Lashkar-e-Jhangvi/ISI fulfill PPP government’s desire to send a truckload of tissues to the Shias

In the history of Pakistan, the year 2012 is considered the bloodiest year for the Shias. The majority of them were murdered in Baluchaitsn. When a journalist asked Raisani who as the Chief Minister of the province is responsible for the law and order situation of the province, he replied, “How many Shias have been killed. You call the killing of 40 or 50 Shias genocide? Well if the Shias think so, I will send them a free truckload of tissues with which they can wipe their eyes!” After that he smirked baring his teeth and walked away.

On 10 January two bomb blasts killed 85 Shias of Quetta. The ISI-backed Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has proudly claimed responsibility for the deadly blasts. They have announced on the social media how happy they are for being able to kill so many Shias.

The good news for the Pakistan People’s Party is that they can claim one more time: “The government of the people of Pakistan has once achieved yet another milestone!”

Raisani is having a good time in Europe. He has not said a word about the Quetta bombings. He has not announced his returned. We the people request him to come back as his desire to send tissues to the Shias of Quetta has been fulfilled. 85 Shia corpse if mourned by 20 million Shias of Pakistan and 20 million non-Takfiri Sunnis certainly means a truckload of tissues.

The PPP government in Islamabad and Baluchistan will be consigned to the dustbin of history soon. But they have won immortality for supervising the Shia genocide.

Congratulation Pakistan People’s Party!



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