Why do the Taliban prefer to kill on Fridays? – by Abdul Nishapuri
Here I am, once again, trying to muster up some emotional and physical energy to write a few lines in condemnation of the Taliban terrorists (and their supporters and apologists).
Today, on Friday 9 July 2010, a Talib suicide bomber exploded himself “in the way of Allah” (as Qari Hussain would probably claim) or “in reaction to the USA and Pakistani governments’ unjust policies” (as Imran Khan, Hameed Gul and Munawar Hasan would indeed state), killing at least 65 innocent persons (including children) and injuring more than 105.
According to Xinhua, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the attack. This admission was also reported in a local TV Channel Dawn News.
The people, the Taliban attacked today, were those who queued outside a government office in Pakistan’s Mohmand tribal region (in the town of Yakaghund) in order to receive donated wheelchairs for disabled and elderly persons.
However, given the frequency of the Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba’s consistent attacks on the people of Pakistan, I have become relatively insensitive to the gravity and barbaric nature of such attacks. My thoughts are instead focused on perhaps a petty coincidence, i.e., the Taliban’s choice of the day.
For the last three years (in fact, since General Musharraf’s military operation against the ISI-sponsored terrorists holed up in Islamabad’s Red Mosque), it is not hard to discern that Friday is a day of choice for the Taliban suicide bombers to explode themselves.
I wonder, why? Why do the Taliban prefer to kill on Fridays?
Any clue?
خیبر پختون خوا کے وزیرِ اطلاعات میاں افتخار نے بی بی سی کے ساتھ انٹرویو میں کہا کہ کچھ اطلاعات کے مطابق اس حملے میں اسی افراد ہلاک ہوئے ہیں تاہم ستاون ہلاکتوں کی تصدیق ہو چکی ہے۔ ایک سو چھبیس افراد زخمی ہیں۔
میاں افتخار کا کہنا تھا کہ کئی لوگ ابھی تک گھروں کے ملبے تلے دبے ہوئے ہیں لہذا مرنے والوں کی حتمی تعداد کا تعین فوری طور پر کرنا مشکل ہے۔ انھوں نے کہا کہ مہمند ایجنسی میں مقامی طالبان نے اس حملے کی ذمہ داری قبول کر لی ہے۔ ’چونکہ یہ امن کمیٹی کا اجلاس تھا اور طالبان امن کے دشمن ہیں لہذا انھوں نے ذمہ داری قبول کی ہے۔‘
پولیٹیکل انتظامیہ کے مطابق ایک حملہ آور نے اس وقت خود کو دھماکے سے اڑا لیا جب لوگوں کی بڑی تعداد معذور افراد کے لیے تقسیم کی جانے والی ویل چیئر کےحصول کے لیے لائن میں کھڑے تھے۔ دھماکہ اتنا شدید تھا کہ اس سے متعدد عمارتیں تباہ ہو گئیں
اسلام آباد میں لال مسجد کے خلاف ہونے والے آپریشن کے بعد پاکستان میں خود کش حملوں کی تعداد میں اضافہ ہوا ہے اور ابتک 3500 سویلین ہلاک ہو چکے ہیں۔
دو ہزار دس میں ہونے والے خود کش حملوں میں تین سو لوگ ہلاک ہو چکے ہیں۔ پہلی جولائی کو دو خود کش حملہ آور نے لاہور کے داتا دربار پر حملے کر کے بیالیس لوگوں کو ہلاک کر دیا تھا۔
اٹھائیس مئی کو حملہ آوروں نے لاہور میں احمدی فرقے کی دو عبادت گاہوں پر حملہ میں بیاسی افراد ہلاک ہوگئے تھے۔ بارہ مارچ کو لاہور میں پاکستانی فوج کے دو مراکز پر حملوں میں ستاون لوگ ہلاک ہو گئے تھے۔ پہلی جنوری کو ایک خود کش حملہ آور نے خیبر پختونخواہ کے ایک گاؤں میں والی بال گراونڈ پر حملہ میں سو سے زیادہ افراد کو ہلاک کر دیا تھا۔
65 Pakistanis are killed and ISI chief says that we may have to rethink our policy of fighting al-qaeda based on our ‘national interest’ – kya baat hai.
Dear Sir or Madam:
ایک ایک پاکستانی بچے اور عورت کو مرنے پر ویسے تو ایک حور ملتی ہے، لیکن اگر جمہ’لمبارک کے با سعادت دن کو یہ مبارک اور احسن کام کیا جا ے یعنی نہتے عورتوں بچوں کو قتل کرنے والا تو الله سبحانہو تعالیٰ دگنا ثواب دیتے ہیں یعنی کہ ہر مظلوم کے بدلے دو سیکسی اور ننگی حوریں ملیں گی
اب آپ خود ہی اندازہ لگا-یں کہ اس وقت وہ مجاہد، اپنے “غزوہ” کے بعد ١٦٠ حوروں کے ساتھ کیا سلوک کر رہا ہو گا؟
اگر اس “اورجی” کے بارے میں کچھ اور سوال ہوں تو قریب مرکز دعوت سے رابطہ قائم کریں …
the question is why do the talebans attack on friday ?
very simple answer. its in the koran.
It might be coincidence,
my father friends prefer to go fishing at attock river in feburary-march. maybe this has some kind of relationship with friday attacks.
Mohmand toll mounts to 102
If some one needs to know what Taliban Think and Their ideology then just discuss with the Students in Deoband Madaris from Karachi to Islamabad then he will get the idea easily .
A Suicide bomber believe that the innocent people would be killed in the attack are also “shaheeds ” like him .As he is scarifying his life and will go to heaven the innocent people would also go with him .The “ulemas ” who brain wash them justified this action .for them killing innocent in suicide bombing is collateral damage but their aim is to kill army,police ,government and other “non Islamic ” groups .
For suicide bombers this is a very noble cause so i think they chose friday “Jumma tul Mubarak ” ,they might be thinking that
” Jumma kay din ajrr-o-sawab Ziyada hota hay “
The idiots think they will get a “upper deck” seat in heaven.
I am certain it is as “Rajab Ali” and “Farhan Q” have suggested. This is not a coincidence at all, on the contrary, this is part of their crooked, un-Islamic belief system.
These bastards and their apologists cry themselves hoarse about the killings done by the western soldiers in Afghanistan, but they don’t even pause to think that they themselves have killed more (or as many) Innocent Muslims as the invading soldiers.
A simple conversation with any of these jihadi beasts will reveal that they do it because it is “a good thing to do on the best day of the week”.
as i say its in the koran. its not a coincidence. muslim emulates everything that the prophet has done or said.
it is not a coincidence that :
child marriage to older men exist in tribal region of afganistan and pakistan and other islamic country like yemen. Muhamed consumated the mariage to aisha when she was 9.
it is not a coincidence that muslim hates jews despite some of you have never meet one ! the koran ask you to hate them and you obey.
its not a coincidence that Zarkawi beheaded its enemies and make a video of it. it is said in the Koran that Allah’s favorite punishment for his enemy is beheading. Mohamed beheaded 800 Jews of the Banu Quraiza tribe and its in the Koran.
its not a coincidence that there are so many muslim who want to blow themselves to go to paradise. In a verse of the Koran, a young boy who was eating dates heard the prophet say ” those who die as shahid will go directly in the paradise and will be together with the prophet in heaven one day” he quickly throw the dates and went to battle the enemy and he die as a shahid.
as for friday, again not a coincidence, Friday, Jumma is a very special occasion to go and meet God. so there is no coincidence.
I can see you are freely spitting venom against Islam on all threads here! Mind introducing yourself and your real motives please?
Taliban suicide bomber kills 40 at mosque in NW Pakistan
2010-11-05 19:10:32
PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) — A suicide bomber targeting a mosque Friday killed at least 40 people and injured around 90 in northwest Pakistan, officials said.
The bomber blew up himself in a mosque near Darra Adam Khel tribal region, some 30 kilometers from Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, police said.
Pakistani Taliban from Darra Adam Khel area claimed responsibility for the attack.
Officials said that the bomber wanted to target a pro- government tribal elder, who was believed to be in the mosque for Friday prayers with some 500 others.
Provincial Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain said that over 40 people were confirmed dead in the attack.
Commissioner of Kohat district Khalid Omarzai said that about 90 were also injured in the blast.
The injured were shifted to Peshawar and doctors said several were in critical condition.
Police has reached the site and cordoned off the area. Security forces confirmed that the attack was a suicide bombing.
Local television channels reported that many people were stuck under the debris after the roof of the mosque collapsed due to the intensity of the blast.
Attack on mosque in north-west Pakistan ‘kills 45’
The bomb went off as worshippers were leaving the mosque
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Taliban Conflict
Who are the Taliban?
Q&A: Fighting the Taliban
Challenges for Afghan forces
Suspicion over Nato tanker attacks
At least 45 people have been killed and nearly 100 injured in a suicide bomb attack on a mosque in north-west Pakistan, local officials say.
The attack took place during Friday prayers in the Darra Adam Khel area, near Pakistan’s tribal regions.
The roof of the mosque had caved in and the death toll was likely to rise, officials say.
It was not immediately clear who carried out the attack, the latest in a series of mosque and shrine bombings.
The Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for such attacks in the past and have been active in the Darra area.
The BBC’s M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says the latest bombing may have been a response from pro-Taliban militants to recent military offensives in the Darra area.
The mosque that was attacked was in the village of Akhurwal, about 45km (30 miles) south of Peshawar.
Continue reading the main story
M Ilyas Khan
BBC News, Islamabad
The suicide bombing is not the first of its kind in Darra Adam Khel, but it comes after a long interlude.
Darra has been a hub for militants affiliated with the main Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan group led by Hakimullah Mehsud, and a launch pad for attacks on nearby Peshawar and Nato supply convoys.
Pakistani security forces have been conducting limited operations in the area for nearly two years. Their attempts to raise a tribal force to counter the Taliban failed when some gatherings of local elders were attacked by suicide bombers.
But a subsequent strategy of raising an alternative Taliban group to counter the TTP worked and most Taliban leaders in the area were forced to seek refuge in Tirah region on the border between Orakzai and Khyber tribal regions.
Friday’s mosque bombing could be an attempt by them to make a comeback.
All that was left standing was one wall, according to the AFP news agency.
Witnesses contacted by the BBC said the bomber was on foot. He blew himself up at the main gate of the mosque after Friday prayers had ended and worshippers were coming out of the mosque.
“We fear there might be more casualties in the debris,” one official said shortly after the blast. Some of the injured are in a critical condition.
Ambulances and volunteers ferried the survivors to nearby hospitals. Rescuers said some victims of the blast had been trapped by debris.
“The blast tossed me up. I fell down,” one man told the Associated Press from his hospital bed in Peshawar. “Later, it was just like a graveyard.”
A number of children were among the dead and wounded, medics at Peshawar’s Lady Reading Hospital said.
“I had just finished the prayers when there was a big explosion. It was very terrifying. I don’t know what happened later. I just fell down,” 15-year-old Mohib Ullah told Reuters news agency.
Some reports say the target could have been a local tribal elder, whose house near the mosque was among those damaged. The elder is reported to have encouraged people to take a stand against the Taliban.
It is not clear if he was among the victims. One report said he now lived in Lahore.
The Darra region links up with Orakzai and Khyber tribal regions in the west and has served as a convenient base for militants attacking Nato supply convoys as well as Shia commuters from Kurram.
Friday’s bombing is the deadliest in Pakistan since an attack on a Shia Muslim rally in Quetta killed at least 50 people on 3 September.
Last month 25 people were killed in a blast at a shrine in Punjab province. Another attack at a Karachi shrine two weeks earlier killed nine and was claimed by the Taliban.
درہ آدم خیل کی مسجد میں دھماکہ ،50نمازی شہید ،80زخمی
Updated at 1750 PST
درہ آدم خیل … نیم قبائلی علاقے درہ آدم خیل کے گاؤں اٹاری وال کی مسجد میں نماز جمعہ کے دوران خود کش دھماکہ ہوا۔ دھماکے میں50 افراد شہید اور 80 سے زائد زخمی ہوئے۔ دھماکے سے علاقے میں بھگدڑ مچ گئی لیکن مقامی افراد نے امدادی کارروائیاں شروع کردیں،دھماکے سے مسجد کے اندرونی ہال کو نقصان پہنچا،اور علاقے کی فضا سوگوار ہو گئی ۔ دھماکے میں زخمی ہونے والوں کو پشاورکے لیڈی ریڈنگ اسپتال لایا گیا۔ اسپتال انتظامیہ کے مطابق بائیس افراد کی لاشیں لائی گئی ہیں جن میں ایک خاتون اور متعدد بچے بھی شامل ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ درہ آدم خیل کے مقامی اسپتال میں23 لاشیں لائی گئیں۔ زخمی ہونے والوں میں15افراد کی حالت نازک بتائی جاتی ہے، تحریک طالبان پاکستان نے اس واقعے کی ذمہ داری قبول کرلی ہے۔ اس واقع پر وزیر اطلاعات میاں افتخار حسین نے کہا کہ دہشت گردی حکومت کا عزم متزلزل نہیں کر سکتی۔ سینئر وزیر بشیر احمد بلورنے لیڈی ریڈنگ اسپتال کا دورہ کیا۔انہوں نے اس موقع پر کہا کہ مسجد میں حملے کرنے والے درندوں سے بھی بدتر ہیں۔
Jang, Updated at 1750 PST