Choices to make in women’s treatment: Asia Bibi or Nida Rashid? – by Naveed Ali

Nida Rashid's brilliant all round performance helped Pakistan win the first cricket gold medal ever awarded at the Asian Games.
Two headlines in daily Dawn’s website yesterday, two news, two events, one brings hope while other despair.
One is about the Amnesty International asking for release of Asia Bibi, sentenced to death on blasphemy charges (Amnesty urges release of Pakistani Christian woman, 2010). Other is about the victory of Pakistan women cricket team in Asian games (Pakistan women beat Bangladesh; win first Asiad gold, 2010).
One can wonder how the pundits, our scholars and analysts will treat these news? They are about human development, human rights, minorities, and less privileged elements in society. But they are contrasting and show the dilemma of today’s Pakistan, a fight between progressive and conservative forces.
There are those who want to take advantage of laws created on religious basis to target those elements in society which are weak, vulnerable and cannot protect themselves against aggressive allegations and become easy target.
Asia Bibi was forced not to fetch water as she was a non-Muslim, that is where it all started, then reportedly she was asked to convert to Islam and during the debate she emphasized on what she believes in. Ironically the report was filed after few days of the what happened between the women, one of them was wife of the Imam of local mosque and it is the Imam who has filed the case against her.
One can wonder why the court did not consider the motives behind the allegations, what the lawyers were doing, how the case was defended? We should ask why the judge ruled out any possibility that Asia was falsely implicated (Amnesty Int’l urges release of Pakistani Christian woman, 2010), was she provoked? What were the circumstances she was forced into? How many were the aggressive women abusing her at the time of incident? Why she was deprived of water? What will be the response of a enraged, helpless, angry person against a group insulting him or her and forcing to accept something against will? How would be an average person feeling and reacting in such situation? Does honourable judge considered the circumstances while reaching decision?
Now the world is aware of what is happening and it is coming together to rescue Asia, Pope has called Pakistan government to release her and pressure will increase. Surely Asia should not face the sentence, and hopefully she will be spared as the appeal will be heard in higher courts and she might will be released as well. What will happen afterwards? Probably her family will apply for asylum as they have become target of hard-liners and they will leave country. Hopefully this is where it should end, and Asia will live happily with her husband, two sons and three daughters. This is what we Pakistanis should demand from the state.
Now referring to the victory of Pakistan’s women cricket team in Asian Games; surely an event of jubilation for the nation, specially as their counterparts are not doing well and continuously in crisis with corruption and fixing charges on team members and an inefficient management. Women team has done great and brought us jubilation. They have again shown that women can keep honour of the nation and contribute to their best as much as any Pakistani man can.
Well surely any hard-liner mullah will not be happy on this news, for instance what will be the reaction of the cleric who filed case against Asia? Shall we have any difficulty understanding it? No, clearly he will shout that women are not allowed to go outside of home, for him that photo of Nida Rashid celebrating her team’s victory (Pakistan women beat Bangladesh; win first Asiad gold, 2010) will be sinful. He will overlook what benefits these players have brought for their country, these players have presented their country in Asian games, won a gold medal, and ensure Pakistan’s name will be there as champions in history of the games, they have given their nation a chance to celebrate, a reason to delight, gratification to their fellow Pakistani women and a message to us all that they are the best.
Women are as good a resource as men, and they should be given equal chances in every walk of life.What we learn today is that we have choices to make. One is the way forward, open up your mind, embrace the change, develop and utilise your resources and carry on, while other is to move backward, resist change, keep on indulging into petty issues, preach hatred, promote irrational beliefs so that status quo cannot be changed.
Pakistanis have to decide which way they want to go, still not late but every passing day without being decisive will make it hard to move forward.
Amnesty urges release of Pakistani Christian woman, 2010,, last viewed 19/11/2010
Pakistan women beat Bangladesh; win first Asiad gold, 2010,, last viewed 19/11/2010
Its a lower court decision make appeal in higher courts it will be reverted this is how law works instead of writing articles file appeal against this decision
Qureshi! you do not need to use bad words to make your point. Your argument is valid, and there is petition in the court.
If you read it completely and think with cool mind, article is more than just about Asia, she will get justice, do not worry, But question is if these incidents will stop? that is where law ends and people’s role start, people have power, and this article aims to suggest that.
Every one has right to speak, just like you, give room to people instead of abusing them.
Blasphemy laws being misused: Asma Jahangir
ISLAMABAD: President of the Supreme Court Bar Association Asma Jahangir has said that the blasphemy laws are being misused in the country.
Her remarks come at a time when the Lahore High Court has sentenced the Christian mother of five, Aasia Bibi to death for blasphemy, under the controversial section 295-C of Pakistan’s Penal Code.
Talking to media in London she said that the death penalty should be abolished from the country. She also said that such cases should be heard by the High Court. Asma Jahangir further said that changes should be made in the rules of death penalties.
She expressed her discontent with the performance of the government and said that the Army Chief should not have been given extension.
Govt committed to protecting minority rights: Gilani
LAHORE, Nov. 27 (APP)- Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani reiterated that minorities and women were his constituency and his government was committed to protecting their rights.Talking to a select group of Sikh leaders, who are visiting Pakistan to participate in birth anniversary celebrations of Baba Guru Nanak, at State Guest House here Saturday, he said the welfare of minorities was not only religious obligation but also a political commitment.The Prime Minister said the government believed in promoting interfaith harmony and the relations between Sikh and Muslim communities in Pakistan was a good example.
Gilani also assured the Sikh leaders of considering their suggestions on various matters. He especially mentioned the policy to maximum visas on religious occasions of followers of different faiths, who visited Pakistan particularly Sikhs and Buddhists. Pilgrims help develope people-to-people contact and better understanding among communities, he observed.
The delegation appreciated government efforts to improve travel facilities as well as conditions of Gurdwaras and shrines in Pakistan. They also mentioned that Langer Khana at Punja Sahib had become one of the best in the subcontinent after its renovation by the Pakistan government.
The delegation lauded efforts of the Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB) Chairman Asif Hashmi for resolving issues of the Sikh community in Pakistan. They mentioned that they had great regard for the Prime Minister as they were given a special opportunity to meet him whenever they visited Pakistan. They said they attached special importance to the meeting as forefathers of the Prime Minister had laid the foundation stone of the Golden Temple.
The Sikh delegates also appreciated that most conversation during the meeting was in their language. Federal Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti and ETPB Chairman Asif Hashmi were also present.
Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) of 1860 dates from the British colonial period (British Raj : Sections 295 to 298 of the PPC) dealing with religious offences dates back to that period and were intended to prevent and curb religious violence.
The offences were introduced to curb religious hatred amending then s.153 of British India Act which did not include Islam and Raj Pal in 1929 could not be prosecuted for writing ‘A colourful Prophet’ which hurt scores of Muslims and the High Court was not able to provide relief and riots erupted post the writer’s murder in United India. However UK laws were never amended to grant protection to Muslims. In particular S. 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code says, “whoever by words either spoken or written or by visible representations or in any manner whatsoever, or by any imputation, innuendo or institution, directly or indirectly defiles the sacred name of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.”
However these offences have little value to the West who take freedom of expression as a superior force to all other political and religious compulsions. Their Blasphemy law though covers Christianity but does not cover Islam. Article 10 of European Convention of Human Rights 1950 which is similar to Article 19 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 says as follows: “1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinion and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the Licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.”
During the Salman Rushdie affair in the 1980’s after writing a book ‘Satanic Verses’ Britain never prosecuted Salman Rushdie under the Blasphemy Laws of Britain for defiling the Prophet of Islam as British laws only covers Christianity. Under Ex Parte Choudhary [1991] 1 All ER 306, private prosecution was not allowed either by British Courts due to lack of legal provisions. Britain since has introduced the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 which intends to curb preaching religious violence, however it still does not address the core and causes of igniting religious hatred albeit blasphemy.
However in the west denial of holocaust as to whether or not Jews were oppressed by Hitler’s Nazi regime is a criminal offence in most parts of Europe. Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European countries: In Austria (article 3h Verbotsgesetz 1947) punishable from 6 months to 20 years, Belgium (Belgian Holocaust denial law) punishable from Fine to 1 year imprisonment, the Czech Republic under section 261 punishable from 6 months to 3 years, France (Loi Gayssot) punishable from Fine or 1 month to 2 years, Germany (§ 130 (3) of the penal code) also the Auschwitzlüge law section 185 punishable from Fine or 1 month to 5 years, Lithuania, The Netherlands under articles 137c and 137e punishable from Fine or 2 years to 10 years, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,and Switzerland (article 261bis of the Penal Code) punishable from 6 months to 3-5 years. In addition, under Law 5710-1950 it is also illegal in Israel and punishable from 1 year to 5 years. Italy enacted a law against racial and sexual discrimination on January 25, 2007 punishable from 3 years to 4 years.
Now looking at this tendency the way the West is displaying insensitivity to the Muslim World’s feelings, It will be quite illogical for Islamic countries angry with the behavior of the west to start awarding notorious leaders the highest awards of bravery or who accommodate and promote writers that challenge the myth of the ‘holocaust’. These sentiments though exist which call for serious consideration by OIC and the West to sit together and find a solution to this hugely charged issue as the common man of each society calls for peace and harmony between ancient civilizations. The irony is that East and West are grappling with the situation where each other’s criminals are seeking refugee. Salman Rushdie’s gets a knighthood for Satanic Verses and Tasleema Nasreen protection but there is no law at all to protect the long and strongly held belief of Muslims in the West.
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