Geo’s Reporting Standards – by Sindhyar Talpur
Found something that I thought would interest LUBP readers.
Geo proudly put this news with a picture on their website. The picture, doubtless reproduced
without permission from owners, talk about Intellectual property infringement, a different type of
theft which is OKAY. But that’s not the controversy.
As you may see, the first line read ‘A British Judge’ and so goes on to say this happened in UK.
Subtle message: Wow, making examples of people. Is UK now following the Muslim shariah
punishments- Brilliant news, for the Right wing news channel and similar ideologues.
But wait, there is a problem. This isn’t UK, it is in fact USA, Texas to be exact. State that has
been decried by Nevada Senate candidate, Sharron Angle to be following shariah – she obviously
meant it in a different – Muslims are at the gates – way of course.
1 Its also the place with a reputation for making most controversial judgments. Like giving capital sentence to low IQ people- who are likely to be held legally without mental capacity to stand trial in other states of USA
2.We can have an argument about the legality of the judgment, human rights issues that almost certainly have been raised in UK, etc
But my main concern is – does Geo have any reporting standards? I mean it is (unfortunately) the country’s biggest network, with GEO News, The News and Jang. And it doesn’t bother to even proof read their source material, let alone confirm and re-confirm the news source itself.
This just is tip of iceberg, proving this assertion uncontroversially. They blatantly exhibit disregard for any journalist standards and have committed many character assassinations in past. Those have irreparable affect on people’s lives. In process raising questions about the whole journalist community. No wonder people can’t distinguish between credible sources and Illuminati-Knight Templar nutters on the internet.
I also find it amazing that there have been no legal proceedings against them as yet. Mostly because there is no developed tort law in Pakistan, which would allow for compensation for Slander and Libel. I guess Geo is creating the necessity to have one, as a public service. But wait, would an impartial judiciary, who they supported through thick and thin, ever let that happen to them? Read the interim junction by court against PEMRA from blocking GEO transmission for non-payment of taxes and then tell me.
The source from where GEO copied: