Linda Sarsour Archive

Neoliberal politics, selective outrage and activism take hypocrisy to new heights:   There is an ongoing discussion within the current U.S. administration on whether to ban the sectarian and covertly fascist Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Predictably, sections of the hypocritical neoliberal lobbies have jumped to the defence of MB. Ideally banning
The hidden dangers of Muslim led Anti-Trump rallies:   Since the year 2017, the news and social media have been inundated with reports on protests against President Donald Trump. One of the major rallies that took place was the Women’s March. The Women’s March protested against President
#TrumpMustGo: Trump Regime loses legitimacy in the light of Madonna’s Revolution: Question: Should another country therefore have the right to intervene in the U.S.? Considering the history of US foreign policy when it comes to intervening in foreign countries to overthrow governments, we need to ask ourselves this question: do