend itself. Pakistan was not created as separate homeland for Muslims, which most of us tend to believe. After WWII, Russian expansionism needed to be checked. Pakistan was thus created under US pressure by Brits. For that reason Pak was recipient of US aid and it’s military strenghtened. Badaber Air Base in Peshawar was used for aerial spying of USSR and one shot down in 1960. Cold war continued and finally Communism was defeated in 1980. Purpose of Pakistan crteation thus finished in in 1980 and US abandoned it. As leader of free world in democracy and capitalism it next needed to defeat Islam. CIA/ISI planned 9/11 to get voters support for Iraq action to open a window of democracy in middle east. Having done that next target is theocracy in Iran.
World media was given a bone to chew on (surgical airstrikes lasting 48 hours to destroy it’s armed forces by US or Israel or both). Iran clergy also wants to be attacked by US, so that it can rule for another 30 years on reinvented ‘Marg-ber-America’ slogan.
Actual plan is to invade Iran after these strikes and instal Iraq like democracy. Same as it did in South Korea and Japan after WWII.
Doesn’t it look surprising to any person with sense that US keep strenghtening Pakistan army despite it’s refusal to act against terrorist ? US thinktank is anything but a fool which specially we in Pakistan take it for.
You can see that radicalism has stepped up recently after Taseer’s killing. Only yesterday Punjab MPA Javed Bhatti was shot at and his guards injured. Justice Javed Iqbal’s parents were also murdered yesterday. Saudis & other arab states also want Iran whacked and are prepared to spend biillions of petrodollars. Sunnism rhetoric is being purposely raised and soon some high profile shias’ murder will be arranged (Taseer was shia too).
Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Umar and co. are kept alive, well and thriving with ISI at US backing. Pak army, Al Qaueda, Taliban, Arabs petro dollars will be used along with US power to invade Iran within two years (Iran will make nukes in 3 years. It has been softened by sanctions same as Iraq.
This theory is my brainchild. Nothing close to it has appeared anywhere in world press. If at all and when it happens, do remember where you heard it first. I may be wrong but it does look logical to me.
مذہبی سیاستدان ہر موقع پر اسلام کے نام پر اکٹھے ہوتے ہیں اور پھر جیسے ہی انتخابات کے نتائج آتے ہیں‘ تو دست و گریبان بھی ہو جاتے ہیں۔ نظام مصطفی کا نعرہ لگا کر انہوں نے بھٹو کو پھانسی چڑھوا دیا لیکن جنرل ضیاالحق سے بھی نظام مصطفی نافذ نہ کرا سکے اور پھر اقتدار کے کھیل میں پی این اے کو بھی پارہ پارہ کر دیا۔ گزشتہ عام انتخابات میں یہ پھر اسلام کے نام پر اکٹھے ہوئے۔ اقتدارمیں بھاری بھرکم حصہ پایا اور ایک صوبے کی حکومت بھی بنائی۔ لیکن اکٹھے رہ کر مدت پوری نہیں کر پائے اور ایم ایم اے ٹوٹ پھوٹ کے بکھر گئی۔ اب انتخابات نزدیک آچکے ہیں۔ اس بار یہ ایک اور اسلامی اتحاد تحفظ ناموس رسالت ﷺ کے نام پر بنانے کی تیاری کر رہے ہیں اور ان کے ارادے کافی جارحانہ لگتے ہیں۔ پہلا ہی قدم پر انہوں نے انسانی خون بہا کر اٹھایا۔ خدشہ ہے کہ انتخابات شروع ہونے تک یہ مزید خون بہائیں گے۔ شاید انتخابات کا انعقاد ہی ناممکن بنا دیں۔ ہو سکتا ہے اس مرتبہ ان کامقصد ہی یہ ہو۔ لیکن ہمیشہ کی طرح اقتدار انہیں ہرگز نہیں ملے گا۔ کوئی اور طاقت اقتدار پر حاوی ہو کر اپنے ایجنڈے پر عمل کرے گی۔ انہیں اقتدارمیں حصہ مل گیا‘ یہ پھر بھی آپس میں لڑیں گے اور نہ ملا‘ تب بھی ان کی باہمی لڑائی یقینی ہے۔اسلام اور اقتدار پر مذہبی سیاستدانوں کا اکٹھے ہونا دشوار ہی نہیں ناممکن ہے۔ اسلام پر تو یہ 72 فرقوں میں بٹے ہوئے ہیں اور اسلام کی تشریح سب کی اپنی اپنی ہے۔ یہ اپنی مسجدیں الگ بناتے ہیں۔ دوسرے کی مسجد میں نماز نہیں پڑھتے۔ کسی ایک امام کے پیچھے سارے نمازنہیں پڑھتے۔ میں دہشت گردوں کی بات نہیں کرتا‘ فرقہ پرستی کی بنیاد پر بھی اب تک ہزاروں مسلمانوں کا خون بہایا جاچکا ہے اور درجنوں مسجدیں اور امام بارگاہیں تباہ کی جا چکی ہیں۔ اصل اسلام پر نہ یہ کبھی متحد ہوئے اور ہی یہ طے کر پائے کہ اسلام کیا ہے؟
اقتدار کے معاملے میں بھی یہی صورتحال ہے۔ حکومت چلانے کیلئے آئین کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے اور اسلامی حکومت چلانے کیلئے متفقہ اسلامی آئین درکار ہے‘ جو یہ نہیں بنا سکتے۔ اگر یہ حب رسولﷺ میں واقعی مخلص ہیں‘ تو حضورﷺ کے پیش کئے ہوئے دین اسلام پر بھی انہیں متفق ہونا چاہیے۔ اس کی علیحدہ علیحدہ تشریحات کرتے ہیں۔ ان کی امت میں تفرقوں کو ہوا دیتے ہیں۔ انتخابات کے موقع پر بظاہر یہ اسلامی اتحاد قائم کرتے ہیں۔ لیکن اصل میں یہ سیاسی مولویوں کا اتحاد ہوتا ہے‘ جو مقصد پورا ہونے یا نہ پورا ہونے کی دونوں صورتوں میں ٹوٹتے رہے۔ اس مرتبہ یہ تحفظ ناموس رسالتﷺ کے نام پر ایک نیااسلامی اتحاد بنائیں گے۔ مگر ہمیشہ کی طرح مقصد پورا ہونے کے بعد بکھر جائیں گے۔ پاکستانی قوم انہیں بارہا آزما چکی ہے۔ اگر ان کا مقصد واقعی پاکستان میں اسلامی نظام نافذ کرنا ہے تو ابھی انتخابات میں کافی وقت باقی ہے۔ یہ اپنا خلوص اور سچائی ثابت کرنے کے لئے ایک متفقہ اسلامی آئین مرتب کر کے انتخابات کے میدان میں اتریں اور اس کے نفاذ کا وعدہ کر کے ووٹ مانگیں۔ یہی متفقہ اسلامی آئین ان کا منشور ہونا چاہیے اور عوام بھی اس مرتبہ تیاری کر لیں کہ اگر مذہبی سیاستدان متفقہ اسلامی آئین پیش کئے بغیر ووٹ مانگنے آئیں‘ تو سمجھ لیں کہ یہ اسلامی اتحاد نہیں‘ اقتدار کے بھوکے لوگوں کا اتحاد ہے۔ آخر میں ایس ایم ایس پر آیا ہوا ایک شعر :
جانے کب ‘کون ‘کسے مار دے کافر کہہ کے
شہر کا شہر مسلمان ہوا پھرتا ہے
US vice-president warns Pakistan on extremist threat
Joseph Biden, US vice-president, has urged Pakistan to fight religious extremism, reflecting international concern over the degree of public sympathy shown for the killer of a Pakistan Peoples Party’s leader Governor Salman Taseer.
Targeting extremists is the best way to strengthen Pakistan, Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday as he defended an aggressive pursuit of terrorists while also offering assurances to the Pakistani people that the U.S. has no wish to take over their government or wipe out Islam.
He said terrorism in Pakistan was a threat to both countries, and he referred to the killing of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer, who was shot dead by his bodyguard over his outspoken opposition to the strict blasphemy law. “The confessed killer has been hailed a hero by religious conservatives. Societies that applaud such actions end up being consumed by those actions,” the US vice president remarked.
Zafar, Qadianism is approaching its end & Islam is beginning to rise. Salman Taseer was sacrificed like a PIG, he didnt sacrifice it on his own choice – he was a dog was shot while barking beyond certain parameters. Sometimes its hard to believe that the hatred for Islam in Pakistan is almost the same as the feeling found in Jews. Very Surprised!