Dr Tahir ul Qadri and the Sunni Barelvi phenomenon – by Suleman Akhtar


Apart from the pure nonsense of Dharnas and marches, it is interesting to note that the PTI is increasingly evolving into a political party in the classic sense of Pakistani politics. They have got everything to make it as a typical Punjabi political party, i.e. a charismatic leader with low IQ, backing of certain elements in the power corridors and finally a political cadre that can resist the government machinery. Scenes from Lahore and GT road point to the latter development which is quite recent.

As for Tahirul Qadri, if he is funny then by the same token, we should admit, the majority of Pakistanis is funny (Have you ever been to a shrine?). A quite many are wondering as to where all his supporters have come from. His is a desperate attempt, naive it may be, to assert the political identity of Barelvis who, along with Shias, Ahmedis, Christians and Hindus, in the recent past, have been on the receiving end of dreaded terror unleashed by the terrorist groups espousing the Takfeeri ideology. The roots can be traced to sit-ins staged across the country after deadly bombings in Quetta in January 2013.

Having said that, the talks of overthrowing the government are ludicrous to say the least. The elected government must be allowed to complete its tenure come what may.



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