‘Everyone Declare Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law as Black Law’ Campaign

Shaheed Salman Taseer was martyred by religious fanatics because he termed an Islamofascist law (blasphemy law) as a black law

Please participate in this campaign by joining this page.


On 4 January 2011, Governor Punjab Salman Taseer was shot dead by an Islamofascist terrorist in Islamabad.

Shaheed Salman Taseer’s only crime was:

1. He raised voice in support of an innocent Christian woman, Aasia bibi, who is currently sentenced to death by a Pakistani court because of her alleged blasphemy to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

2. Saheed Taseer termed the notorious blasphemy law as a black law and wanted the law to be revised in order to put a stop to its misuse and also to create more tolerance in Pakistani society.

3. Fanatic mullahs in Pakistan (supported by right wing lawyers, journalists, politicians etc) condemned Taseer because of his stance that “the Blasphemy Law is a Black Law”. He was killed because of uttering these exact words.

Therefore, the aim of this campaign (facebook page) is to honour Salman Taseer’s sacrifice, and to show to the entire world that Taseer was not alone. We all say that Pakistan’s blasphemy law is a black law and that the law must be repealed or at least revised to create more space for tolerance and diversity in Pakistani society.

Join this campaign as a tribute to Salman Taseer’s great sacrifice and to participate in our struggle against Islamofascism in Pakistan.


Here is a glimpse of what what we are uniting against:

Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri in Islamabad Court



Latest Comments
  1. Khalid Aziz
  2. Khalid Aziz
  3. YLH
  4. Pasha
  5. Shaheryar Ali
  6. Hira Tahseen
  7. Hira Tahseen
  8. Sarah Khan
  9. Hafiz Saeed
  10. Dr Zakir Naik
  11. zia m
  12. zia m
  13. Wikki
  14. Abdul Nishapuri