Jamat-ud-Daawa receiving Rs 82 million from Punjab Government
Dawn has broken the news that Jamaat-ud-Daawa received more than Rs 82 million during 2009-10 from the Punjab Government in form of grants. Even though this is for sure condemnable, however, one has to understand that this may have been done under the rules of the Social Welfare Department. On the other hand, the Government of Punjab should be careful in such matters as it will give enough fodder for foreign press especially Indian media to keep on charging that there is state level support to Lashkar-e-Tayyaba who are charged with attacking India in the Mumbai attacks.
Food for thought for both local and international media – Rs. 82 million is a paltry sum compared to the actual donations and collections Jamaat-ud-Daawa type outfits get during a year. According to insiders who are linked with collections for social welfare outfits, collection of hides at Eid-al-adha can fetch more than Rs 100 million easily. Such outfits also have tacit support in form of donations at mosques as well as general donations from people following their ideology. In essence, the Rs 82 million may be a tiny fraction of the annual resource of Jamaat-ud-Daawa. We have to strategize as to how the government can effectively monitor the funding that such outfits receive and how do they spend the same.
Punjab govt gave Rs82m to JD: papers
Dawn-June 16, 2010
LAHORE, June 15: The Punjab government gave more than Rs82 million to the Jamatud Dawa (JD) during the outgoing financial year, according to the budget documents for 2010-11.
The supplementary budget for the outgoing fiscal presented before the provincial assembly for its approval reveals that the provincial government gave a grant of Rs79 million to the Markaz-i-Tayyaba, the JD headquarters in Muridke.
Another sum of Rs3 million was given as grants to the schools run by the JD in the different districts of Punjab, according to the supplementary budget 2009-10.
Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah Khan admitted to having given the money to the JD.
He told DawnNews on Tuesday that the money was given to these institutions after the organisation was banned (following the Mumbai attacks on Nov 26, 2008) and administrator was appointed by the government.
The purpose of giving this grant, he said, was to continue the welfare services provided by the organisation’s sc hools, dispensaries and hospitals.
A Punjab government spokesman denied having given money to the JD. He clarified that the grant had been given to the administrator for welfare
lahore, june 15: the punjab government gave more than rs82 million to the jamatud dawa (jd) during the outgoing financial year, ac- cording to the budget docu- ments for 2010-11. the supplementary budget for the outgoing fiscal presen- ted before the provincial as- sembly for its approval reveals that the provincial government gave a grant of rs79 million to the markaz-i-tayyaba, the jd headquarters in muridke. another sum of rs3 million was given as grants to the schools run by the jd in the different districts of punjab, according to the supplementa- ry budget 2009-10. punjab law minister rana sanaullah khan admitted to having given the money to the jd. he told dawnnews on tuesday that the money was given to these institutions af- ter the organisation was ban- ned (following the mumbai attacks on nov 26, 2008) and administrator was appointed by the government. the purpose of giving this grant, he said, was to contin- ue the welfare services provi- ded by the organisation’s sc hools, dispensaries and hospi- tals. a punjab government spokesman denied having given money to the jd. he clarified that the grant had been given to the adminis- trator for welfare
From time to time such reports surface up and if there is any substantiality in these reports, then I fear that another wave of terrorism might be around the corner. This money provided to this militant outfit would be from the tax-payers hard earned money.
Nawaz Sharif is definitely a change person now and he should take notice of JD funding . by Punjab government .
One may also consider the fact that in addition to the declared grants (Rs 82 million during 2009-10 from the Punjab Government), JD also receives large sums of undeclared grants from the state and its intelligence agencies.
As taxpayers of Pakistan, it is our money. Is JD accountable to us or to our elected government?
Rana Sanaullah’s lies exposed:
پنجاب کے وزیر قانون رانا ثناءاللہ خان کا کہنا ہے کہ جماعت الدعوۃ کے ادارے کیونکہ حکومت پنجاب اپنی تحویل میں لے چکی ہے اس لیے ان کے پراخراجات بھی حکومت کو ہی کرنا ہیں۔
پنجاب اسمبلی کے کمیٹی میں روم میں ایک پریس کانفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے صوبائی وزیرقانون رانا ثناءاللہ خان نے کہا کہ اقوام متحدہ کی پابندی کے بعد سے جماعت الدعوۃ کے ہپستال سکول کالج اوردیگر فلاحی ادارے اب حکومت پنجاب چلا رہی ہے جس کے لیے رقم کی ضرورت ہے
اسی لیے رقم بجٹ میں رکھی گئی۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ پنجاب کے مختلف اضلاع میں جماعت الدعوۃ کے بیشر سکول بدستور چل رہے ہیں وہاں حکومت پاکستان کا منظور کردہ نصاب پڑھایا جاتا ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا وہ سکول بند کردیے گئے جہاں طلبہ طالبات کی تعداد کم تھی البتہ ان طلبہ طالبات کو دوسرے سکولوں میں داخل کرا دیا گیا ہے۔ وزیر قانون نے کہا کہ ان اداروں کا نام تو وہی پرانا ہے لیکن ان کا اب کسی کالعدم جماعت سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے۔
لاہور سے ہمارے نامہ نگار علی سلمان نے بتایا کہ جماعت الدعوۃ کے ترجمان کا کہنا ہے کہ ان کی تنظیم نہ تو کالعدم ہے اور ہی ماضی میں کبھی انہوں نے حکومت سے کوئی فنڈ لیاہے۔
جماعت الدعوۃ کے ترجمان یحییٰ مجاہد نے بی بی سی سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ ان کے فلاحی اداروں پر حکومت کی نگرانی ضرور ہے لیکن انہیں جماعت الدعوۃ ہی چلا رہی ہے اور انہی کے لوگ ان اداروں میں خدمات انجام دے رہے ہیں۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ حکومت ان کے اداروں پر جو نگرانی کررہی ہے اسے وہ عدالت میں چیلنج کرنے کا ارادہ رکھتے ہیں۔
اس بات کا انکشاف پنجاب بجٹ کی ضمنی گرانٹ کے طور پر جاری ہونے والی دستاویز میں کیا گیا ہے۔
یہ رقم پنجاب حکومت کے ان اخراجات میں شامل ہے جو گذشتہ برس کے منظورشدہ بجٹ سے ہٹ کر کیے گئے اور اس سال انہیں ضمنی گرانٹ کے طور پر منظور کرانے کے لیے پنجاب اسمبلی میں پیش کیا گیا۔
اس اضافی اخرجات کی دستاویز کے مطابق حکومت نے مرکز طیبہ مریدکے کی چھ تنظیموں کو پونے آٹھ کروڑ روپے ادا کیے جبکہ مختلف اضلاع میں جماعت الدعوۃ کےسکولوں پر تیس لاکھ روپے خرچ کیے گئے۔
………………….. وزیرقانون نے بتایا کہ تقریباً اتنی ہی رقم آئندہ مالی سال کے بجٹ میں بھی رکھی گئی ہے۔
جب یہ پوچھا گیا کہ اگر جماعت الدعوۃ کالعدم تنظیم نہیں ہے تو پھر حکومت پنجاب ان کے اداروں کو چلانے کے لیے رقم کیوں خرچ کر رہی ہے، تو صوبائی وزیر قانون رانا ثناء اللہ نے جواب دیا کہ یہ ادارے اب سرکاری تحویل میں لے لیے گئے ہیں اور اس کی مثال ایسے ہی ہے جیسے کسی ادارے کو نیشنلائز کرلیا جائے۔ انہوں نے کہ سیکرٹری کی سطح کے ایک افسر کو ان اداروں کا ایڈمنسٹریٹر مقررکیا گیا ہے اسی طرح ہر ضلعی میں ایک سرکاری افسر کو ایڈمنسٹریٹر مقرر کرکے ان اداروں کو چلایا جا رہا ہے۔
These reports are highly disturbing; a banned terrorist organization is being allowed to hold political processions and is being aided by the government. I do not buy the argument that they are at least doing some good a lot of other charity organizations such as Edhi, Khubaib foundation are working on similar lines we should support them rather than facilitating the terrorists.
The chief minister of Punjab has allocated funds of Rs 86 million to the suspected terror nursery of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) in Muridke, defying the ban on the organisation by the federal government. The JuD is alleged to have been involved in the Mumbai attacks. What message will be delivered to India at a time when peace is being talked about? Is this how we bridge the trust deficit?Funds to the JuD of Muridke are being provided by the CM of the largest province in the federation, while the amir of JuD is also the founder of Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT). According to media reports, the JuD and LeT have been accused by the US of training the gunmen of the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. On the other hand, an almost Rs 100 million cut has been made in the funds for culture and youth affairs. The Punjab budget 2010-11 of the chote Mian Sahib speaks of his preferences.
The chief minister of Punjab has allocated funds of Rs 86 million to the suspected terror nursery of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) in Muridke, defying the ban on the organisation by the federal government. The JuD is alleged to have been involved in the Mumbai attacks. What message will be delivered to India at a time when peace is being talked about? Is this how we bridge the trust deficit?Funds to the JuD of Muridke are being provided by the CM of the largest province in the federation, while the amir of JuD is also the founder of Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT). According to media reports, the JuD and LeT have been accused by the US of training the gunmen of the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. On the other hand, an almost Rs 100 million cut has been made in the funds for culture and youth affairs. The Punjab budget 2010-11 of the chote Mian Sahib speaks of his preferences.
Asslam-o-Alaikum!Jamat-ud-Dawa is social welfare organisation. If government of Punjab allocate funds to him, that is not a bad thing.
jamat ut dawa is a great organization i apreciate punjab govt. one day we will free kashmir inshAllah hafiz saeed is rocking
keep it up……..