Why do the Taliban prefer to kill on Fridays? – by Abdul Nishapuri

An innocent child, a victim of Taliban's war on Allah - Photo Credit: BBC Urdu

Here I am, once again, trying to muster up some emotional and physical energy to write a few lines in condemnation of the Taliban terrorists (and their supporters and apologists).

Today, on Friday 9 July 2010, a Talib suicide bomber exploded himself “in the way of Allah” (as Qari Hussain would probably claim) or “in reaction to the USA and Pakistani governments’ unjust policies” (as Imran Khan, Hameed Gul and Munawar Hasan would indeed state), killing at least 65 innocent persons (including children) and injuring more than 105.

According to Xinhua, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the attack. This admission was also reported in a local TV Channel Dawn News.

The people, the Taliban attacked today, were those who queued outside a government office in Pakistan’s Mohmand tribal region (in the town of Yakaghund) in order to receive donated wheelchairs for disabled and elderly persons.

However, given the frequency of the Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba’s consistent attacks on the people of Pakistan, I have become relatively insensitive to the gravity and barbaric nature of such attacks. My thoughts are instead focused on perhaps a petty coincidence, i.e., the Taliban’s choice of the day.

For the last three years (in fact, since General Musharraf’s military operation against the ISI-sponsored terrorists holed up in Islamabad’s Red Mosque), it is not hard to discern that Friday is a day of choice for the Taliban suicide bombers to explode themselves.

I wonder, why? Why do the Taliban prefer to kill on Fridays?

Any clue?



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  10. Zul-Jinnah
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  12. Abdul Nishapuri
  13. Abdul Nishapuri